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AFSIC Publications

AFSIC staff create and publish information resource guides that focus on topics of current interest. Some are issued as parts of National Agricultural Library Series, including Quick Bibliographies (QBs) and Special Reference Briefs (SRBs). Others are published as AFSIC Notes and miscellaneous documents. To help clarify the kind of publications we offer:

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Publications Alphabetized by Title or by Publication Date


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Great Places to Find Information About Farming Alternatives

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Publications (alphabetized by title)

* Acid Rain, QB 95-03 (January 1995) [547kb]
* Adopting Sustainable Alternatives, AFSIC Notes no. 1 (January 1992) [9.4kb]
* Agriculture and the Environment, AFSIC Notes no. 2 (March 1992) [13.7kb]
* Agroforestry Systems, QB 92-28 (February 1992)[257kb]
* Air Pollution Effects on Crops and Forests, QB92-24(February 1992) [318kb]
* Allelopathy: The Effects of Chemicals Produced by Plants, QB 94-56 (September 1994) [331kb]
* AFSIC no longer has copies available of "Alternative Agriculture" by the Committee on the Role of Alternative Farming Methods in Modern Production Agriculture, National Research Council, published in 1996. The 1989 edition of this title may be read free online at National Academies Press,
* List of Alternative Crops and Enterprises for Small Farm Diversification (February 2004) [39kb]
* Agri-environmental Indicators: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography. (April 1998) A joint Economic Research Service - AFSIC publication. [Available in print only. Order a free copy from the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
* Alternative Crops, QB 96-11 (September 1996, covers June 1993-June 1996) [165kb]
* Alternative Crops, QB 93-53 (August 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [117kb]
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 98-01 (September 1998, covers July 1996-June 1998) [613kb]
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 96-08 (September 1996, covers March 1993-June 1996) [2 linked files: 504kb and 287kb]
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 93-17 (February 1993, covers January 1991-January 1993) [255kb]
* Amaranths for Food or Feed, QB 92-40 (March 1992) [153kb]
* Applying for a SARE Grant? (July 2004)
* Aquaculture Resources Menu. Includes links to aquaculture contacts, Internet sites, and publications.
* Beekeeping in the United States, QB 93-30 (May 1993) [117kb]
* Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture: A Bibliography, SRB 94-13 (September 1994) [86.5kb]
* Breeding and Selecting Crops for Insect Pest Resistance, QB 92-25 (February 1992) [390kb]
* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Page (1999-2001)
* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Resources for Farmers or Producers (Revised and updated September 2003).
* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, AT 93-02 (September 1993) [34kb]
* Compost: Application and Use, QB 97-01 (June 1997) [390kb]
* Compost: On-farm Systems, QB 97-12 (September 1997) [275kb]
* Compost: Small-scale and Backyard Systems, QB 97-11 (September 1997) [105kb]
* Computers and Information Technologies in Agricultural Production and Management, Part I., QB 97-09 (September 1997) [644kb]
* Computers and Information Technologies in Agricultural Production and Management, Part II., QB 97-10 (September 1997) [709kb]
* Conservation Tillage, QB 94-13 (March 1994) [368kb]
* Cultural and Mechanical Weed Control, QB 94-52 (August 1993) [234kb]
* Dairy Farm Manure Management, QB 95-02 (January 1995) [124kb]
See also Dairy Farm Manure Management (II) (covers 1995-1997)
* Direct Marketing and Related Topics, QB 97-02 (June 1997) [185kb]
* Directory of Aquaculture Related Associations and Trade Organizations (February 2004)
* Directory of State Aquaculture Coordinators and Contacts (April 2004)
* Double Cropping and Interplanting, QB 94-51 (August 1994) [435kb]
* Drip, Trickle and Surge Irrigation, QB 92-26 (February 1992) [232kb]
* Earthworms, QB 97-06 (July 1997) [230kb]
* Earthworms in Agriculture (Covers 1994-1996, September 1996) [191kb]
* Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture Directory (15th ed., December 2002; revised September 2003) [266kb]
