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Events of Interest
Our technology-focused events unite new or existing communities of technology developers and users, allowing you to learn about common needs and to seek collaborations for technology development.
Upcoming Events

Training For Tomorrow
- Two full days of insightful presentations, demonstrations, and networking
- To be held October 27 - 28 in Houston, Texas
Focused on training needs and solutions for the future
Learn more at the T4T04 homepage

 Recent Events

Smart Medical Technologies Summit
- Held April 7 - 8, 2004 in Houston, Texas
Focused on the emergency medical technology needs and solutions

Go to smt04 homepage

Go to HP03 homepage

Human Performance 2003
- Held October 2003 in Houston, Texas
- Focused on the technologies that will drive the next advances in understanding and improving human performance

- Review streaming audio presentations and links on the event homepage

Bioengineering / Biotechnology 2003
- Held June 2003 in Houston, Texas
- Focused
on bioengineering and biotechnology solutions for human crews working in remote or hostile environments

Go to BioE / Biotech 2003 - Event Homepage

Go to ES02 homepage Environmental Sentinels
- Held September 2002 in Houston, TX
- Focused on environmental monitoring technologies for space, terrestrial, and defense environments
  Human Operations
- Held November 2001
- Focused on the intelligent technologies of greatest value to human operations during an emergency
Go to HOps 01 homepage
Bullet SmartSystems 2000 (September 2000): first international conference devoted to smart systems and robotics for medicine and space
Bullet Human.Systems 2001: Exploring the Human Frontier : dedicated to the space and terrestrial application of technologies for human factors and psychosocial adaptation
Bullet 4th Annual NanoSpace (March 2001): international conference on nano/micro technology for space applications
3rd Annual NanoSpace (January 2000)

Author: SL/S. Alyssa Mueller -
Curator: SL/David Kiss -
Responsible NASA Official: SL/Don Stilwell -
This site was last updated: October 5, 2004

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