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National Accounts Products:

Satellite Accounts
Tangible Wealth

Industry Accounts:

Gross Domestic Product by Industry
Satellite Accounts

International Accounts Products:

Other Products
Balance of Payments
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
U.S. Direct Investment Abroad

Regional Accounts Products:

Other Products
Personal Income and Employment
BEA Regional Input-Output Multiplier Estimates

BEA Publications Available from GPO




National accounts downloads may be accessed from the National Accounts main page.


Industry Economic Accounts main page.


  • 1998-2002 NAICS Data:
    • GDPbyInd_GO_NAICSGross Output by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry, XLS
    • GDPbyInd_SHIP_NAICS: Shipments by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry, XLS
    • GDPbyInd_VA_NAICS: Value Added by Industry, Gross Output by Industry, Intermediate Inputs by Industry, the Components of Value Added by Industry, and Employment by Industry, XLS

  • 1947-1997 Historic SIC Data:
    • GDPbyInd_GO_SIC: Gross Output by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry, XLS
    • GDPbyInd_SHIP_SIC: Shipments by Industry in Current Dollars, Quantity Indexes by Industry, Price Indexes by Industry, XLS
    • GDPbyInd_VA_SIC: Value Added by Industry, Gross Output by Industry, Intermediate Inputs by Industry, the Components of Value Added by Industry, and Employment by Industry, XLS


