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NWS Office, Melbourne, Florida
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Climatological Information On-Line

Near-real time data (past 24 hours)  
Select from drop-down below

What "near-real time" reports are available?

Daily Climatological Reports are issued by the NWS in Melbourne.  The 4:00 A.M. message is a report of the previous day's data, and an update for the current day "so far" is issued at 5:00 P.M.  This report is quite detailed, containing temperature, rainfall, wind, and other values, with comparisons to what is normal.

Monthly Summaries are issued near the first of each month to summarize the weather from the previous month. 

Record Reports are issued when weather records (mainly temperatures and rainfall) are broken or tied. 

Select location and report type here:


Tabular Data - Regional Temperature & Precipitation Tables show high & low temperatures, and rainfall over the past 24-hours. These are issued twice a day.They are issued by each NWS office for the areas of the state(s) they serve.

Select your area of interest here:


Past weather records & comparison to normals. 
(from yesterday back to 1997)

What "weather records" products are available?

Daily Records of temperature and precipitation for selected east-central Florida cities.  This is an archive of high and low temperatures, and precipitation amounts, for each day.  Orlando, Melbourne and Daytona Beach data begins in 1997, with additional locations added in more recent years.  At month's end, the monthly totals and averages are compared to normal.

Select the city, the month, and the year of interest here:

Annual summaries not available prior to 2003.

Please note that while we strive to make this data as accurate as we can, it is neither official nor certified. Click here for official & certified data

If you are having trouble deciphering the format, please click here for help.

Normals & Extremes for selected east central Florida cities. These are the daily normals and record values for temperature and rainfall. These files are updated soon after the end of each month to reflect records which may have been broken or tied.

Select the city and month here:

Note: When records are broken or tied, there are "record reports" issued on that day. You may find these in the "near real-time" reports above.

Normal Monthly Temperature and Precipitation for selected cities in East Central Florida.  If you just want to know what to expect during a given month, this is the data you need.  Period of record is 1971 - 2000. 

Storm Summaries & Surveys  When significant severe storms, or tropical systems impact on the east-central Florida area, we may summarize the event or produce a more detailed survey.

If you need information regarding a specific storm on a specific date, you should go to the National Climatic Data Center.

Additional Related Linkage

NWS Melbourne El Nino Home Page
Florida Climate Center (at FSU)
Amazing Florida Weather History Machine
Southeast Regional Climate Center
National Climate Data Center
Astronomical Data (Sunrise/Sunset, etc.)
Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Anomalies - Winter '97 - Summer '98
The NWS Cooperative Program

The Onset of the Wet and Dry Seasons in East Central Florida

 National Weather Service
 Melbourne, Florida
 421 Croton Road
 Melbourne, Florida 32935
 Page last modified: August 9, 2004

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