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                                                                                                                     The FAA Office of the Chief Counsel supports the Agency's mission by furnishing timely and responsive legal services to the FAA Administrator and all Agency organizations at the Headquarters, Regional and Center levels.  The Office provides legal representation of the FAA before Congress as well as federal, state and other courts, boards and administrative forums.  Components of the Office also serve as the FAA Administrator's adjudicative forums for civil penalty and acquisition disputes. Brief descriptions of, and links to each of the AGC's major components are found below.  Links to the components also are found along the left margin of this page.

International Affairs and Legal Policy Staff, AGC-7

The International Affairs and Legal Policy Staff develops the Agency's position on international aviation law issues; serves as liaison for FAA on international aviation legal matters with other Government agencies and industry; and provides legal policy guidance on registration of aircraft; aircraft hijacking, and security matters related to international aviation.

Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), AGC-20

The Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution, coordinates FAA's ADR policy activities and initiatives by working with the program offices that manage ADR activities and initiatives.  It also coordinates and issues ADR guidance for the FAA and provides ADR training for selected personnel and assists the program offices with their training initiatives.

Personnel and Labor Law Staff, AGC-30

The Personnel and Labor Law Staff represents the FAA in administrative and court employment-related litigation.  AGC-30 also provides advice and legal counsel to FAA managers on all matters relating to the employment of FAA personnel.  

Legislative Staff, AGC-60

The Legislative Staff represents the agency regarding all legislative matters, such as legislative proposals, bills and resolutions.  It also develops, drafts, and coordinates testimony and reports, keeps the Administrator informed on the status of legislative matters, provides legal counsel to FAA witnesses before Congressional hearings, and maintains the FAA's legislative history files.  It also advises on all aspects of appropriation law.

Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition, AGC-70

The Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition (ODRA) is the adjudicative forum for all bid protests and contract disputes arising out of procurements and contracts entered into under the FAA's Acquisition Management System (AMS).  The ODRA provides alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services to the Agency and its business partners and, where necessary, conducts a streamlined adjudicative process to resolve disputes.

General Law Division, AGC-100

The AGC General Law Division consists of a FOIA & Privacy Act Legal Staff and an Ethics Staff.  The FOIA & Privacy Act Legal Staff has, among its major responsibilities: the review of laws and regulations having government-wide applicability; serving as the agency liaison on external Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) matters; the provision of legal advice and the processing of agency final decisions concerning both the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act; and the provision of legal advice on the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

The AGC Ethics Staff manages the FAA's agency-wide Ethics Program, which includes: annual collection/review of financial disclosure reports; annual ethics training for all employees filing financial disclosure reports, and others designated by management to receive training (Note: An Ethics Training Evaluation Form has been mounted on the website for use by those employees); interpretation and advice on the OGE Standards of Ethical Conduct for Executive Branch Employees, 5 CFR Part 2635; review of agency aircraft use involving senior employees; review of offers to pay agency travel expenses; and advising former employees on restrictions attached to post-Government employment. 

NOTICE:  Publication of List of Prohibited Investments for FAA Employees

For over 25 years, the FAA has prohibited its employees from having investments in airlines, aircraft manufacturing companies, and companies predominantly in the business of supplying goods and services to the aviation industry. The policy was codified in 1996 as a supplemental rule at Title 5 CFR Part 6001.104(b). To date, no list of companies covered by the prohibition has been published, in part because of the concern that such a list could become outdated at any time due to acquisitions, mergers, and other business transactions. This Administrator's memorandum publishes the list of prohibited stock for the information of all FAA employees, subject to the caveat that the list will need to be updated periodically. The list has been compiled from three sources, Aviation Daily, Aviation Week, and While it is not a complete listing of every company from the three sources, the list does cover all the companies in those sources that appear regularly in the trade press listings of aviation companies.

Note: The published list should be used as guidance and not as an inclusive listing of prohibited financial interests. FAA employees with questions on whether or not a company's stock is prohibited under 5 CFR 6001.104(b) should contact their local counsel's office.  



Regulations Division, AGC-200

The Regulations Division provides legal counsel regarding the drafting, form, and legality of regulations, orders, exemptions, airspace actions, and obstruction evaluation determinations.  In addition, it interprets the FAA's regulations; develops and recommends agency policy and standards relating to legal aspects of the agency regulatory program; acts as liaison with the Office of the Secretary of Transportation on the legal aspects of the agency's regulatory program; and provides legal counsel for the Slot Management System.

Enforcement Division, AGC-300

The Enforcement Division develops and reviews agency enforcement policies and programs.  It provides guidance to agency personnel on enforcement matters and reviews enforcement actions of national significance.  The Division also represents the FAA in enforcement actions before the National Transportation Safety Board, the FAA Decisionmaker, and the United States courts of appeals.  

Litigation Division, AGC-400

The Litigation Division provides legal services in aircraft accident investigation.  In addition, it represents the agency in aircraft accident litigation; represents FAA employees under subpoena and sued in their individual capacities; processes tort claims; and prepares the Administrator's opinions in civil penalty cases on appeal.

Procurement Law Division, AGC-500

The Procurement Law Division provides legal counsel, assistance, and review to all offices regarding contract and procurement law.  It also prepares or reviews procurement policy for the agency; represents the FAA in litigation in Federal and State courts involving procurement matters; and assures compliance with law and drafts appropriate language for all FAA contracts, leases and agreements.

Airports and Environmental Law Division, AGC-600

The Airports and Environmental Law Division provides legal advice on all airport and environmental matters, including relationships with state and local governments.  Specifically, it addresses questions concerning airport funding programs, policies, and procedures and compliance with airport grant assurances; prepares and reviews for legal adequacy all interagency agreements concerning airports or environmental matters; provides legal guidance regarding the promulgation of rulemakings concerning airports and environmental matters; provides legal advice and counsel with respect to the Passenger Facility Charges Program and airport access matters; represents the FAA in administrative proceedings concerning the Investigation, Compliance, and Enforcement Program for airports; and represents the FAA in airport and environmental litigation.

Resource Management Division, AGC-700

The Resource Management Division develops and administers the AGC's budget and provides administrative support in the area of personnel management, training, and contract administration.

FAA Regional Counsel

The nine Regional Counsels' offices have overall responsibility for the legal activities of the regions.  This includes the processing, prosecution, and appeal of enforcement cases generated by the program offices located in those regions.  The Regional Counsels' offices also provide legal advice and guidance on matters regarding, procurement, real estate, environment, airport grants, airport access, personnel, airspace, and rulemaking.  These offices are located in the following nine regions:   Alaskan, Central, Eastern, Great Lakes, New England, Northwest Mountain, Southern, Southwest, and Western Pacific.

Center Counsel

The Aeronautical Center Counsel provides legal advice and guidance to the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, Airmen and Aircraft Registry, Civil Aeromedical Institute, and FAA Academy.  The Technical Center Counsel provides legal advice and guidance to the William J. Hughes Technical Center, supports the agency's Research and Development function, and provides procurement advice on the testing and evaluation of new equipment and systems.

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