Committee on House Administration





[Welcome] [Telecommuting Policy] [Sample Agreement] [Security Guidelines] [Forms]

The following documents will help offices establish and administer a telecommuting program.
Each of the documents should be thoroughly reviewed prior to initiating a telecommuting policy

1. Telecommuting Policy

Provides a framework within which offices may operate a telecommuting program.
It governs use of official resources for any telecommuting program.

2. Sample Telecommuting Agreement
Is a sample in-office agreement (similar to the Model Employee Handbook) that offices
may customize to meet their particular needs and office policies.

3. Security Guidelines for Personnel Who Work from a Telecommuting Center
Provides guidelines for managing the information security risks and connectivity questions
experienced by people using telecommuting centers.

[Welcome] [Telecommuting Policy] [Sample Agreement] [Security Guidelines] [Forms]

Prepared by the Committee on House Administration
Rep. Robert W. Ney, Chairman
1309 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
(202) 225-8281