  • 1998-2002 Annual I-O Tables: Contains the 1998-2002 make and use tables before redefinitions on a NAICS basis that are consistent with the 2003 comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts. EXE ZIP
  • Historic SIC Data
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Summary Tables
    NDN-0305 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). All tables at the summary level are included.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Standard Make and Use Tables at the detailed level
    NDN-0306 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables include the estimates of make, use, and direct requirements before redefinitions at the six-digit detailed level.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Supplementary Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table at the detailed level
    NDN-0308 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables include the estimates of industry-by-commodity total requirements at the six-digit detailed level and the total industry output multipliers.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Supplementary Make, Use and Direct Requirements Tables at the detailed level
    NDN-0307 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables include the estimates of make, use, and direct requirements after redefinitions at the six-digit detailed level.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Supplementary Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements Table at the detailed level
    NDN-0309 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables include the estimates of commodity-by-commodity total requirements at the six-digit detailed level and the total commodity output multipliers.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Supplementary Industry-by-Industry Total Requirements Table at the detailed level
    NDN-0310 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables include the estimates of industry-by-industry total requirements at the six-digit detailed level and the total industry output multipliers.
  • 1997 Benchmark I-O Bridge tables to Personal Consumption Expenditures and Private Fixed Investment in Equipment and Software
    NDN-0311 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Data presented are from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Tables contain estimates of the I-O commodity composition of NIPA personal consumption expenditures and private fixed investment in equipment and software at both the summary and detailed levels.
  • Detailed Item Output from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts: The table shows the detailed items and their corresponding output values from the 1997 benchmark input-output (I-O) accounts, that, when aggregated, equal commodity output.  It is a supplementary table to the 1997 benchmark I-O accounts. | XLS
  • Import Matrix from the 1997 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts | XLS
    The import-matrix is a supplementary table to the 1997 benchmark input-output accounts. For each commodity, the import-matrix table shows the value of import of that same commodity used by each industry.
  • Concordance between 1997 Input-Output Commodity Codes and Foreign Trade Harmonized Codes
    NDN-0317 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains underlying detailed data from the 1997 Benchmark I-O accounts published in "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts of the United States, 1997," Survey of Current Business (December 2002). Links Census merchandise trade data by harmonized foreign trade codes to I-O commodity codes. Data files are comma delimited ASCII files consisting of an I-O commodity code, the commodity description, a harmonized foreign trade code, the harmonized code description, and a weight. The weight indicates what portion of the harmonized code value was allocated to the I-O commodity.
  • 1997 Investment by Using Industries | XLS
    Contains data on the distribution of new structures, equipment, and software from the 1997 capital flow table as published in "Business Investment by Industry in the U.S. Economy for 1997," Survey of Current Business (November 2003). Input-output commodities are in producers' prices, and National Income and Product Account (NIPA) categories are in purchasers' prices.
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Table Six-Digit Transactions
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make table, use table, direct requirements coefficients table, and estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesale and retail margins (498 industry detail).
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O SIC-Based Table Six-Digit Transactions
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the 1992 benchmark I-O make and use tables before redefinitions based on the 1987 Standard Industry Classification System (SIC).
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Table Two-Digit
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make, use, direct requirements coefficients; industry-by-commodity total requirements and commodity-by-commodity total requirements tables; and estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins. Alternative use and make tables also provided with industries defined on a 1987 SIC basis (97-industry detail).
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the input requirements coefficients for the output from each industry that is directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users.
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    NDN-0184 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users.
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Composition of NIPA Final Demand
    NDN-0185 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains six-digit I-O commodity composition of each NIPA final demand category in millions of dollars valued at producers' prices and purchasers' prices.
  • 1992 Benchmark I-O Bridge Tables to PCE and PDE
    NDN-0186 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the 1992 estimates of the I-O commodity composition of national income and product accounts (NIPAs) personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and producers’ durable equipment (PDE) expenditures valued at producers’ prices and purchasers’ prices.
  • 1992 Investment by Using Industries
    | EXE | ZIP | XLS
    Contains data on the distribution of new structures and equipment to using industries from the 1992 capital flow tables as published in "New Structures and Equipment by Using Industry, 1992," Survey of Current Business (December 1998). Input-output commodities are in producers' prices, and NIPA categories are in purchasers' prices.
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O Table Six-Digit Transactions
    NDN-0016 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make table, use table, direct requirements coefficients table, and estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins (498-industry detail).
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the input requirements coefficients for the output from each industry that is directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users.
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users.
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O Table Two-Digit Make and Use
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make table, use table, direct requirements coefficients table, estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesales and retail trade margins; and industry-by-commodity and commodity-by-commodity total requirements coefficients (97-industry detail).
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O Composition of NIPA Final Demand
    NDN-0020 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains six-digit input-output commodity composition of each NIPA final demand category in millions of dollars valued at producers' prices and purchasers' prices.
  • 1987 Benchmark I-O PCE and PDE By NIPA Category
    NDN-0021 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the I-O commodity composition of the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) and producers' durable equipment (PDE) expenditure categories from the NIPAs in millions of dollars valued at producers' prices and purchasers' prices.
  • 1982 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Transactions
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make table, use table, and direct requirements coefficients table, and estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins (498-industry detail).
  • 1982 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    NDN-0026 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users.
  • 1982 Benchmark I-O Two-Digit
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make, use, direct requirements coefficients; industry-by-commodity total requirements and commodity-by-commodity total requirements tables; and estimates of commodity transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins (97-industry detail).
  • 1982 Benchmark I-O Six-Digit Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements
    NDN-0127 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains estimates of the inputs for each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users.
  • 1982 Investment by Using Industries
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains the distribution of new structures and equipment to using industries from the 1982 capital flows tables. Input-output commodities are in producers' prices, and NIPA categories are in purchasers' prices.



  • 1996 Transportation Satellite Account
    NDN-0252 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the make, use, direct requirements, and total requirements tables associated with the 1996 transportation satellite accounts. The 1996 transportation accounts are an extension of the 1996 annual U.S. input-output accounts.
  • 1992 Transportation Satellite Account Summary Two-Digit
    NDN-0193 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains 1992 transportation satellite account summary estimates for the transportation input structure, make, use, direct requirements, and industry-by-commodity total requirements tables.
  • 1992 Transportation Satellite Account Input Structure Six-Digit
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains 1992 transportation satellite account estimates of transportation input structure, make, and use at the six-digit level.
  • 1992 Transportation Satellite Account Industry-by-Commodity Six-Digit
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains 1992 transportation satellite account estimates of direct requirements and industry-by-commodity total requirements at the six-digit level.



International Economic Accounts main page.

