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JPL Missions

Future Missions
* Mission list begins with the earliest future launch.

artist's concept of Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer
First Light: September 2004
   Two 8-meter (26-foot) telescopes on Mount Graham, Arizona will be connected. The ground-based telescope system will identify faint dust clouds around other stars that might hinder planet-finding missions. The mission is managed by the University of Arizona, Tucson in conjunction with multipe international partners.
Mission home page
Deep Impact Deep Impact
Planned Launch: December 2004
   Deep Impact is a spacecraft that will travel to comet Tempel 1 and propel a large projectile into the surface of the comet, creating a crater expected to reveal information about the comet nucleus.
Deep Impact home page
Mission description
CloudSat CloudSat
Planned Launch: No earlier than April 2005
   CloudSat's trio of three satellites will be the first spacecraft to study clouds on a global basis. Their data will contribute to better predictions of clouds and their role in climate change.
Cloudsat home page
Mission description
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Planned Launch: August 2005
   In 2005, NASA plans to launch a powerful scientific orbiter, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This mission will take the most powerful telescopic camera ever to another planet, plus five other scientific instruments.
Mission home page
Ocean Surface Topography
Proposed Launch: 2005
   This mission will be a follow-on to the Jason-1 mission.
Dawn Dawn
Planned Launch: 2006
   Dawn, the first spacecraft ever planned to orbit two different bodies after leaving Earth, will orbit Vesta and Ceres, two of the largest asteroids in the solar system.
Dawn home page
Mission description
Proposed Launch: 2006 - 2007
   This mission will provide the first-ever global maps of salt concentration in the ocean surface needed to understand heat transport and storage in the ocean.
Proposed Launch: 2006 - 2007
   This mission will provide the first global measurements of soil moisture and surface freeze/thaw information to improve our understanding of how water, energy and carbon are exchanged between Earth's land and atmosphere.
Orbiting Carbon Observatory
Proposed Launch: 2006 - 2007
   This mission will make the first space-based measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide with the accuracy and resolution needed to characterize its sources and sinks. Such information will improve forecasts of future concentrations of this important greenhouse gas and its impact on climate.
Mission home page
Phoenix Mars Scout
Planned Launch: 2007
   In the continuing pursuit of water on Mars, the poles are a good place to probe, as water ice is found there. This mission will send a high-latitude lander to Mars and deploy its robotic arm and dig trenches up to half a meter (1.6 feet) into the layers of water ice.
More information
artist's concept of Kepler Kepler Mission
Planned Launch: 2007
   The Kepler Mission will search for Earth-like planets with the "transit" method. A one-meter diameter (39-inch) telescope equipped with the equivalent of 42 high quality digital cameras will continuously monitor the brightness of 100,000 stars, looking for planets that cross the lines-of-sight between Kepler and their parent stars.
Mission home page
artist's concept of Herschel Herschel Space Observatory
Planned Launch: 2007
   The Herschel Space Observatory is a space-based telescope that will study the universe by the light of the far-infrared and submillimeter portions of the spectrum.
Mission home page
Proposed Launch: 2007
   Planck is a European Space Agency project to study the cosmic background. JPL is providing the following instrumentation: most or all of the detectors, both of the bolometers in the "high frequency" instrument and the heterodyne receivers in the "low frequency" instrument.
Mission home page
Ocean Vector Winds Mission
Proposed Launch: 2008
   This mission will be a follow-on to the Sea Winds on Adeos II mission.
artist's concept of Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
Planned Launch: 2008
   This space-based telescope will scan the entire sky in infrared light, revealing cool stars, planetary construction zones and the brightest galaxies in the universe.
Mission home page
artist's concept of Mars smart lander Mars Science Laboratory
Planned Launch: 2009
   NASA proposes to develop and to launch a roving long-range, long-duration science laboratory that will be a major leap in surface measurements and pave the way for a future sample return mission.
Mission description
Mars Telecommunications Orbiter
Planned Launch: 2009
   Visit the Mars Exploration site for more information about missions to Mars.
artist's concept of Space Interferometry Mission Space Interferometry Mission
Proposed Launch: 2009
   This mission is an orbiting interferometer, which will link multiple telescopes to function in unison as a much larger "virtual telescope." The main goal is to detect planets of varying sizes -- from huge planets the size of Jupiter down to planets a few times as massive as Earth.
Mission home page
Mission description
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