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Other Rx Drug Studies
June 25, 2003

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Related Links
"The Other Drug War 2003" (Public Citizen, (6/2003) go there
"2002 Drug Industry Profits" (Public Citizen, 6/2003) go there
"Profiting from Pain: Where Prescription Drug Dollars Go" (Families USA, 7/02) go there
"Federal Policies Affecting the Cost and Availability of New Pharmaceuticals" (Kaiser Fam. Fd, 7/02) go there
"United Seniors Assn.: Hired Guns for PhRMA and Other Corporate Interests" (Public Citizen, 7/02) go there
"Changing Patterns of Pharmaceutical Innovation" (National Institute for Health Care Mgmt, 5/29/02) go there
"Affording Rx Drugs: Not Just a Problem for the Elderly" (CSHSC, 4/02) go there
"Rx Drug Access: Not Just a Medicare Problem" (Center for Studying Health System Change, 4/02) go there
Rx Drug Expenditures in 2001: Another Year of Escalating Costs (NIHCM, 3/02) go there
GAO Analysis of Bush Rx Drug Discount Plan (Members of Congress to HHS Sec'y Thompson, 1/3/02) go there
"Patently Offensive: Congress Set to Extend Monopoly Patents for Cipro" (Public Citizen, 11/01) go there
"Why the Drug Industry’s 'R&D; Scare Card' Does Not Justify High Prices" (Public Citizen, 7/23/01) go there
"Medicare and Rx Drugs Focus Groups: Summary Report" (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Fdn, 7/01) go there
"Off the Charts: Pay, Profits and Spending in Drug Companies" (Families USA, 7/10/01) go there
"Prescription for Power" (Common Cause, 6/13/01) go there
"Enough to Make You Sick: Prescription Drug Prices for the Elderly" (Families USA, 6/12/01) go there
"Targeting Medicare Drug Benefits: Costs and Issues (Kaiser Family Foundation, 6/01) go there
"The Profit in Pills" (The Alliance for Retired Americans, 5/01) go there
"Cost Overdose: Growth in Drug Spending for the Elderly, 1992-2010 (Families USA,, 7/00) go there
"Still Rising: Drug Price Increases for Seniors, 1999 - 2000" (Families USA, 4/2000) go there
Medicare+Choice: Payments Exceed Cost of Fee for Service Benefits, Adding Billions to Spending (GAO) go there
"A Medicare Drug Benefit May Not Be So Bad" (Merrill Lynch, 6/23/01) go there
"U.S. Pharmaceuticals: Industry Update" (Merrill Lynch, 9/1/99) go there