* Electronic Databases and other Information Search Tools Available at the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (December 2001) [27kb]
* Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants, Part I, QB 92-66 (September 1992) [347kb]
* Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants, Part II, QB 93-02 (October 1992) [468kb]
* Evaluation of Best Management Practices, QB 93-66 (September 1993) [161kb]
See also Evaluation of Best Agricultural Management Practices (II) (covers 1990 to 1995)
* Farming Systems Research, QB 92-27 (February 1992) [151kb]
* Farming Alternatives and Diversification: Who is Looking at Small Farm Profitability? (October 2001) [Available in print only. Order a free copy from the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.]
* Farming in Arid and Semiarid Lands, QB 94-54 (September 1994) [205kb]
* Farmland Preservation, QB 93-57 (August 1993) [129kb]
* Forage Legumes, QB 93-04 (November 1992) [245kb]
* Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Agriculture: Environmental Applications. Selected Books, Papers, and Journal Articles 1999 (April 2000) [87kb]
* Ginseng, QB 96-07 (August 1996) [210kb]
* Great Places to Find Information About Farming Alternatives (Revised September 2003) [21kb]
* Green Manures and Cover Crops, QB 93-68 (September 1993) [266kb]
* Growing Herbs: Selected Information Sources, 1996-2003 (R. Mazur, April 2004)
* Growing for the Medicinal Herb Market Selected Sources and Resources (S. DeMuth and M. Gold, August 20, 1998) [38.0kb]
* Herbicide Tolerance/Resistance in Plants, QB 96-14 (September 1996) [305kb]
* Herbicide Tolerance/Resistance in Plants, QB 94-60 (September 1994) [453kb]
* Herbs and Herb Gardening: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, SRB 96-06 (August 1996) [306kb]
* Horticultural Journals Currently Received at the National Agricultural Library (April 1993) [71kb]
* Hydroponics-Nutrient Film Technique, QB 94-55 (September 1994) [216kb]
* Integrated Pest Management-Biological Control: Natural Enemies, AFSIC Notes no. 3 (March 1992) [89kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Field Crops, QB 93-69 (September 1993) [333kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Horticultural Crops (October 1996 update) [228kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Horticultural Crops, QB 94-12 (March 1994) [295kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Weeds, QB 93-05 (November 1992) [340kb]
* Information on Oral History Interviews with Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture [111kb]
* Irrigating Efficiently, QB 94-35 (June 1994) [229kb]
* The Language of Electronic Searching: A Search Terms Glossary (December 2001) [49kb]
* Legumes in Crop Rotations, QB 94-38 (June 1994) [540kb]
* Mycorrhizae: Impacts on Production, QB 95-11 (March 1995) [337kb]
* Non-point Source Pollution Issues, QB 95-01 (January 1995) [205kb]
* Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources. Updated March 2004 (SRB no. 2003-01) [PDF (1800kb)] [HTML] Request free mini-CD of this title from
* Organic Farming and Marketing: Publications from USDA (October 2002; upated May 2003) [34kb]
* Organic Food Production Page (Revised December 2001). Includes Organic Agriculture Search Tips.
* Organic Foods: Markets and Marketing (July 2001) [60kb]
* Organic Gardening: A Guide to Resources 1989-September 2003 (September 2003) [158kb]
* Organic Gardening (Agri-Topics, October 1989) [19kb]
* Organic Information Resources. What are They? Where are They? How Can I Find Them? (December 2001) [39kb]
* Organic Production: Economic Aspects. Books, Articles, and Videocassettes, 1991-March 1997. (July 1997) [150kb]
* Organic Production: Recent Publications and Current Information Sources, SRB 96-07 (September 1996) [77kb]
* Organic Production: Terminology / Descriptive Phrases (December 2001) [10.5kb]
* Organic Roots. Organic Agriculture Information Access is an electronic collection of historic United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Research Bulletins and Miscellaneous Publications related to organic agriculture. In this collection, there are almost 200 documents published before 1942 (before synthetic chemicals became widely used) that contain state-of-the-art information and data that is still very pertinent for today's agriculture. (June 2004)
* Organically Produced Foods: Nutritive Content, SRB 2000-03 (June 2000) [103kb]
* Oyster Mushroom, QB 97-07 (July 1997) [162kb]

Part-time Farming, Small Farms and Small-scale Farming in the United States   (NAL Quick Bibliography)

