Tom Allen - Representing Maine's First District

Tom's Rx Drug Legislation

Tom's Rx Drug Studies

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Prescription Drugs
Learn more about Tom's efforts to provide a prescription drug discount and benefit available to all Medicare beneficiaries.

The Issue: Rx Drug Prices

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Statement on H.Res. 776, A Resolution of Inquiry Relating to Estimates and Analyses of Medicare Prescription Drug Law Costs, (9/30/04)
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Rep. Allen Joins in Call for Discharge of Bill to Guarantee Real Rx Drug Price Discounts, (7/14/04)
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Check out the latest on H.R. 2356, The Prescription Drug Comparative Effectiveness Act
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Latest Developments on Maine Rx (newspaper articles, commentary and other information regarding the Maine landmark program)
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Affordable Rx Drug Help click here

Senior citizens all over Maine have told Rep. Tom Allen about the hardships they face because of the high cost of prescription drugs. Beginning in early 1998, long before this issue had risen to national prominence, Tom undertook a series of studies which confirm that the pharmaceutical industry, the most profitable industry in the country, charges the highest prices in the world to those least able to afford it, mostly seniors who have no prescription drug insurance coverage. Tom's studies have subsequently been replicated around the country and have helped to focus public attention on the plight of seniors forced to choose between taking the medicines their doctors prescribe or buying food, paying rent or purchasing fuel.

To address these problems, Tom has introduced important legislation in the 108th Congress including H.R. 1400, The Prescription Drug Fairness for Seniors Act and H.R. 2356, The Prescription Drug Comparative Effectiveness Act. The links on this page will provide more information on the prescription drug issue generally and on Tom's initiatives specifically.

To view more editorial cartoons concerning prescription drug prices,
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