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USG donates 50,000 tons of wheat to Georgia

Acting Management Officer Mike Dickerson met with Minister of Agriculture David Shervashidze and viewed the unloading of 43,000 tons of USG-donated grain in Poti port. The 43,000 tons represents the bulk of the 50,000 tons recently donated by the U.S. government to the Georgian government. The wheat donation, including shipping costs, is valued at $12 million.

Georgia is a net importer of wheat, and with traditional trading partners producing less wheat than normal this year, this donation should serve to stabilize the price of bread in the country.

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Acting Managment Officer Mike Dickerson discusses 50,000 tons of wheat donated by the USG with Georgian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. David Shervashidze

Acting Managment Officer Mike Dickerson discusses 50,000 tons of wheat donated by the USG with Georgian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. David Shervashidze

43,000 tons of wheat as it is unloaded in Poti port

43,000 tons of wheat as it is unloaded in Poti port


Embassy of the United States