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The following is a list of resources available for America's youth to learn more about gang resistance, firearms education and related materials:

Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T) : Among other things, the GREAT Program provides classroom GREAT Logoinstruction for school-aged children and a wide range of community based activities that result in the necessary life skills, a sense of competency, usefulness, and personal empowerment needed to avoid involvement in youth violence and criminal activity.

Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative : The annual Crime Gun Trace Reports began in 1997 as part of ATF’s Youth Crime Gun Interdiction Initiative (YCGII), a youth-focused firearms enforcement program that is a component of ATF’s overall firearms enforcement program, the Integrated Violence Reduction Strategy. For this reason, YCGII is referred to throughout this report.

Project Surefire: Project Surefire began as a collaborative effort among Project Surefire - Illegal Guns Just Got More IllegalATF, the Chicago Police Department, and the U.S. Attorney's office to deal with one of this Nation's primary public safety issues, firearms violence. The partnership was further cemented when two rookie Chicago police officers were murdered.

Vicious crime and recent shootings at schools across the country have catapulted this issue to the forefront of public sentiment. The partners began the project with the object of increasing prosecutions of illegal firearm traffickers and others who use firearms violence as a way of life. Click here for more information on Project Surefire.

Operation TargetOperation Target: Operation TARGET (Taking Aim to Reduce Gun Violence and End Trafficking) is Western District of Pennsylvania's Firearms Violence Reduction Initiative that is a multifaceted team approach to reducing firearms related violence in the communities of Western Pennsylvania. The TARGET approach, use many past proven strategies, such as have been employed in other cities, along with innovations unique to our area. The TARGET strategy can be broken-down into five major components, each with elements that are being implemented as Operation TARGET progresses. Read entire text.

National Institute of Justice: Safe Schools Technology Initiative: In 1999, Congress mandated and funded NIJ's Office of Science and Technology to develop new, more effective school safety technologies to provide communities with tools to enhance school safety. NIJ was challenged to assist the nation's schools in achieving the perception and reality of a safer learning environment for students, teachers, and staff through the development and evaluation of safety and security technologies. Click here to find out more about NIJ's Safe Schools Technology Initiative.

National Crime Prevention Council: The U.S. Department of Justice and the Advertising Council, Inc., working through the National Crime Prevention Council, are developing a campaign to encourage Americans to store their firearms safely.

The campaign, planned to extend over three years, includes television, radio, print, and out-of-home public service messages distributed nationwide. For more information see: