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# top
2000 Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring: Annual Report, National Institute of Justice, April 2003. This report tracks drug use and related behavior among arrestees in many of the Nation’s largest cities.   Summary
A top
ADAM 1997 Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, July 1998. This report presents the results of both drug urinalysis and self report information from adult male and female arrestees and juvenile male arrestees/detainees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Cocaine Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999, Provides information on cocaine use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Marijuana Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on marijuana use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Methamphetamine Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on methamphetamine use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Opiate Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on opiate use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM Preliminary 2000 Findings on Drug Use and Drug Markets--Adult Male Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, Bruce G. Taylor, Dana Hunt, Henry H. Brownstein, Judy A. Reardon, and Nora Fitzgerald. December 2001. The ADAM program measures the extent of drug use in the high-risk population of people who have been arrested. This preliminary report presents data just about male arrestees.   Summary
B top
The Brain & the Actions of Cocaine, Opiates, and Marijuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 1998. A slide teaching packet for teachers and health professionals. 
C top
Color Test Reagents/Kits for Preliminary Identification of Drugs of Abuse, NIJ Standard-0604.01, National Institute of Justice, June 2000. This report establishes standards for drug testing reagents/kits.  Summary
D top
Detection and Prevalence of Substance Use Among Juvenile Detainees, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, K. Abram, G. McClelland, and L. Teplin. June 2004. This bulletin assesses substance use detection methods (self-report and urinalysis) and prevalence among high-risk youth detained in Cook County, Illinois.  
Detection of "Date-Rape" Drugs in Hair and Urine, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Negrusz, August 2003. The objective of this project was to develop a methodology to detect flunitrazepam and its major metabolite 7-aminoflunitrazepam in the hair of victims of drug-facilitated sexual assault. 
Developing a Policy for Controlled Substance Testing of Juveniles, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Ann H. Crowe and Linda Sydney, May 2000. Provides an overview of issues involved in developing and implementing substance testing in the juvenile justice system. 
Differences in the Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use Across Five Factors: Gender, Race, Age, Type of Drug, and Offense Seriousness, National Institute of Justice, A. Rosay, D. Hertz, and S. Najaka. May 2000. This study examines the accuracy of self-reported drug use of individuals in the justice system.  
Drogas, Juventud, e Internet--Boletín Informativo, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2004. This Spanish language bulletin discusses the prevalence of drug-related activity on the Internet, and the threat it poses to adolescents and young adults. 
Drug and Alcohol Use and Related Matters Among Arrestees, 2003, National Institute of Justice, 2004. This data report presents findings from 39 Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM) sites that collected data during one or more quarters in 2003. 
Drug Identification and Testing in the Juvenile Justice System (Summary), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Ann H. Crowe. May 1998. This report highlights innovative ways to identify and intervene with substance-abusing juveniles. 
Drug Testing for Youthful Offenders on Parole: An Experimental Study, National Institute of Justice, G. Boyken, L. Britton, R. Haapanen, and S. Henderson. June 2000. This report presents the findings of a five-year experimental study of drug testing for youthful offenders released to parole. 
Drug Testing in a Drug Court Environment: Common Issues to Address, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, Jerome J. Robinson and James W. Jones, May 2000. An overview of the most critical topics that need to be addressed in developing and maintaining a drug testing capability in drug courts. 
Drug Treatment Needs Among Adult Arrestees in Baltimore, National Institute of Justice, September 1997. A summary of research conducted on drug-involved Baltimore, Maryland arrestees through interviews and drug tests.   Summary
Drug Use, Testing, and Treatment in Jails, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Doris James Wilson, May 2000. Describes the drug involvement of jail inmates and the level of drug use, testing, and treatment in jails.  Summary
E top
Evaluation of Analytical Methodologies for Non-Intrusive Drug Testing: Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Cocaine From Hair, National Institute of Justice, December 1998. This report describes the results of the investigation of supercritical fluid extraction and it's reliability for distinguishing between environmental contamination and active drug use.   Summary
F top
Fact Sheet for Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC), Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 1997. Provides an overview of CTAC mission and projects. 
G top
Guide to the Technologies of Concealed Weapon and Contraband Imaging and Detection, National Institute of Justice, Nicholas G. Paulter, February 2001. Describes technology that is able to detect illegal drugs, weapons, and explosives.  Summary
H top
Hair Assays and Urinalysis Results For Juvenile Drug Offenders, National Institute of Justice, April 1997. This report provides an overview of a research project that compared the results of drug testing methods.   Summary
I top
Improving the PharmCheck Sweat Patch: Reducing False Positives from Environmental Contamination and Increasing Drug Detection, National Institute of Justice, D.A. Kidwell and M. Long, September 2002. This paper explores different methods of removing drugs from contaminated skin and compares various patch designs for their efficacy in absorbing and retaining drugs on the skin. 
Integrating Drug Testing Into A Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update, Bureau of Justice Assistance, July 1999. This document is an updated version of a 1992 monograph describing how to integrate drug testing into a jurisdiction’s pretrial services system. 
M top
Monitoring the Marijuana Upsurge With DUF/ADAM Arrestees, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Golub and B. Johnson, July 2001. This report examines the dynamics of trends in marijuana use detected at 23 locations across the nation served by the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program from 1987 through 1998. 
N top
National Drug Control Strategy, 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. Provides an overview of Federal efforts to prevent drug use, treat America's users, and disrupt the drug market. 
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.  
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.   Summary
National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) 2002 Annual Report , Drug Enforcement Administration, June 2003. This report provides information on the 2002 activities of NFLIS, a DEA program that collects drug analysis results and related information from state and local forensic laboratories across the country. 
National Forensic Laboratory Information System Midyear Report 2003, Drug Enforcement Administration, September 2003. This report provides data from the National Forensic Laboratory Information System, a program that systematically collects results from drug analyses conducted by state and local forensic laboratories. 
National Forensics Lab Information System (NFLIS) 2001 Annual Report, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2002. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country. 
National Forensics Lab Information System (NFLIS) 2000 Annual Report, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2001. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country.  
National Forensics Lab Information System, Quarterly Report: October - December 2002, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2003. This report provides data from NFLIS, a project that collects results from drug analyses conducted by State and local forensic labs across the country.  
O top
Operation Drug TEST Evaluation, National Institute of Justice, A. Harrell, D. Longshore, F. Taxman, J. Byrne, S. Turner, and T. Fain. June 2001.This report provides information on an evaluation of Operation Drug TEST (ODT), a pretrial intervention featuring drug testing; sanctions for drug use; and treatment, as needed, for defendants under pretrial supervision. 
P top
Predicting Pretrial Misconduct with Drug Tests of Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, January 1996. An assessment of the effectiveness of drug testing as a means of predicting that a released arrestee will commit an additional offense or fail to appear in court during the pretrial period.  Summary
Preliminary Data on Drug Use & Related Matters Among Adult Arrestees & Juvenile Detainees, 2002, National Institute of Justice, June 2003. This tabular booklet presents findings from 36 Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM)sites that collected data in 2002. 
Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices, Bureau of Justice Assistance, D. Alan Henry and John Clark, July 1999. This bulletin provides an overview of drug testing issues and practices at the pretrial stage of the criminal justice system. 
Public Domain Drug Court Software: Functions and Utility, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This document presents a largely nontechnical description of four public domain drug court MISs and surveys a range of information useful for supporting drug court activities. 
R top
The Rise of Marijuana as the Drug of Choice Among Youthful Adult Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, Andrew Golub and Bruce D. Johnson, June 2001. Discusses trends in marijuana use among booked young adult arrestees from 1987 through 1999.  Summary
S top
Susceptibility of PharmChek Drugs of Abuse Patch to Environmental Contamination, National Institute of Justice, D.A. Kidwell, Ph.D. and F.P. Smith, Ph.D., September 2002. This paper explores some of the variables affecting how drugs from the external environment can enter the patch, tests cleaning human skin after the contamination with known amounts of drugs, and the persistence of drugs placed on skin. 
T top
Ten Steps for Implementing a Program of Controlled Substance Testing of Juveniles, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Ann H. Crowe and Linda Sydney, May 2000. Specific information to assist those seeking to establish an effective substance abuse testing program for juveniles. 
Toxicological Investigations of Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults , Federal Bureau of Investigation, M. LeBeau, April 1999. This report addresses common problems encountered by toxicologists in cases of drug-facilitated sexual assault and provides suggestions to overcome some of these obstacles. 
Trace Detection of Narcotics Using A Preconcentrator/Ion Mobility Spectrometer System, National Institute of Justice, Gary A. Eiceman, Jaime E. Rodriguez, John E. Parmeter, April 2001. Presents results from experiments of a trace drug detection system using a chemical preconcentrator and associated control hardware and an ion mobility spectrometer.   Summary
U top
Use and Evaluation of Hair Analysis, Urinalysis, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry in a Juvenile Diversion Program in New Orleans, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, T. Mieczkowski, R. Mumm, and H. Connick. February 2002. This report describes the basis of the juvenile diversion process, the integration of the three drug testing technologies into the program, and the results of the application of these technologies. 
Using the Internet for Drug Abuse Prevention, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. The main aim of this guide is to clear the confusion and lessen the intimidation that can exist for organizations and groups taking their first steps towards creating a net based prevention initiative. 
W top
What You Need to Know About Drug Testing in Schools, Office of National Drug Control Policy, July 2002. This guide is designed to assist educators, parents, and community leaders in determining whether student drug testing is appropriate for their schools.  
What You Need to Know About Starting a Student Drug-Testing Program, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2004. This booklet reviews the steps you need to take before implementing a student drug testing program, offers guidance on how to find funding for the program, and includes a discussion of how some schools select students for testing and what types of tests they use.  Summary

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