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Peace Corps
About the Peace Corps
What is Peace Corps?

What Do Volunteers Do?
Education, Youth Outreach, and Community Development
Business Development
Health and HIV/AIDS
Information Technology

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What's It Like to Volunteer?

How Do I Become a Volunteer?

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What are the Benefits?

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Life is calling. How far will you go?
About the Peace Corps
What Do Volunteers Do?
Counselingounseling teenagers in Belize. Launching an Armenian computer center. Promoting HIV/AIDS awareness in Malawi. Teaching chemistry in a Ghanaian high school. Peace Corps Volunteers work in a wide variety of areas — and no two days are ever the same.
Think of the Peace Corps and you might imagine teaching in a one-room schoolhouse or farming in a remote area of the world. But while education and agriculture are still an important part of what the Peace Corps does, today's Volunteers are just as likely to be working on HIV/AIDS awareness, helping to establish computer learning centers, or working on small business development.
Peace Corps Volunteers work in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; health and HIV/AIDS; agriculture and environment; business development; and information technology. Within these areas, the specific duties and responsibilities of each Volunteer can vary widely. Ask any Peace Corps Volunteer and they'll tell you that everybody has a unique experience.
Education, Youth Outreach, and Community Development
Education, Youth Outreach, and Community Development Volunteers introduce innovative teaching methodologies, encourage critical thinking in the classroom, and integrate issues like health education and environmental awareness into English, math, science and other subjects.
Business Development
Business Development Volunteers work in education, private businesses, public organizations, government offices, cooperatives, women's and youth groups and more.
Environment Volunteers work on a wide variety of activities, from teaching environmental awareness to planting trees within a community.
Agriculture Volunteers work with small farmers to increase food production while promoting environmental conservation practices.
Health and HIV/AIDS
Health and HIV/AIDS Volunteers educate and promote awareness of HIV/AIDS, as well as other issues, such as malnutrition and safe drinking water.
Information Technology
Information technology Volunteers help communities capitalize on technology by teaching computer skills, developing regional databases, and implementing networks for businesses and government offices.
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  If you think you're ready to join, you can click here to apply now.
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