  • BEA Reports: International Reports (7 Installments)

    Contains reports (usually seven a year) with summary estimates of international transactions (quarterly), international investment position (annual), and related topics. The printed reports are mailed the day after estimates are released. (The full text of all BEA Reports is available within minutes of its release.)
  • U.S. Trade In Goods

    This file contains seasonally adjusted and unadjusted exports and imports of goods on both a Census basis and balance of payments basis. These estimates are updated twice quarterly and revised annually in June. Series begin in 1989.
    • Current Installment (September 24, 2004): | EXE | ZIP
    • Historical Trend Series (June 25, 2004): | EXE | ZIP
    Next update of Current Installment: November 30, 2004. Next update of Historical Trend Series: June 2005.
  • U.S. Trade In Goods

    This file contains seasonally adjusted and unadjusted exports and imports of goods on both a Census basis and balance of payments basis. The estimates are updated monthly and revised annually in June. Series begin in 1989.
    • Current Installment (September 24, 2004): | EXE | ZIP
    • Historical Trend Series (June 25, 2004): | EXE | ZIP
    Next update of Current Installment: October 29, 2004. Next update of Historical Trend Series: June 2005.



The international transactions accounts provide a detailed and comprehensive view of economic transactions between the United States and foreign countries. They include estimates of exports and imports of goods, travel, transportation, other services, foreign aid, and private and official capital flows.

  • U.S. International Transactions, Second Quarter 2004
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains current US international transactions data on a balance of payments basis. The international transactions accounts provide a detailed and comprehensive view of economic transactions between the US and foreign countries. They include estimates of exports and imports of goods, travel, transportation, other services, foreign aid, and private and official capital flows. These estimates correspond to U.S. International Transactions Tables 1 - 11 in the January, April, July, and October issues of the Survey of Current Business.
  • U.S. International Transactions, Historical Series
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains historical U.S. international transactions data on a balance of payments basis. The international transactions accounts provide a detailed and comprehensive view of economic transactions between the US and foreign countries. They include estimates of exports and imports of goods, travel, transportation, other services, foreign aid, and private and official capital flows. These estimates correspond to US International Transactions Tables 1-12 in the July issue of the Survey of Current Business.
  • U.S. Trade in Goods by End-use and Areas
    | EXE | ZIP
    Contains annual estimates of U.S. trade in goods on both a Census and a balance of payments basis by major end-use categories for selected areas and countries. On the export side, the categories include agricultural products; nonagricultural goods; foods, feed, and beverages; industrial supplies and materials; capital goods; automotive vehicles, engines, and parts; and consumer goods. On the import side, the categories include petroleum and products; nonpetroleum goods; foods, feed, and beverages; industrial supplies and materials; capital goods; automotive vehicles, engines, and parts; and consumer goods.



FDIUS: Benchmark Surveys
Contains the results of BEA's benchmark surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States (FIDUS). Benchmark surveys are BEA's most comprehensive surveys, both in terms of companies covered and information gathered. Contains information on the financial structure and operations of the U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors, as well as estimates on transactions and positions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parent groups. Carries forward annual estimates on operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, and by state for selected items, present balance sheets and income statements; gross product (1992 and 1997 only); employment and compensation of employees; property, plant, and equipment; research and development expenditures; external financial position; and trade in goods. In addition, final benchmark survey results (for 1980, 1987, 1992, and 1997) include tables that show balance of payments data and the foreign direct investment position in the United States.  The 1997 estimates are stored as spreadsheets (.xls) and .pdf files.  The 1987 and 1992 estimates are stored in ASCII format.

  • Final Results 1997
    IID01-03 (.xls) | EXE | ZIP
    IID01-04 (.pdf) | PDF
  • Final Results 1992
    IDN-0058 | EXE | ZIP
  • Final Results 1987
    IDN-0053 | EXE | ZIP

FDIUS: Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies
Contains information on the financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. affiliates of foreign companies for the given year. These are the most detailed results of BEA's annual survey of foreign direct investment in the United States (only summary information appears in the Survey of Current Business). The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, and by state for selected items, present balance sheets and income statements; gross product (1992 forward); employment and compensation of employees; property, plant, and equipment; research and development expenditures; external financial position; and trade in goods.

