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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Participation Data

Note: You may find that for printing purposes, these documents will need to be printed in landscape mode. Configuring your web browser's printer settings to landscape mode with 0.50" margins will help fit the data on the printed pages.

  • NEW: GIS Actuarial Maps Pilot
  • Summary Of Business Reports
  • Codes (FIPS, FCIC, Insurance Plans)
  • County Crop Program
  • Cotton: Premium Rates and Related Matters
  • UPDATED: Coverage Level Usage
  • Data Acceptance System (Appendix III/M-13) Handbook
  • Date Summaries
  • Directives for Crop Policies (Handbooks and Standards)
  • GRIP Final County Revenues
  • GRP Final Payment Yields
  • Indemnity Maps
  • Perennial Crop Transitional Yield & Acreage Tolerance Listings
  • Price Addendums
  • Price Summaries
  • Producer Premium Percentage Tables
  • Premium Subsidy Schedule
  • Reinsurance Reports
  • Sales Closing Dates
  • Summary Of Business Reports Note: ZIP files listed here are in Lotus 1-2-3 R9 spreadsheet format unless otherwise specified.

    Summary of Business Data/Reports
     Online Summary of Business System 
     This web application allows customers to run customized reports against the weekly Summary of Business crop insurance data. It can provide very specific, per state/county/crop details not found in the National Weekly Reports. SumBus Online
     Current Week, Year-to-DateAvailable Years
     The Crop Insurance Summary of Business Reports are year-to-date, cumulative summaries of the crop insurance industry's business. The reports are generated every Monday and reflect business through the previous Saturday. The data posted here are always the most current available for release. Reports are available sorted either by state, by crop, or by state and crop.
    & Crop
    2002- use SumBus Online
    2001- use SumBus Online
     National Summary Of Business Report 
     This report provides crop insurance business figures for the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and reinsurance industry separately for the years listed. 2001 thru 2004 (PDF)
    1991 thru 2000 (PDF)
     Complete Reports and Data 
     In non-delimited ASCII format at the county-level. This data can be downloaded to a host system for use with a reporting language, or imported into a PC-based spreadsheet. Starting May 27th, 2002 the summary data files now contain coverage level detail information. CAUTION: These files are approximately 5MB in size. Text ZIP file
     Record Layout Format 
     The record layout for the Summary of Business data files. 1997-current
     Puerto Rico Summary of Business
    Current 2000-RY Summary Of Business report 1 of 3 PDF
    2 of 3 PDF
    3 of 3 PDF
    Current 1999-RY Summary Of Business report 1 of 3 PDF
    2 of 3 PDF
    3 of 3 PDF
    Current 1998-RY Summary Of Business report 1 of 2 PDF
    2 of 2 PDF
     Previous reports available individually. Complete List
    Return to Contents

    County Crop Program Available Years
    Return to Contents

    Date Summaries Available Years
    Return to Contents

    Price Addendums Available Years
    Return to Contents

    Price Summaries Available Years
    Return to Contents

    Perennial Crop Transitional Yield & Acreage Tolerance Available Documents
     The Perennial Crop Transitional Yield and Acreage Tolerance Listing (Listing) provides a list of T-yields which are established by each RMA Regional Service Office and used by Crop Insurance Agents for setting the yield guarantee for producers who have less than 4 years of records. It also provides an acreage tolerance for the State Of Florida, citrus crops--if the total number of acreage in the county is more than 250 acres-- a crop inspection by the Insurance Provider is required. It provides the T-yield by Regional Service Office, by State, by county, county code, type/practice and the T-yield for perennial crops. 2003 & 2004 PDF 7
    2002 & 2003 PDF 6
    2001 & 2002 PDF 5
    2000 & 2001 PDF 1
    1999 & 2000 PDF 2
    1998 & 1999 PDF 3
    1997 & 1998 PDF 4
      Notes to files:
    1. 2001 Crop Year for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California, Texas; Macadamia Nuts: Hawaii
    2. 2000 Crop Year for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California, Texas; Macadamia Nuts: Hawaii
    3. 1999 for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California
    4. 1998 for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California
    5. 2002 Crop Year for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California, Texas; Macadamia Nuts: Hawaii
    6. 2003 Crop Year for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California and Texas; & Macadamia Nuts: Hawaii
    7. 2004 Crop Year for
      • Citrus: Arizona, California and Texas; & Macadamia Nuts: Hawaii
    Return to Contents

    Producer Premium Percentage Tables Available Years
     2001 ZIP
    2000 ZIP
    1999 ZIP
    Return to Contents

    Premium Subsidy Schedule Available Documents
    Effective for All 2001 Crop Year Crops Filed 8/31/00 and Later PDF
    Return to Contents

    Cotton: Premium Rates and Related Matters Available Documents
     Cotton Executive Summary
    Appendix A: Charts
    PDF (58K)
    PDF (59K)
    PDF (24K)
    Return to Contents

    Codes Available Documents
     Codes used throughout this site, available in PDF Format FIPS State Codes
    FCIC Crop Codes
    Insurance Plan Codes
    (Exhibit 11-6; page 19)
    Return to Contents


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    Last Updated: Monday, 30-Aug-2004 16:05:59 Central Daylight Time