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TRADOC Futures Center marks first year
Training and Doctrine Command celebrated its one-year anniversary for the Army's Futures Center at Fort Monroe Oct. 1. "The Futures Center is to design, develop and integrate the future force for our Army," said Lt. Gen. John M. Curran, director, Futures Center, and TRADOC's deputy commanding general for futures. "That encompasses working across the full domain of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leader development, personnel and facilities."

Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course changes to provide better training
The Advanced Noncommissioned Officers Course kicked off a new program of instruction Sept. 13 with Class 01-04. The new POI cut the first phase of training and reduced the length of the course to a six-week, one-phase course, said 1st Sgt. Michael Hibbs, ANCOC branch chief.

Fort Benning's Kelley Hill Soldiers prepare to rotate to Iraq
The Kelley Hill troops slated to return to Iraq early next year spent 10 days in the field making sure they're ready. "In 90 days, plus or minus, you'll be on the ground doing this for real," said Lt. Col. Roger Cloutier to his Soldiers. "This is our last collective training opportunity."

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TNS serves military newspaper editors, the TRADOC community and the general public. Media should direct queries to (757) 788-4465 or email mediaq@monroe.army.mil.

Quotable quote

Current focus: Preparing the Army for Joint operations

“The (combat) brigades are being totally reorganized. Our brigades are organized by their current function. The infantry brigade has purely infantry organizations in it, but when we send them to war, we reorganize them into combined-arms organizations – we put artillery in them, support structure in them, intelligence – and that’s the way we’ve designed ourselves, but it’s wrong, it doesn’t support operations. So in Training and Doctrine Command, we developed some new designs, worked it through thinktanks. … This year we’re redesigning two divisions into new constructs: 3rd Infantry Division and the 101st. … Our divisions will go from three maneuver brigades to four maneuver brigades. A maneuver brigade will have tremendous additional capability built in: it will have its own artillery, it will have its own reconnaissance capabilities, and it will have its own support structure, military intelligence and signal.” – Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes, Training and Doctrine Command commanding general

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Oct. 4 -- Joint Forces Command announces training milestone

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Last updated Oct. 15, 2004
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