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HVAC&R Equipment Performance Group

The Group's research focuses on ways and means that improve the efficiency and reliability of HVAC&R equipment.  The scope of group's program includes: 

  • System studies through laboratory measurements and computer simulations
  • Development of simulation tools for optimized component and system design
  • Fundamental two-phase heat transfer measurements for single-component refrigerants, refrigerant mixtures, and refrigerant/lubricant mixtures
  • Implementation of MicroElectroMechanical Systems in HVAC&R equipment as sensors for fault detection and diagnostics schemes and as actuators for fluid flow control
  • Development of testing and rating procedures for the DoE Appliance program

The HVAC&R Equipment Performance Group is a new name assumed in September 2003 by the former Thermal Machinery Group to reflect the more focused research interest in equipment efficiency and reliability.  The best known contributions of the Thermal Machinery Group are those related to the research of alternative refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures in response to the atmospheric ozone layer depletion problem, and the development of the SEER and HSPF performance descriptors and associated test procedures for residential air conditioners and heat pumps.


Piotr A. Domanski, Leader
HVAC&R Equipment Performance Group
(301) 975-5877




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Date created: 3/23/2004
Last updated: 3/23/2004