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1999 OASDI Trustees Report


I.B1 Change in Actuarial Balance Over the Next 75 Years Based on
Intermediate Assumptions by Reason for Change

I.C1 Summary of OASDI Trust Fund Operations

I.C2 Tax Rates for 1998

I.E1 Ultimate Economic and Demographic Assumptions

I.G1 OASDI Income and Cost Rates for 25-Year Subperiods

I.G2 OASDI Income and Cost Rates for 75-Year Valuation Period

I.G3 OASDI Trust Fund Ratios

II.B1 Contribution and Benefit Base and Contribution Rates

II.C1 Statement of Operations of the OASI Trust Fund
During Fiscal Year 1998

II.C2 Assets of the OASI Trust Fund, by Type, Interest Rate, and
Year of Maturity, at End of Fiscal Year, 1997 and 1998

II.C3 Statement of Operations of the DI Trust Fund
During Fiscal Year 1998

II.C4 Assets of the DI Trust Fund, by Type, Interest Rate, and
Year of Maturity, at End of Fiscal Year, 1997 and 1998

II.C5 Statement of Operations of the OASI and DI Trust Funds,
Combined, During Fiscal Year 1998

II.C6 Comparison of Actual and Estimated Operations of the
OASI and DI Trust Funds, Fiscal Year 1998

II.C7 Estimated Distribution of Benefit Payments From the OASI
and DI Trust Funds, by Type of Beneficiary or Payment,
Fiscal Years 1997 and 1998

II.C8 Net Administrative Expenses as a Percentage of
Contribution Income and of Benefit Payments,
by Trust Fund, Fiscal Years 1994-98

II.C9 Investment Transactions of the OASI and DI Trust Funds
in Fiscal Year 1998

II.D1 Selected Economic Assumptions by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1960-2075

II.D2 Selected Demographic Assumptions by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1940-2075

II.E1 Average Wage Index, Calendar Years 1951-97

II.E2 Cost-of-Living Benefit Increases, Average Wage Index Increases,
OASDI Contribution and Benefit Bases, and Retirement Earnings
Test Exempt Amounts, by Alternative, 1975-2008

II.E3 Selected OASDI Program Amounts Determined Under the
Automatic-Adjustment Provisions, Calendar Years 1978-99,
and Projected Future Amounts, Calendar Years 2000-08,
on the Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions

II.E4 Increases in Normal Retirement Age and Delayed Retirement
Credits, With Resulting Benefit, as a Percentage of PIA,
Payable at Selected Ages, for Persons Reaching Age 62
in Each Year 1986 and Later

II.F1 Estimated Operations of the OASI Trust Fund by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1998-2008

II.F2 Estimated Operations of the DI Trust Fund by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1998-2008

II.F3 Estimated Operations of the OASI and DI Trust Funds,
Combined, by Alternative, Calendar Years 1998-2008

II.F4 Trust Fund Ratios by Trust Fund, Selected Calendar
Years 1950-98, and Estimated Future Ratios by
Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2008

II.F5 Change in OASI and DI Trust Fund Ratios at the Beginning
of the Tenth Year of Projection, Based on the Intermediate
Assumptions, by Reason for Change

II.F6 Comparison of Income Rates and Cost Rates, by Trust Fund,
Selected Calendar Years 1950-98, and Estimated Rates by
Alternative, Calendar years 1999-2008

II.F7 Operations of the OASI Trust Fund During Selected Fiscal
Years 1940-98 and Estimated Future Operations During
Fiscal Years 1999-2008, on the Basis of the Intermediate
Set of Assumptions

II.F8 Operations of the OASI Trust Fund During Selected Calendar
Years 1940-98 and Estimated Future Operations During
Calendar Years 1999-2008, on the Basis of the Intermediate
Set of Assumptions

II.F9 Operations of the DI Trust Fund During Selected Fiscal
Years 1960-98 and Estimated Future Operations During
Fiscal Years 1999-2008, on the Basis of the Intermediate
Set of Assumptions

II.F10 Operations of the DI Trust Fund During Selected Calendar
Years 1960-98 and Estimated Future Operations During
Calendar Years 1999-2008, on the Basis of the Intermediate
Set of Assumptions