  • QB 97-03 Supplement   (Supplement, January 1999. Covers 1996-September 1998)
  • QB 97-03 (June 1997, covers June 1993-March 1997) [179kb]
  • QB 93-64 (September 1993, covers January 1989-June 1993) [210kb]
* Paulownia: Potential Tree Crop, QB 93-25 (April 1993) [57kb]
* Potential New Crop: Kenaf, Commercial Fiber and Pulp Source, QB 92-54 (July 1992) [121kb]
* Precision Farming, AT 95-01 (December 1994) [27.8kb]
* Proceedings of National Small Farm Conferences sponsored by USDA.
* Resource Guide to Growing and Using Herbs, SRB 93-01 (November 1992) [42kb]
* Raising Emus and Ostriches, SRB 97-06 (August 1997 and supplement February 2001) [337kb]
* Raising Snails, SRB 96-05 (August 1996; Revised online April 2001) [151kb]
* Riparian Zones and Filter Strips in Agricultural Operations, QB 95-09 (February 1995) [165kb]
* Riparian Zones and Filter Strips in Agricultural Operations, QB 93-32 (May 1993) [141kb]
* Rotational Grazing and Intensive Pasture Management, QB 93-50 (August 1993) [138kb]
* Shiitake, Cultivated Mushrooms, QB 96-13 (September 1996) [143kb]
* Small-scale Ethanol Production, QB 92-46 (April 1992) [74kb]
* Societal Impacts of Adoption of Alternative Agricultural Practices, QB 93-01 (October 1992) [182kb]
* Soil Testing and Plant Analysis for Fertilizer Recommendations, QB 96-12 (September 1996, covers March 1993-June 1996) [361kb]
* Soil Testing and Plant Analysis for Fertilizer Recommendations, QB 93-54 (July 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [241kb]
* Solar Energy Alternatives for Agriculture, QB 96-06 (August 1996, covers May 1993-June 1996) [225kb]
* Solar Energy Alternatives for Agriculture, QB 93-33 (May 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [117kb]
* Sustainable Agricultural Resources for Teachers, K-12 (Updated and revised July 2002) [86kb].
* Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms, SRB 99-02 (September 1999) [173kb]
* Sustainable Agriculture Page (Revised December 2001)
* Sustainable Agriculture in Print Series Menu
* 1997 Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books, SRB 97-05 (August 1997) [370kb]
* April 24, 2003 Update to Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books (April 2003 supplement) [223 kb]
* Recent Acquisitions of the National Agricultural Library. 2004 Addendum to Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books [Annotations added regularly]
* Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals (June 1996 supplement) [75.8kb]
* Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals, SRB 95-08 (September 1995) [359kb]
* Sustainable or Alternative Agriculture, QB 93-03 (November 1992) [288kb]
* Tracing the Evolution of Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (November 1988) [35.6kb]
* Urban Agriculture: An Abbreviated List of References and Resource Guide 2000 (September 2000) [72kb]
* Vegetables and Fruits: A Guide to Heirloom Varieties and Community-Based Stewardship. (September 1998. 3 Volumes.)
Introduction, Notes, and Contents for Volumes I, II, and III. [83kb]
Volume 1. Annotated Bibliography [636kb]
Volume 2. Resource Organizations [267kb]
Volume 3. Historical Supplement [330kb]
* Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming Systems, SRB 2000-04 (Amends SRB 95-03. July 2000) [140kb]
* Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming Systems, SRB 95-03 (July 1995) [97kb]
* Wastewater Irrigation, QB 93-55 (July 1993) [212kb]
* Wastewater Irrigation (1997-2001)
* What Alternative Energy Options are Available for Farms? (July 2004)
* Where can I find agricultural funding resources? (June 2004)
* Where to Find Sustainable Agriculture Research Online (May 2004) [40 kb]
* Wind Energy for Agriculture, QB 93-28 (April 1993) [107kb]
* Who Will Pay for On-Farm Environmental Improvements in the 21st Century? A Resource Guide, SRB 2000-01 (April 2000) [190kb]
* Women in Agriculture, QB 92-56 (August 1992)[253kb]
Women in Agriculture and Rural Life: An International Bibliography, SRB 98-02 (July 1998)

Publications (sorted by publication date)

