National Credit Union Administration

Economic Empowerment Summit

Agenda & Registration Form

Access Across America
Economic Empowerment Summit
October 14, 2004

Dear Credit Union CEO:

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) invites you to attend an Access Across America Economic Empowerment Summit in Tampa, Florida, Thursday, October 14, focusing on federal resources available to credit unions. This free Summit, which is hosted by NCUA, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Tampa.

Access Across America was established to create economic empowerment and facilitate the extension of affordable financial services to individuals and communities across America. Access Across America has partnered with federal agencies to develop opportunities to assist credit unions with the technical resources and finances needed to provide much needed services in underserved areas.

This summit will feature panels of government agencies and potential non-profit partners addressing key topics, including:


• Financial Education
• Homeownership
• Member Business Lending
• Partnership Opportunities for Credit Unions

Additionally, there will be short seminars on effective grant writing and serving underserved areas.

Registration for the summit will begin at 8:00 a.m., Thursday, October 14th,, and the program will begin at 8:30 a.m.

If you are unable to attend, you may send a credit union representative(s). Please register as soon as possible, as space is limited. If you plan to join us in Tampa, please fill out the registration form online (, or fax the attached registration form to (703) 518-6655 as soon as possible. Space is limited.

Participants are responsible for their own hotel reservations. Please contact the hotel directly:

Hyatt Regency Tampa
211 North Tampa Street
Tampa, Florida 33602
(813) 225-1234

If you have any questions, feel free to call (703) 518-6610 or email