  • Preliminary 2000 Estimates
    IID02-09 (.xls) | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1999 Estimates
    IID02-08 (.xls) | EXE | ZIP
    IID02-10 (.pdf) | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1998 Estimates
    IID01-05 (.xls) | EXE | ZIP
    IID01-06 (.pdf) | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1996 Estimates
    IDN-0233 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1995 Estimates
    IDN-0200 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1994 Estimates
    IDN-0061 | EXE | ZIP
    IPN-0234 (Publication)
  • Revised 1993 Estimates
    IDN-0059 | EXE | ZIP
    IPN-0202 (Publication)
  • Revised 1991 Estimates
    IDN-0057 | EXE | ZIP
    IPN-0063 (Publication)
  • Revised 1990 Estimates
    IDN-0056 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1989 Estimates
    IDN-0055 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1988 Estimates
    IDN-0054 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1986 Estimates
    IDN-0052 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1985 Estimates
    IDN-0051 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1984 Estimates
    IDN-0050 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1983 Estimates
    IDN-0049 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1982 Estimates
    IDN-0048 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1981 Estimates
    IDN-0047 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1980 Estimates
    IDN-0046 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1979 Estimates
    IDN-0045 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1978 Estimates
    IDN-0044 | EXE | ZIP
  • Revised 1977 Estimates
    IDN-0043 | EXE | ZIP


FDIUS: Establishment Data for 1992
Contains detailed estimates for 1992 on all establishments of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies. The estimates were obtained by linking BEA enterprise, or company, data on foreign direct investment in the United States with Census Bureau establishment, or plant, data for all U.S. companies. Data for the manufacturing establishments were extracted from the Census Bureau's census of manufactures. Data for the nonmanufacturing establishments include estimates of their number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales. The estimates are presented by detailed industry (they are classified into over 800 SIC four-digit industries), by country of the ultimate beneficial owner of the establishment, and by state.

FDIUS: Establishment Data for 1987
Contains detailed results for 1987 from linking BEA's data for foreign-owned U.S. business enterprises to the Census Bureau's data for the establishments (or plants) of those enterprises. Presents detailed estimates of the number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales of foreign-owned U.S. establishments and, for comparative purposes, of all U.S. establishments. Data are classified by detailed industry (four-digit SIC), by country of the ultimate beneficial owner of the investment, and by state. Covers both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing industries.

  • IDN-0072 | EXE | ZIP
  • IPN-0068 (Publication)


FDIUS: Establishment Data for Manufacturing
Contains detailed annual data on the manufacturing establishments of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies. The data were obtained by linking BEA enterprise (or company) data on FIDUS with Census Bureau establishment (or plant) data for all U.S. companies. Data for the foreign-owned manufacturing establishments were extracted from the Census Bureau's annual survey of manufactures (ASM) and cover most of the ASM items. The data are presented by detailed manufacturing industry (they are classified into the 459 SIC four-digit industries), by country of the ultimate beneficial owner of the establishment, and by state.

  • 1991: IDN-0076 | EXE | ZIP
  • 1991: IPN-0190 (Publication)
  • 1990: IDN-0075 | EXE | ZIP
  • 1990: IPN-0071 (Publication)
  • 1989: IDN-0074 | EXE | ZIP
  • 1989: IPN-0070 (Publication)
  • 1988: IDN-0073 | EXE | ZIP
  • 1988: IPN-0069 (Publication)


FDIUS: Selected Data, 1950-79
Contains annual estimates on the foreign direct investment position in the United States and on balance of payments transactions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parent groups for the years 1950-79. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry of affiliate, present foreign direct investment position in the United States, direct investment income, capital flows, and fees and royalties.

  • IPN-0064 (Publication)

FDIUS: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates
Contains annual estimates on the foreign direct investment position in the United States and on balance of payments transactions between U.S. affiliates and their foreign parent groups for the given years. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry of affiliate, present foreign direct investment position in the United States, direct investment income, capital flows, royalties and license fees, and other service transactions.

  • 1987-99: IDN-0266 | EXE | ZIP
    NOTE: Data for 1998-99 have been revised and are available at
  • 1980-86: IDN-0066 | EXE | ZIP

FDIUS: U.S. Business Enterprises Acquired or Established by Foreign Direct Investors
Contains the results of BEA's survey of new foreign direct investment in the United States. Supplements the summary tables that appear in the Survey of Current Business. These sets of supplementary tables contains additional detail for the given years on investment outlays, the number and type of investments and investors, and selected operating items -- total assets, sales, net income, employment, and US land owned - of the acquired or established U.S. enterprises. Covers years 1998 to 2001 under NAICS and 1992-97 and 1980-91 under SIC.  The estimates for 1998-2001 are stored as XLS spreadsheets and PDF files; those for earlier years are stored as ASCII .txt files.

