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Aron Liptak speaks about the U.S. Constitution at Gori’s American Corner

On Tuesday, August 10, 2004, Aron Liptak of the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy delivered a presentation on the development of the U.S. Constitution at Gori’s American Corner. The event was attended by local students, Peace Corps Volunteers and by members of the Gori Library community. The audience of thirty people asked many questions concerning the origins of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and were able to view a video following the presentation. “Trilazeti,” a local television station, covered the event and interviewed Aron, who is finishing a summer internship in the Public Affairs Section of the Embassy.

Recent Embassy Events & Photos

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The U.S. Embassy's Public Affairs representative, Aron Liptak, standing with audience members and American Corner staff following his presentation on the development of the U.S. Constitution

The U.S. Embassy's Public Affairs representative, Aron Liptak, standing with audience members and American Corner staff following his presentation on the development of the U.S. Constitution

Audience members listen to a Public Affairs representative's presentation on the development of the U.S. Constitution

Audience members listen to a Public Affairs representative's presentation on the development of the U.S. Constitution

Public Affairs representative Aron Liptak and Peace Corps Volunteers from the Gori area

Public Affairs representative Aron Liptak and Peace Corps Volunteers from the Gori area


Embassy of the United States