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Law Enforcement

Arrests for drug abuse violations in the United States were estimated at 1.5 million in 2002. Law enforcement officials must constantly adapt to new situations, make greater use of intelligence, stay current with technology, and expand cooperation between agencies to be effective in their drug control efforts.

Selected Publications

Design for a HIDTA/OCDETF Performance Monitoring and Management System (PDF)
This report provides information on the development of a method to examine the accomplishments of two major drug enforcement programs.

Drug Data Summary Fact Sheet
This fact sheet summarizes current data on drug use, drug enforcement activities, drug offenders in the criminal justice system, availability estimates, and the Federal drug control budget.

Fighting Urban Crime: The Evolution of Federal-Local Collaboration
This publication examines the rise of Federal-local collaboration, the various types of collaborations such as task forces and grant-funded programs, and the advantages collaboration offers both local and Federal authorities.

Gang- and Drug-Related Homicide: Baltimore’s Successful Enforcement Strategy
This bulletin reveals investigative approaches-controlled arrests, interviews of randomly arrested gang members, and grand juries as investigative tools-to combat inner-city gangs.

General Counterdrug Intelligence Plan (GCIP)
The GCIP reflects the collective need to clarify and make systemic improvements to U.S. drug intelligence and information programs.

Local Police Departments 2000
This report provides information on local police departments including the number and size of agencies, race and gender of sworn personnel, and drug enforcement activities.

National Drug Threat Assessment 2004
This assessment addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to the United States. It covers the trafficking and abuse patterns associated with cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin, MDMA, pharmaceutical drugs, and other dangerous drugs.

Law Enforcement Links

Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center, Technology Transfer Program (TTP)
The TTP provides, at no cost to State and local law enforcement agencies, equipment and training for counterdrug deployments and operations.

Customs & Border Protection (CBP)
CBP is responsible for apprehending individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally and stemming the flow of illegal drugs and other contraband.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
This Federal agency enforces the controlled substances laws of the United States.

Drugs and Crime Facts
This online resource from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) summarizes U.S. statistics about drug-related crime, law enforcement, courts, and corrections from BJS and non-BJS sources.

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Program
This program coordinates drug control efforts among local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies.

Last Updated: April 14, 2004

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