  • 1998-2000 revised and 2001 preliminary
  • 1992-97: IDN-0262 | EXE | ZIP
  • 1980-91: IDN-0078 | EXE | ZIP



  • USDIA: 1999 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    IID-03-01 | EXE |  ZIP
    Contains the final results of the 1999 benchmark survey of U.S. direct investment abroad (USIDA). Contains information on the financial structure and operations of U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates. Data are presented by industry of the parent and by industry and country of the affiliate.
  • USDIA: 1994 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    IDN-0189 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the final results of the 1994 benchmark survey of U.S. direct investment abroad. Contains information on the financial structure and operations of U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates and estimates on the direct investment position and balance of payments between the parents and their affiliates. Data are presented by industry of the parent and by industry and country of the affiliate. The text describes the coverage, the definitions and concepts, and the classifications used in the survey.
  • USDIA: 1989 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    IDN-0035 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains the 1989 benchmark survey estimates on the financial structure and operations of bank and nonbank U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates. Carries forward annual estimates on operations of nonbank U.S. multinational companies. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, present balance sheets and income statements; employment and employee compensation; trade in goods; sales of goods and services; direct investment position and balance of payments estimates; research and development expenditures; and foreign income taxes.
  • USDIA: Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates
    Contains information on the financial structure and operations of nonbank U.S. parent companies and their nonbank foreign affiliates. The tables, which are shown by country and/or by industry, present balance sheets and income statements; employment and employee compensation; trade in goods; sales of goods and services; research and development expenditures; foreign income taxes; property, plant and equipment; and gross product (1995 forward).
    • Preliminary 2000 Estimates
      IID03-02 |
      EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1998 Estimates
      IID02-02 | EXE | ZIP
      IID02-01 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1997 Estimates
      IDN-0254 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1996 Estimates
      IDN-0238 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1995 Estimates
      IDN-0213 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1993 Estimates
      IDN-0039 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1992 Estimates
      IDN-0038 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1991 Estimates
      IDN-0037 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1990 Estimates
      IDN-0036 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1988 Estimates
      IDN-0034 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1987 Estimates
      IDN-0033 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1986 Estimates
      IDN-0032 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1985 Estimates
      IDN-0031 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1984 Estimates
      IDN-0030 | EXE | ZIP
    • Revised 1983 Estimates
      IDN-0029 | EXE | ZIP


USDIA: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates

  • 1982-2001: IID02-07 | EXE | ZIP
    Presents annual data on the U.S. direct investment position abroad and on balance of payments transactions between U.S. parents and their foreign affiliates for the years 1982-2001. The tables, shown by country and/or by industry of affiliate, present: U.S. direct investment position abroad, direct investment income, capital flows, royalties and license fees, and other service transactions.
  • 1982-88: IPN-0042
    Not available as a download


Regional economic accounts main page.

  • BEA Reports: Regional Reports (6 Installments)

    Contains reports, usually six a year, with summary estimates of State personal income (quarterly and annual) and of county and metropolitan area personal income (annual). The printed reports are mailed the day after the estimates are released. (The full text of all BEA Reports is available within minutes of its release.)




