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Building Environment Division

Link to Group Home Photovoltaic Water Heater Heat Transmission Measurements Building Sensors
Building Integrated Photovoltaics Residential Fuel Cell Test Procedures Appliance Test Standards

A. Hunter Fanney, Leader
(301) 975-5864


  • Improved Predictive Models for Building Integrated Photovoltaics
  • Appropriate Testing and Rating Procedures for Residential
    • Fuel Cells
    • Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners
    • Gas and Electric Water Heaters
  • Development of Next Generation Moisture Sensors for Buildings
  • Accurate Thermal Transmission Test Methods for Building Applications.

Customer Base:

  • Department of Energy
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • California Energy Commission
  • Residential Heat Pump/Air-Conditioning and Water Heater Industries
  • Fuel Cell Manufacturers
  • Thermal Insulation Industry
  • Building Designers, Architects, and Owners

Metrology Transfer:

Thermal conductivity measurement traceability provided through Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), Thermal Conductivity Database, and Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications


All residential heat pumps, air conditioners, and water heaters sold within the United States are tested and labeled in accordance with the test procedures developed within this group. The apparatus and methods of test maintained within this group provide thermal resistance (R-value) traceability to the U.S. insulation industry. The Group operates the only Building Integrated Photovoltaic Test Facility within the United States providing performance data and improved performance prediction capabilities to the photovoltaic industry.


Cooperative Education Employment Opportunities for Students


    Mobile Solar Tracker for evaluating the performance of photovoltaic panels.

Mobile Solar Tracker for evaluating the performance of photovoltaic panels.

National standard test apparatus for measuring the steady-state thermal transmission properties of building insulation.

National standard test apparatus for measuring the steady-state thermal transmission properties of building insulation.

Infrared imaging is used in the water heater test lab for quality assurance.

Infrared imaging is used in the water heater test lab for quality assurance.

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Date created: 1/3/2003
Last updated: 6/23/2004