BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Find Business Partners in Germany

The U.S. Commercial Service offers a range of programs in order to support U.S. companies searching for business partners in Germany.

International Partner Search (IPS)

Provides a report on up to five prescreened potential German partners interested in your products and services... more...

Gold Key Matching Services (GKS)

Our most successful match-making program... more...

Platinum Key Service (PKS)

Long term customized consulting services more...

International Company Profile (ICP)

Financial reports on potential German buyers and business partners... more...

Promote Your Company on Our U.S. Commercial Service Website

Let us translate your product information into German and feature your company on the local version of our website, which targets German importers and buyers. For a limited time, we offer this $100 value FREE for qualifying U.S. exporters more...

Single Company Promotion (SCP)

All the support you need... more...