  • Regional Economic Information System (REIS) CD-ROM, 1969-2002

    Contains information for all counties, states, metropolitan statistical areas, and BEA Economic Areas, 1969-2002, for personal income by major source, per capita personal income, and population including earnings by 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry (1969-2000) and North American Industry Classifications System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2002), full-time and part-time employment by 1-digit SIC industry (1969-2000) and NAICS sector (2001-2002), regional economic profiles, personal current transfer receipts, farm income and expenses, and the BEA Regional Fact Sheet (BEARFACTS).
    Also available as a download.
  • State Personal Income (SPI) CD-ROM, 1969-2003
    Contains information for the U.S., regions, and states for the following:
    • Personal income, per capita personal income, population, disposable personal income, and per capita disposable income (1969-2003)
    • Personal income by major source and earnings by 2-digit SIC industry, and wage and salary disbursements by 2-digit SIC industry (1969-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and NAICS subsector (2001-2003)
    • Total full-time and part-time employment and full-time and part-time wage and salary employment by 2-digit SIC industry (1969-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and NAICS subsector (2001-2003)
    • Compensation of Employees by 2-digit SIC industry (1998-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and NAICS subsector (2001-2003)
    • Personal current transfer receipts by major program (1969-2003)
    • Farm income and expenses (1969-2003)
    • Personal current tax receipts (1969-2003)
    • BEA Regional Fact Sheet (BEARFACTS)
    Not yet available as a data product, but available as a download.
  • Quarterly Personal Income, 1969:I-2004:II
    Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains the quarterly estimates of state personal income. Consists of a table for each state of wage and salary disbursements by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) division through 2001 and North American Industry Classifications System (NAICS) sector 2001-2004:II and a table for each state of personal income by major source and earnings by SIC division through 2001 and NAICS sector 2001-2004:II. Software for Windows 95 is included.
  • State Income and Employment Summary - SA04
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates Contains summary estimates of personal income, nonfarm personal income, farm income, and employment by regions, states (1969-2003).
  • Personal Income by Major Source and Earnings by Industry - SA05
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains detailed estimates of personal income by major source and earnings by regions, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) industry (1969-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2003)
  • Compensation of Employees by Industry - SA06
    1998-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of compensation of employees by regions, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) industry (1998-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2003).
  • Wage and Salary Disbursements by Industry - SA07
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of wage and salary disbursements by regions, states, 2-digit SIC industry (1968-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2003).
  • Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employment by Industry - SA25
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of full-time and part-time employment by place of work by regions, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry (1969-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2003).
  • Full-Time and Part-Time Wage and Salary Employment by Industry - SA27
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of full-time and part-time wage and salary employment by place of work by regions, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry (1969-2000), 1-digit SIC (2001), and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2003).
  • State Economic Profile - SA30
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains summary estimates of income and employment for the United States, regions, and states.
  • Personal Current Transfer Receipts - SA35
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of personal current transfer receipts by major program for the United States, regions, and states.
  • Farm Income and Expenses - SA45
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of farm income and expenses by major categories; gross and net farm income aggregates for the United States, regions, and states.
  • Personal Current Tax Receipts- SA50
    1969-2003 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of personal current tax receipts by level of government and by type of receipt (including disposable personal income, total population, and per capital disposable personal income) for the United States, regions, and states.
  • Personal Income by Major Source and Earnings by Industry - CA05
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains detailed estimates of personal income by major source and earnings by industry for counties, metropolitan areas, and BEA economic areas, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry (1969-2000) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2002).
  • Total Full-time and Part-time Employment by Industry - CA25
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of full-time and part-time employment by place of work by industry for counties, metropolitan areas, BEA economic areas, states, 2-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry (1969-2000) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) subsector (2001-2002).
  • Regional Economic Profiles - CA30
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains summary estimates of income and employment for counties, metropolitan areas, BEA economic areas, states.
  • Wage and Salary Summary Estimates - CA34
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains total wage and salary disbursements, total full-time and part-time wage and salary employment, and average wage per job by counties, metropolitan areas, BEA economic areas, states.
  • Personal Current Transfer Receipts - CA35
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of personal current transfer receipts by major program for counties, metropolitan areas, BEA economic areas, and states.
  • Farm Income and Expenses - CA45
    1969-2002 Interactive Access to Current Estimates
    Contains estimates of farm income and expenses by major categories; gross and net farm income aggregates for counties, metropolitan areas, BEA economic areas, states.



  • BEA Economic Areas - Wall Map

    Consists of three maps: One side of the map shows boundaries for states, counties, economic areas (EAs), and metropolitan areas; the other side of the map has two smaller maps, one showing the component economic areas (CEAs) and another showing the EAs and the CEAs together. A schematic shows the procedures used to define the EAs.
    Not available as a download
  • BEA Economic Areas - Code
    RDN-0093 |
    EXE | ZIP
    Contains names and codes for each economic area (EA) and component EA (CEA) and for each county, its Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Code, its EA code, its CEA code, and a code for its metropolitan status. Documentation files explain the background for the EAs and the layout of the code file.


Contains multipliers from the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) for any region composed of one or more counties. Available on CD-ROM for $275.00 per region. More information on RIMS II is available at

RIMS II is a special order product and cannot be purchased through the BEA Order Desk. An order form for RIMS II multipliers can be found at


Some BEA products are available from GPO.



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