Go to: 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988


* Applying for a SARE Grant? (July 2004)
* List of Alternative Crops and Enterprises for Small Farm Diversification (February 2004) [39kb]
* Directory of Aquaculture Related Associations and Trade Organizations (February 2004)
* Directory of State Aquaculture Coordinators and Contacts (April 2004)
* Growing Herbs: Selected Information Sources, 1996-2003 (R. Mazur, April 2004)
* Organic Agricultural Products: Marketing and Trade Resources. Updated March 2004 (SRB no. 2003-01) [PDF (1800kb)] [HTML] Request a free mini-CD of this title from
* Organic Roots. Organic Agriculture Information Access is an electronic collection of historic United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Research Bulletins and Miscellaneous Publications related to organic agriculture. In this collection, there are almost 200 documents published before 1942 (before synthetic chemicals became widely used) that contain state-of-the-art information and data that is still very pertinent for today's agriculture. (June 2004)
* Recent Acquisitions of the National Agricultural Library. 2004 Addendum to Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books [Annotations added regularly]
* What Alternative Energy Options are Available for Farms? (July 2004)
* Where can I find agricultural funding resources? (June 2004)
* Where to Find Sustainable Agriculture Research Online (May 2004) [40 kb]


* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Resources for Farmers or Producers (Revised and updated September 2003).
* Directory of State Aquaculture Coordinators and Contacts (April 2004)
* Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture Directory (15th ed., December 2002; revised September 2003) [266kb]
* Great Places to Find Information About Farming Alternatives (Revised September 2003) [21kb]
* Information on Oral History Interviews with Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture [2003] [111kb]
* Organic Farming and Marketing: Publications from USDA (October 2002; upated May 2003) [34kb]
* Organic Gardening: A Guide to Resources 1989-September 2003 (September 2003) [158kb]
* April 24, 2003 Update to Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books (April 2003 supplement) [223kb]


* Organic Food Production Page (Updated June 2002)
* Proceedings of Third National Small Farm Conference held in Albuquerque, NM on September 17-20, 2002
* Sustainable Agricultural Resources for Teachers, K-12 (Updated and revised July 2002) [86kb].


* Aquaculture Resources Menu. Includes links to aquaculture contacts, Internet sites, and publications.
* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Page (1999-2001)
* Electronic Databases and other Information Search Tools Available at the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (December 2001) [27kb]
* Farming Alternatives and Diversification: Who is Looking at Small Farm Profitability? (October 2001) [Available in print only. Order a free copy from the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.]
* The Language of Electronic Searching: A Search Terms Glossary (December 2001) [49kb]
* Organic Foods: Markets and Marketing (July 2001)
* Organic Information Resources. What are They? Where are They? How Can I Find Them? (December 2001) [39kb]
* Organic Production: Terminology / Descriptive Phrases (December 2001) [10.5kb]
* Raising Emus and Ostriches, SRB 97-06 (August 1997, with supplement covering 1997-2001) [337kb]
* Sustainable Agriculture Page (Revised December 2001)
* Raising Snails, SRB 96-05 (August 1996; Revised online April 2001) [129kb]


* Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Agriculture: Environmental Applications. Selected Books, Papers, and Journal Articles 1999 (April 2000) [87kb]
* Organically Produced Foods: Nutritive Content, SRB 2000-03 (June 2000) [103kb]
* Urban Agriculture: An Abbreviated List of References and Resource Guide 2000 (September 2000) [72kb]
* Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming Systems, SRB 2000-04 (Amends SRB 95-03. July 2000) [140kb]
* Who Will Pay for On-Farm Environmental Improvements in the 21st Century? A Resource Guide, SRB 2000-01 (April 2000) [190kb]



Part-time Farming, Small Farms and Small-scale Farming in the United States, QB 97-03 (NAL Quick Bibliography supplement, January 1999. Covers 1996-September 1998) [See also 1997 and 1993 editions.]

