President George W. Bush: Resources for the President's Team The White House
President George W. Bush meets with Dan Bartlett, center, and Josh Bolten in the Oval Office Jan. 9, 2003.  White House photo by Eric Draper.
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Competitive Sourcing
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Improving Financial Performance
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Initiative updates, best practices, and general information.
Budget & Performance Integration
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Sharing Best Practices
Stories of achieving breaktrough results in government.

A Message About E-Gov From Karen Evans

Providing Improved Services for All Americans
July 12, 2004 - " For nearly three years, the Administration, as part of President George W. Bush's goal of expanding electronic government, has been working on ways to improve how the government provides services internally and to citizens, businesses, and state and local governments.

At this stage we are focusing on three goals for the President's 24 E-Gov Initiatives. First, support all initiatives in fulfilling their goals and objectives. Second, institutionalize and integrate these transformational initiatives into their respective government agencies operations. Third, work to increase the utilization of the services we are already providing. Additionally, we are now directing more attention to the recently established Lines of Business effort to identify ways agencies can save money through the sharing of common solutions." More

Driving Adoption and Utilization
May 10, 2004 - "The effort of the past two years has been focused on the deployment of the E-Gov initiatives and now that many are close to completion, we are focused on driving adoption and utilization of these initiatives. This will enable the government to further drive cost savings, as well as provide a higher level of service to the citizen. Recently, we initiated an effort with the Council for Excellence in Government to define 100 percent utilization and plan how the initiatives will reach that mark. Through this effort marketing plans are being developed to identify the audience for each E-Gov initiative and how best to reach each group." More

The Road to Full Implementation of the E-Gov Initiatives and Next Steps
February 5, 2004 - "With many of the E-Gov initiatives declaring success, citizens and government are beginning to see a real difference." More

Realizing Success
November 14, 2003 - "As the new Administrator of E-Government and IT, I look forward to working together with Agencies and the White House to complete the implementation of the E-Gov initiatives so that the solutions they provide become part of the way government does business everyday.

The Expanded Electronic Government initiative has focused on leveraging information technology to make the Federal government more citizen-centered and results oriented. With many of the E-Gov initiatives close to declaring success, citizens and government are beginning to see a real difference" More

Karen Evans
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Karen Evans

Delivering Results - July 25, 2003

The 2003 E-Gov Strategy - May 1, 2003

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E-Gov General Information

The official website of the President's E-Government Initiatives. More

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View the President's Management Agenda, an aggressive strategy to achieve the Administration's policy and program goals through reform of federal management and improved program performance. More

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