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Life is calling. How far will you go?
Family and Friends
Peace Corpseace Corps is a challenging opportunity that offers Americans of every background enormous rewards. Should your family member become a Peace Corps Volunteer, you will be proud of his or her two years spent helping others. But for all the giving they do, it's important to know that Peace Corps Volunteers are also opening worlds of opportunity for themselves.
Serving in the Peace Corps gives Volunteers the chance to learn a new language, live in another culture, and develop career and leadership skills. The Peace Corps experience can enhance long-term career prospects, whether a Volunteer wants to work for a corporation, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency. The Peace Corps can even open doors to graduate school.
For your son, daughter, sister, brother, or parent to venture to a faraway place for two years where they don't know anyone can be a cause for concern. Some people, who may have worked hard to get a child through college or struggled to bring children to the United States in search of economic opportunity, may feel disappointed when a son or daughter does not take a high-paying job right after graduation. Others might think that Americans should help improve the quality of life in their own community here at home.
The following information will help you learn more about the professional, educational, and financial benefits of service that await someone as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
The benefits of Peace Corps service last a lifetime, but you will start noticing them as soon as a Peace Corps Volunteer returns home. In today's global marketplace, fluency in foreign languages, international experience, and cross-cultural understanding are highly sought-after assets in many sectors of our increasingly global economy. The first three months of service in Peace Corps provide cross-cultural, technical, and language training to help Volunteers integrate into their new overseas communities.
In addition:
The Peace Corps' Office of Returned Volunteer Services (RVS) provides career, educational, and re-entry related assistance through its 11 regional recruiting offices and its Career Center in Washington, D.C.
Former Volunteers have non-competitive eligibility status for appointments to U.S. government executive branch agencies for one year after their completion of service. This means that former Volunteers can be appointed to some federal government positions without competing with the general public.
Once the Volunteer arrives in his or her country of service, he or she will receive intensive language instruction. Some Volunteers become fluent in more than one language.
Volunteers develop the ability to adapt to, and participate successfully in, the cultures of the communities in which they live and work. These skills are transferable to any culture as well as to new professional and social settings back home.
The Peace Corps offers two innovative programs to Peace Corps Volunteers: Masters International and Fellows/USA.
    The Master's International program allows Volunteers to incorporate Peace Corps service into master's degree programs at more than 40 colleges and universities.
    The Fellows/USA program offers former Volunteers scholarships or reduced tuition in advanced degree programs at more than 30 participating colleges and universities. In return for these educational benefits, Fellows commit to working in an underserved community as they pursue their graduate degree.

Additionally, Peace Corps Volunteers may apply for partial deferment of many loans and up to 15 percent cancellation of Perkins loans.
Among other financial benefits, the Peace Corps offers:
    A monthly living allowance to cover housing and other basic needs
    Comprehensive medical and dental coverage, including annual exams and coverage for both service and non-service-related illnesses or injuries
    $6,075 after the completion of three months of training and two years of Volunteer service
    A reasonably priced health insurance plan available after the completion of Volunteer service for up to 18 months
    24 vacation days per year

Peace Corps and Safety
Gaddi Vasquez
Director Gaddi Vasquez talks about Peace Corps' number one priority -- the safety and security of every Peace Corps Volunteer.

Interview with a Peace Corps Dad
Courtesy of NBC 10 in Philadelphia, we're able to provide this interview with Mike Lyons, a Peace Corps Dad returned from an eye-opening visit with his daughter Aimee in her small village in Togo, West Africa.

Click here to view the interview with a Peace Corps Dad.
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