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General Pension Information

These resources will help you understand the basics of defined benefit pension plans and of PBGC's insurance programs.

  • Frequently Asked Questions — Read frequently asked questions about PBGC's pension benefit guarantees, premiums, and terminations.

  • PBGC Pension Programs — Learn about PBGC's single-employer and multiemployer pension insurance programs.

  • State Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Offices — If an individual is receiving pension benefits from an insurance company in the form of an annuity and the insurance company becomes unable to pay, a state guaranty association may be responsible for all, part, or none of the annuity. Find out more about these associations.

  • Benefits — Describes PBGC's guarantee of pension benefits.

  • Fact Sheets — PBGC publishes fact sheets to help you understand its programs and policies.

    • Pension Insurance Premiums — Explains what PBGC's premiums are and who is required to pay them.

    • Pension Guarantees — Describes PBGC's guarantees for single-employer and multiemployer defined benefit pension plans.

    • Termination — Explains what happens when a pension plan ends.

    • Multiemployer Insurance Program — Explains PBGC's insurance program covering multiemployer plans. A multiemployer plan is a collectively bargained pension arrangement involving unrelated employers, usually in a common industry, such as construction, trucking, textiles, or coal mining.

    • Investment Program — Describes PBGC's investment programs; how PBGC structures its investment portfolio; and results from the most recent fiscal year.

    • Pension Search Program — Explains the Pension Search Program, which lists and locates people owed benefits from PBGC-insured defined benefit pension plans that end. See also PBGC's online Pension Search Directory .

    • Customer Service — Describes PBGC's customer service program, philosophy, and initiatives.

    • Early Warning Program — Describes the Early Warning Program, under which PBGC reviews corporate transactions that pose an increased risk of long-run loss to PBGC and works with corporate sponsors of defined benefit pension plans to obtain protections.

    • Retirement Protection Act of 1994 — Reviews key provisions of the Retirement Protection Act of 1994, which protects the benefits of American workers and retirees by increasing funding of underfunded pension plans and strengthening the pension insurance program.

    • Premium Compliance Evaluation Program — Explains about PBGC's program to help ensure that plans comply with PBGC premium regulations and pay the appropriate premium.

    • My Plan Administration Account (My PAA) — Allows you to file premiums electronically with PBGC, exchange premium information with your service providers, notify each other of the next required action, track progress, file and pay, and receive payment confirmation electronically from PBGC.

  • Glossary of Pension Terms — This glossary will provide you with easy-to-understand definitions for common terms used by PBGC.

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Last Edited: 07/15/04