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Army Disability Awards Program

Award Winners


DA Award for the Best Disability Program
DA Award for the Outstanding Army Employee with a Disability

DA Award for the Outstanding Army Employee with a Disability

DA Award for the Outstanding Army Employee with a Disability is awarded annually. The purpose of the award is to identify, recognize, and publicize the achievements of outstanding employees with disabilities who have made significant contributions to the Army mission, thereby helping to open employment opportunities for other persons with disabilities. Outstanding Disabled Army Employee of the Year Award. To be eligible for consideration this award, Army employees must meet the following criteria:

  1. Job performance must clearly exceeded requirements by over-coming severely limiting physical factors.

    1. The job performance must include performance within one year preceding the nomination. The existence of official recognition for performance in the form of an Exceptional Performance Rating, Quality Increase, or Special Achievement Award (Sustained Superior Performance) during the year preceding the nomination should support the nomination, but is not necessary. Where the employee has not had such official recognition, the nominating official must certify that the nominee's job performance clearly exceeded performance requirements during the year preceding the nomination. Repeated recognition for performance during the nominee's career would clearly reflect continuing exemplary performance. Advancement to higher-level positions will be a factor in support of continuing professional development.

    2. The term "severely limiting physical factors" refers to the material physical impairments that ordinarily would prove a serious hindrance to securing employment. The impairments must be significant, rather than slight, and relatively permanent in that they usually are not correctable by medical means. It is not necessary that the physical impairment of the nominee be so severe that they qualify medically for an excepted appointment under Schedule A, Section 13.3102(u) or (t). Since "selective placement" (that is, the careful matching of abilities with the duties of the position) is one of the main objectives of the program, it is not necessary that the physical disability involved be severe in direct relationship to the duties of the position.

    3. Perseverance and initiative in overcoming a disability that serves as an inspiration to others and results in a positive influence toward opening opportunities for persons with disabilities in the Federal service. The severity, nature, and uniqueness of the disability, as well as its relationship to the job, play an important role in determining the perseverance and initiative necessary to overcome the disability.

  2. The following factors will be considered in rating the nominee:

    1. Initiative, inspiration, and involvement. Based on rater's judgment, assign 0-5 points for each of these factors for a maximum of 15 points for all three.

      1. Consider the nominee's perseverance and initiative in overcoming his or her disability.

      2. How the individual's actions served as an inspiration to other disabled persons and resulted in opening opportunities for them.

      3. Consider nominee's individual and community involvement to assist handicapped and disadvantaged persons achieve their full potential.

    2. Degree of disability. Consider the severity of nominee's disability in terms of duties of positions as follows:

      1. Slight-10 points.

      2. Moderate-15 points.

      3. Severe-20 points.

    3. Agency recognition. Assign points for agency recognition as indicated below.

      1. Letters of appreciation and similar recognition, 1-5 points.

      2. Quality step increases, special achievement awards, and similar recognition, 5-10 points.

      3. Exceptional performance ratings or comparable ratings, 10-15 points.

      4. Exceptional record of awards or comparable recognition, 15-20 points.

    4. Other recognition. Based on rater's judgment, assign 1-10 points for recognition received from outside the nominee's agency from such sources as other Federal, State, local agencies, professional associations, and community organizations that show achievement by the nominee in spite of impairment.

    5. Performance of duties. Assign 5-20 points. Consider the uniqueness of the nominee's duties in relation to his or her disability, as supported by an evaluation by the nominating officials. Department of the Army personnel previously as the DA nominee should not be re-nominated unless he or she has demonstrated significant employment accomplishments over and above that covered in the previous nomination(s). MACOMs and independent reporting activities must provide a written statement of justification for re-nomination of a previous DA award winner.

  3. PMIWD at all levels:

    1. Will monitor procedures for nominating and selecting nominees for the award. Incentive awards personnel may process nominations.

    2. Should use their knowledge of individuals with disability on the rolls to assist management officials in identifying prospective nominees.

  4. Major Army commanders and heads of independent reporting activities are strongly encouraged to submit one nomination for this annual award. They are also encouraged to establish their own Disabled Employee of the Year Award Program to coincide with the DA program.

  5. Documentation for the award will include:

    1. A completed DA Form 1256 (Incentive Award Nomination and Approval).

    2. A citation of not more than 100 words, highlighting the significance of the nominee's achievements.

    3. A biographical sketch of the nominee.

    4. Significant employment history.

    5. A summary of achievements that impact on the Army's EEO program progress and includes other awards or honors received. The summary must be specific in substantiating actions or projects that are the basis for the nomination.

    6. Six 8- by 10-inch glossy black and white photograph of the employee at his or her work site. Some employees with disabilities may not wish to be considered for nomination and others may not want their photograph used for publicity or promotion purposes. Employees who wish to have their photographs used will sign and date the following employees' agreement: "Use of the attached nomination and photos by the U.S. Government for publicity and promotion of the Army Disability Awards Program is hereby authorized."

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DA Award for the Best Disability Program

DA Award for the Best Disability Program is awarded annually as appropriate. The purpose of the award is to recognizes an Army activity or installation that has supported the overall purpose of the IWDP by development and implementation of creative and innovative actions that resulted in an increase in the representation of individuals with disabilities (IWD) in the workforce. The Award when made is presented during the Ceremonies scheduled during National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October.

  1. To be eligible for considerations for the "Best Disability Program" award the following factors must be submitted for consideration:

    1. Statement of Justification. A description of what has been developed and implemented to achieve exceptional disability, disabled veterans and workers' compensation programs. When discussing your worker's compensation program, significant money saving initiatives/data should be included. (40 points)

    2. Current Statistical Profile. Suggest activity IWD representation be at or above the DoD goals, as measured against the total work force, i.e., 7% disabled and 2% targeted disabled; and/or, an increase in the representation of IWD in the workforce over the recent past (2-4 years) that are directly attributable to program initiatives. (20 points)

    3. Recognition. State and/or local recognition, awards, citations, etc., Received as a result of community involvement, impact and/or program achievement in the area of employment of IWD. Include a statement for each award received explaining its purpose and significance. (20 points)

    4. MACOM/independent reporting activity (IRA) Recommendation. Include an explanation of the criteria used to evaluate the nominations received and a statement of justification for supporting the nomination of a particular activity/installation as the "best disability program." Award recipient. (20 points)

  2. Nominating officials should be advised that nominations are to include all information requested and any other information they feel will strengthen the nomination. The nomination will be the sole basis for selection and, therefore, special care should be taken to assure that the submission is correctly prepared and does justice to the nominee.

  3. MACOM and IRA may submit one nomination in each category. Award nominations must be received by HQDA (SAMR-SFEOA), 1941 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY, CM#4, SUITE 207, ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA 22206-4508, no later than 30 May of each year (unless notified otherwise). Extensions will not be approved due to the time frames established to meet DoD requirements.

  4. A special ad hoc committee at HQDA will select the awardee in each category from among those received. The Outstanding Army Disabled Employee of the Year will receive the Meritorious Civilian Service Award signed by the Secretary of the Army at a DA ceremony in the Pentagon The individual selected for the DA award automatically becomes the Army recipient of the DoD Outstanding Disabled Employee of the Year. An appropriate plaque will be presented to the Best Disability Program activity or installation by the Secretary of the Army at a DA ceremony in the Pentagon. Travel expenses for the activity or installation awardees will be absorbed by the activity or installation.

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