* Proceedings of Second National Small Farm Conference held in St. Louis, MO on October 12-15, 1999
* Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions and Terms, SRB 99-02 (September 1999) [173kb]


* Agri-environmental Indicators: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography. (April 1998) A joint Economic Research Service - AFSIC publication. [Available in print only. Order a free copy from the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 98-01 (September 1998, covers July 1996-June 1998) [613kb]
* Growing for the Medicinal Herb Market Selected Sources and Resources (August 20, 1998) [38.0kb]
* Vegetables and Fruits: A Guide to Heirloom Varieties and Community-Based Stewardship. (September 1998. 3 Volumes.)
Introduction, Notes, and Contents for Volumes I, II, and III. [83kb]
Volume 1. Annotated Bibliography [636kb]
Volume 2. Resource Organizations [267kb]
Volume 3. Historical Supplement [330kb]
* Women in Agriculture and Rural Life: An International Bibliography, SRB 98-02 (July 1998)


* Compost: Application and Use, QB 97-01 (June 1997) [390kb]
* Compost: On-farm Systems, QB 97-12 (September 1997) [275kb]
* Compost: Small-scale and Backyard Systems, QB 97-11 (September 1997) [105kb]
* Computers and Information Technologies in Agricultural Production and Management, Part I., QB 97-09 (September 1997) [644kb]
* Computers and Information Technologies in Agricultural Production and Management, Part II., QB 97-10 (September 1997) [709kb]
* Direct Marketing and Related Topics, QB 97-02 (June 1997) [185kb]
* Earthworms, QB 97-06 (July 1997) [230kb]
* Organic Production: Economic Aspects. Books, Articles, and Videocassettes, 1991-March 1997. (July 1997) [150kb]
* Oyster Mushroom, QB 97-07 (July 1997) [162kb]
* Part-time Farming, Small Farms, and Small-scale Farming in the United States, QB 97-03 (June 1997, covers June 1993-March 1997)[179kb] [See also 1993 and 1999 editions.]
* 1997 Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Books, SRB 97-05 (August 1997) [370kb] [See 1993 update above.]


* Alternative Crops, QB 96-11 (September 1996, covers June 1993-June 1996) [165kb]
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 96-08 (September 1996, covers March 1993-June 1996) [2 linked files: 504kb and 287kb]
* Earthworms in Agriculture (Covers 1994-1996, September 1996) [191kb]
* Ginseng, QB 96-07 (August 1996) [210kb]
* Herbicide Tolerance/Resistance in Plants, QB 96-14 (September 1996) [305kb]
* Herbs and Herb Gardening: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, SRB 96-06 (August 1996) [306kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Horticultural Crops (October 1996 update) [228kb]
* Organic Production: Recent Publications and Current Information Sources, SRB 96-07 (September 1996) [77kb]
* Proceedings of the First National Small Farm Conference held in Nashville, Tennessee on September 10-13, 1996
* Shiitake, Cultivated Mushrooms, QB 96-13 (September 1996) [143kb]
* Soil Testing and Plant Analysis for Ferilizer Recommendations, QB 96-12 (September 1996, covers March 1993-June 1996) [361kb]
* Solar Energy Alternatives for Agriculture, QB 96-06 (August 1996, covers May 1993-June 1996) [225kb]
* Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals (June 1996 supplement) [75.8kb]


* Acid Rain, QB 95-03 (January 1995) [547kb]
* Dairy Farm Manure Management, QB 95-02 (January 1995) [124kb]
See also Dairy Farm Manure Management (II) (covers 1995-1997)
* Evaluation of Best Management Practices, QB 93-66 (September 1993) [161kb]
See also Evaluation of Best Agricultural Management Practices (II) (covers 1990 to 1995)
* Mycorrhizae: Impacts on Production, QB 95-11 (March 1995) [337kb]
* Non-point Source Pollution Issues, QB 95-01 (January 1995) [205kb]
* Precision Farming, AT 95-01 (December 1994) [27.8kb]
* Riparian Zones and Filter Strips in Agricultural Operations, QB 95-09 (February 1995) [165kb]
* Sustainable Agriculture in Print: Current Periodicals, SRB 95-08 (September 1995) [359kb]
* Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming Systems, SRB 95-03 (July 1995) [97kb]


