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Rule of Law Program

Activities & Publications

Numerous Institute public events and publications have developed directly from the work of the Rule of Law Program over the years—including the Institute's landmark book series Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon With Former Regimes which brings together the lessons learned on transitional justice from over 20 countries, including South Africa, Russia, Malawi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Guatemala, and the Czech Republic.

Below are links to archived audio and video from some of these events and links to full text copies of several of the Institute's most recent reports and other publications on the rule of law.

Recent Public Events

Is Afghanistan Ready for Elections?
Current Issues Briefing: February 2004

Despite the success of the recent loya jirga in adopting a new constitution, the difficulties involved in creating the conditions for free and fair elections by June 2004 loom large. Concerns have been raised that premature elections risk further destabilizing Afghanistan. On February 18, 2004 the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a Current Issues Briefing to explore the complicated issues surrounding the question: "Is Afghanistan Ready for Elections?"

A New Afghanistan: Challenges of Governance and the Rule of Law
Current Issues Briefing: January 2004

In the aftermath of successive wars, Afghanistan has just adopted a new Constitution that lays the foundation for a system of democratic governance. On January 22, 2004 the Institute organized a special Current Issues Briefing on Capitol Hill to explore the challenges of governance and the rule of law in a new Afghanistan.

Establishing Justice and the Rule of Law in Iraq: A Blueprint for Action
Current Issues Briefing: May 2003

Under the auspices of the U.S. State Department-supported Future of Iraq Project, a working group on transitional justice has been consulting since July 2002 with the Iraqi Jurists' Association on a range of options pertaining to post-war justice in Iraq. On May 21, 2003 the Institute hosted a Current Issues Briefing to explore the findings of the working group's new blueprint for establishing justice and the rule of law in Iraq.

Post-War Iraq: The Immediate Imperatives
Current Issues Briefing: April 2003

As the situation in Iraq moves into the post-war phase, what needs to be done right away to stabilize the country, and who needs to do it? What are the challenges of maintaining order and security and preventing chaos in Iraq's cities and towns? On April 16, 2003 the Institute held a briefing to explore these questions and more with a panel of experts on post-conflict reconstruction and humanitarian assistance, the rule of law and peacekeeping, and weapons inspections and proliferation issues.

Afghanistan: Prospects for Justice
Current Issues Briefing: May 2002

What are the prerequisites for the establishment of a secure and accountable judicial system? How can foreign governments and international organizations support local institutions? On May 7, 2002, the Institute brought together a panel of experts to explore the challenges in ensuring that Afghanistan's legal system can comply with international standards as required by the Bonn Agreement.

Terrorism on Trial
Current Issues Briefing: December 2001.

Questions abound as the United States and its allies start to outline a framework for an effective, appropriate, and just venue for the prosecution of international terrorists and their associates. What is the legal basis for the use of force by the United States and what are the relevant principles in the law of armed conflict for the pursuit of terrorists and their allies? Are U.S. military tribunals an appropriate option for prosecuting terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks? On December 18, 2001 the Institute organized a briefing to examine some of the legal tools available for U.S. policymakers in the war against international terrorism.

A Special Address by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda
Current Issues Briefing: February 2001

On February 2, 2001 the Institute hosted a special discussion with Paul Kagame, president of the Republic of Rwanda, on the challenges of reconciliation, justice, and renewal in Rwanda.

Putting the Demons to Rest
Institute Roundtable: January 2001

Dozens of countries must contend with a volatile legacy left by massive violations of human rights during wartime or under past repressive regimes. On January 25, 2001, the Institute's Rule of Law and Grant Programs co-sponsored a discussion focused on two new books, supported in part by the Institute's Grant Program, about confronting the legacy of human rights abuses.

At Midnight, the Masks Come Off: Lessons from the South African Experience
Institute Workshop: March 2000

On March 8, 2000 the Institute's Rule of Law Program organized a special workshop with Alex Boraine, vice chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa, to discuss his experience as part of South Africa's effort to deal with the history and effects of the apartheid years. Moderated by Neil Kritz, director of the Institute's Rule of Law Program, the session examined the South African Truth Commission and the lessons learned that might be applicable in assisting the process of transition in several places around the globe such as Northern Ireland and Bosnia.

Challenges for the Palestinian Legal System
Institute Roundtable: January 2000

As negotiations proceed regarding the future status of the Palestinian territories, the challenges in developing a new and integrated legal system in the West Bank and Gaza are significant, and are central to the nature of the future Palestinian polity and the development of a democratic system. To explore these issues and more, on January 19, 2000, the Institute's Rule of Law Program sponsored a roundtable featuring Freih Abu Meddien, minister of justice with the Palestinian Authority, and Tawfiq Abu Ghazala, chairman of the Palestinian Delegation to the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Legal Committee.

Featured Publications

Transitional Justice: How Emerging Democracies Reckon With Former Regimes

How should an emerging democracy cope with the legacy of an ousted repressive regime? How can a new society redress past abuses without creating new injustices, while peacefully integrating the victims and the perpetrators? Published by the U.S. Institute of Peace Press in 1995, this three-volume compilation of readings provides an invaluable resource for government officials, private organizations, scholars, and others involved in the transitions of today and tomorrow.

Transitional Justice Covers

Transitional Justice Preview:

Recent Reports and Other Publications

Building the Iraqi Special Tribunal: Lessons from Experiences in International Criminal Justice
(Special Report: June 2004)

Building Civilian Capacity for U.S. Stability Operations: The Rule of Law Component
(Special Report: April 2004)

Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan
(Special Report: March 2004)

Democratic Constitution Making
(Special Report: June 2003)

Establishing the Rule of Law in Iraq
(Special Report: April 2003)

The Role of International Financial Institutions in International Humanitarian Law
(Peaceworks: January 2002)

The Palestinian Reform Agenda
(Peaceworks: December 2002)

Enhancing International Civilian Police in Peace Operations
(Special Report: April 2002)

Options for Prosecuting International Terrorists
(Special Report: November 2001)

Rwanda: Accountability for War Crimes and Genocide
(Special Report: January 1995)

For More Information

To obtain more detailed descriptions of these program or for more information about the work of the Rule of Law Program in general, please contact the Rule of Law Program at ruleoflaw@usip.org or (202) 457-1700.

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