US Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS Refuge System
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Environmental Education
Environmental Education in Action!

We invite teachers, scout leaders and any other group leader to use the refuge to enhance your curriculum. With enough advance notice and availability, we can offer a program to your group.

Before you call, think about your specific needs; Information about your curriculum/requested program assists us in creating a program for your children that reinforces class teaching. If refuge staff is not available for a program, you can easily guide your group through our self-guided nature trails.

Teachers are encouraged to attend a Project Wild educational program put on by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife emphasizing awareness, appreciation and understanding of wildlife and natural resources. Project Wild is offered at different places across the state at different times and you can request a program in your area.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has published a website geared towards teachers and students at Resources at this website include pictures, training opportunities, maps, videos and more.

Check out Salt Plains NWR Kids Site!
There are a multitude of teacher/student sites at the kids links page.

Environmental Education
J. and K. Hollingsworth

Annual Art Contest Winners
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