* Allelopathy: The Effects of Chemicals Produced by Plants, QB 94-56 (September 1994) [331kb]
* Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture: A Bibliography, SRB 94-13 (September 1994) [86.5kb]
* Conservation Tillage, QB 94-13 (March 1994) [368kb]
* Cultural and Mechanical Weed Control, QB 94-52 (August 1994) [234kb]
* Double Cropping and Interplanting, QB 94-51 (August 1994) [435kb]
* Farming in Arid and Semiarid Lands, QB 94-54 (September 1994) [205kb]
* Herbicide Tolerance/Resistance in Plants, QB 94-60 (September 1994) [453kb]
* Hydroponics-Nutrient Film Technique, QB 94-55 (September 1994) [216kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Horticultural Crops, QB 94-12 (March 1994) [295kb]
* Irrigating Efficiently, QB 94-35 (June 1994) [229kb]
* Legumes in Crop Rotations, QB 94-38 (June 1994) [540kb]


* Alternative Crops, QB 93-53 (August 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [117kb]
* Alternative Farming Systems: Economic Aspects, QB 93-17 (February 1993, covers January 1991-January 1993) [255kb]
* Beekeeping in the United States, QB 93-30 (May 1993) [117kb]
* Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, AT 93-02 (September 1993) [34kb]
* Farmland Preservation, QB 93-57 (August 1993) [129kb]
* Forage Legumes, QB 93-04 (November 1992) [245kb]
* Green Manures and Cover Crops, QB 93-68 (September 1993) [266kb]
* Horticultural Journals Currently Received at the National Agricultural Library (April 1993) [71kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Plant Pests: Field Crops, QB 93-69 (September 1993) [333kb]
* Part-time Farming, Small Farms, and Farming in the United States, QB 93-64 (September 1993, covers January 1989-June 1993) [210kb] [See also 1997 and 1999 updates.]
* Paulownia: Potential Tree Crop, QB 93-25 (April 1993) [57kb]
* Riparian Zones and Filter Strips in Agricultural Operations, QB 93-32 (May 1993) [141kb]
* Rotational Grazing and Intensive Pasture Management, QB 93-50 (August 1993) [138kb]
* Soil Testing and Plant Analysis for Ferilizer Recommendations, QB 93-54 (July 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [241kb]
* Solar Energy Alternatives for Agriculture, QB 93-33 (May 1993, covers January 1991-June 1993) [117kb]
* Wastewater Irrigation, QB 93-55 (July 1993) [212kb]
* Wind Energy for Agriculture, QB 93-28 (April 1993) [107kb]


* Agriculture and the Environment, AFSIC Notes no. 2 (March 1992) [13.7kb]
* Adopting Sustainable Alternatives, AFSIC Notes no. 1 (January 1992) [9.4kb]
* Agroforestry Systems, QB 92-28 (February 1992) [257kb]
* Air Pollution Effects on Crops and Forests, QB92-24 (February 1992) [318kb]
* Amaranths for Food or Feed, QB 92-40 (March 1992) [153kb]
* Breeding and Selecting Crops for Insect Pest Resistance, QB 92-25 (February 1992) [390kb]
* Drip, Trickle and Surge Irrigation, QB 92-26 (February 1992) [232kb]
* Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants, Part I, QB 92-66 (September 1992) [347kb]
* Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants, Part II, QB 93-02 (October 1992) [468kb]
* Farming Systems Research, QB 92-27 (February 1992) [151kb]
* Integrated Pest Management-Biological Control: Natural Enemies, AFSIC Notes no. 3 (March 1992) [89kb]
* IPM and Biological Control of Weeds, QB 93-05 (November 1992) [340kb]
* Potential New Crop: Kenaf, Commercial Fiber and Pulp Source, QB 92-54 (July 1992) [121kb]
* Resource Guide to Growing and Using Herbs, SRB 93-01 (November 1992) [42kb]
* Small-scale Ethanol Production, QB 92-46 (April 1992) [74kb]
* Societal Impacts of Adoption of Alternative Agricultural Practices, QB 93-01 (October 1992) [182kb]
* Sustainable or Alternative Agriculture, QB 93-03 (November 1992) [288kb]
* Women in Agriculture, QB 92-56 (August 1992) [253kb]


* AFSIC no longer has copies available of "Alternative Agriculture" by the Committee on the Role of Alternative Farming Methods in Modern Production Agriculture, National Research Council, published in 1996. The 1989 edition of this title may be read free online at National Academies Press,


* Tracing the Evolution of Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (November 1988) [35.6kb]

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