II.F11 Operations of the OASI and DI Trust Funds, Combined,
During Selected Fiscal Years 1960-98 and Estimated
Future Operations During Fiscal Years 1999-2008, on the
Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions

II.F12 Operations of the OASI and DI Trust Funds, Combined,
During Selected Calendar Years 1960-98 and Estimated
Future Operations During Calendar Years 1999-2008, on the
Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions

II.F13 Comparison of Estimated Income Rates and Cost Rates by
Trust Fund and Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2075

II.F14 Comparison of Summarized Income Rates and Cost Rates
for 25-Year Subperiods, by Trust Fund and Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2073

II.F15 Comparison of Summarized Income Rates and Cost Rates
for Valuation Periods, by Trust Fund and Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2073

II.F16 Comparison of Estimated Long-Range Actuarial Balances
With the Minimum Allowable for the Test for Close Actuarial
Balance by Trust Fund, Based on Intermediate Estimates

II.F17 Components of Annual Income Rates by Trust Fund and
Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2075

II.F18 Components of Summarized Income Rates and Cost Rates
by Trust Fund and Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2073

II.F19 Comparison of OASDI Covered Workers and Beneficiaries
by Alternative, Calendar Years 1945-2075

II.F20 Estimated Trust Fund Ratios by Trust Fund and Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

II.F21 Change in Actuarial Balance Over the Next 75 Years
Based on Intermediate Assumptions by Trust Fund
and Reason for Change

II.G1 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Fertility Assumptions

II.G2 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Death-Rate Assumptions

II.G3 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Net-Immigration Assumptions

II.G4 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Real-Wage Assumptions

II.G5 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various CPI-Increase Assumptions

II.G6 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Real-Interest Assumptions

II.G7 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Disability Incidence Assumptions

II.G8 Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and
Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates
With Various Disability Termination Assumptions

II.H1 Social Security Area Population as of July 1 and
Dependency Ratios, by Alternative and Broad Age Group,
Calendar Years 1950-2075

II.H2 OASI Beneficiaries With Monthly Benefits in
Current-Payment Status as of December 31 by
Alternative, Calendar Years 1945-2075

II.H3 DI Beneficiaries With Monthly Benefits in
Current-Payment Status as of December 31 by
Alternative, Calendar Years 1960-2075

III.A1 Contribution Rates for the OASDI and HI Programs

III.A2 Comparison of Estimated Income Rates and
Cost Rates for OASDI and HI by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.A3 Comparison of Summarized Income Rates and
Cost Rates for 25-Year Subperiods, for OASDI and HI
by Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2073

III.A4 Comparison of Summarized Income Rates and
Cost Rates for Valuation Periods, for OASDI and HI
by Alternative, Calendar Years 1999-2073

III.B1 Selected Economic Variables by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1998-2075

III.B2 Estimated Operations of the Combined OASI and DI
Trust Funds in Constant 1999 Dollars by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.B3 Estimated Operations of the Combined OASI and DI
Trust Funds in Current Dollars by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.B4 Estimated OASDI and HI Income Excluding Interest,
Outgo, and Balance in Current Dollars by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.B5 Estimated Annual Benefit Amount Payable to Retired
Workers With Various Steady Pre-Retirement Earnings
Levels Based on Intermediate Assumptions,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.C1 Estimated OASDI and HI Income Excluding Interest, Outgo,
and Balance as a Percentage of GDP by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.C2 Ratio of OASDI Taxable Payroll to GDP by Alternative,
Calendar Years 1999-2075

III.D1 Long-Range Actuarial Balances for the OASDI Program as
Shown for the Intermediate Assumptions in the Trustees
Reports Issued in Years 1989-99

III.E1 Benefit Disbursements From the OASI Trust Fund With
Respect to Disabled Beneficiaries, Selected Calendar
Years 1960-98 and Estimated Future Disbursements
During 1999-2008 Based on Intermediate Assumptions

III.E2 Benefit Disbursements Under the OASDI Program With
Respect to Disabled Beneficiaries, by Trust Fund,
Selected Calendar Years 1960-98, and Estimated
Future Disbursements During 1999-2008 Based on
Intermediate Assumptions

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