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Selenite Crystal

Selenite Crystals

The salt plains are a unique geological area. The 11,000-acre barren area is near perfectly flat with a wafer thin salt crust.

The salt was formed by repeated flooding by sea water millions of years ago. The sea water was cut off from the sea and evaporated, depositing thick layers of salt. The area was subsequently covered by erosion from mountain ranges.

Below the plains, ground water travels through the salt-saturated sand and comes to the surface where it evaporates,

leaving the crust of salt. The concentrated saline solution combines with gypsum to promote selenite crystal growth in a portion of the salt flats.

What is Selenite, and How are Selenite Crystals Formed?

Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum. Chemically, it is a hydrous calcium sulfate. Gypsum is a common mineral that takes on a great variety of crystal forms and shapes. On the Salt Plains, the crystals are formed just below the salt encrusted surface. They are seldom found deeper than 2 feet below the surface.

Crystals take on the characteristics of their environment; the finer the soil, the more clear the crystals. Iron oxide in the soil gives the crystals their chocolate brown color.

Because these crystals form in wet soil, sand and clay particles are included within the crystal. These particles often form an "hourglass" shape, found only in this area. Other foreign objects in the soil, such as sticks, rocks, bones, and even cockleburs, are sometimes included as the crystal forms.

Selenite Crystal Under Light

Single crystals, penetration twins, and clusters are the typical crystal shapes most frequently encountered on the refuge. Exceptional individual crystals measuring up to 7 inches long have been found, along with complex combinations weighing as much as 38 pounds.

In certain places on the Salt Plains, gypsum and saline solutions in the soil are sufficiently concentrated to promote crystal growth.

When temperature and brine conditions are ideal, the crystals may form very rapidly.

Selenite Crystal
When heavy rains or floods bring great quantities of freshwater to the plains, some of the selenite crystals may go back into solution until conditions are right for recrystallization.
Selenite Crystal Digging Wildlife Associated with the Salt Flats
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