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2001 Domestic Monitor Program, Drug Enforcement Administration, June 2003. This report provides data on the source, cost, and percent of purity of heroin being sold at the retail or street level in 23 U.S. cities. 
2002 Survey of Health-Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel, Department of Defense, R. Bray, et al, October 2003. This survey provides comprehensive and detailed estimates of the prevalence of alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco use among military personnel. In combination with data from the prior surveys in the series, it provides data for trends. 
A top
ADAM 1997 Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, July 1998. This report presents the results of both drug urinalysis and self report information from adult male and female arrestees and juvenile male arrestees/detainees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Cocaine Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999, Provides information on cocaine use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. This report provides an overview of data on drug use among booked arrestees and detailed site-by-site tables.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Marijuana Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on marijuana use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Methamphetamine Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on methamphetamine use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1998 Annual Report on Opiate Use Among Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, April 1999. Provides data on opiate use among adult and juvenile arrestees.  Summary
ADAM 1999 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute on Justice, June 2000. This report provides an overview of 1999 ADAM program findings and detailed site-by-site tables on drug use among booked arrestees.  Summary
ADAM Preliminary 2000 Findings on Drug Use and Drug Markets--Adult Male Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, Bruce G. Taylor, Dana Hunt, Henry H. Brownstein, Judy A. Reardon, and Nora Fitzgerald. December 2001. The ADAM program measures the extent of drug use in the high-risk population of people who have been arrested. This preliminary report presents data just about male arrestees.   Summary
Afghanistan Community Drug Profile #5: An Assessment of Problem Drug Use in Kabul City, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, July 2003. This Community Drug Profile provides assessments of specific drug problems and at-risk groups within Kabul City.  
Alcohol and Other Drug Use at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, D. Kapner, July 2003. This fact provides information on drug and alcohol use on historically black colleges and universities.  
Alucinógenos Y Drogas Disociativas, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2003. This report provides information on hallucinogens and dissociative drugs in Spanish.  
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2003, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2003. This report provides data on the well-being of children in the areas of economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education.  
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2002, Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, July 2002. This report contains information about adolescent drug, alcohol, and tobacco use; and other indicators of well-being.  
America’s Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2004, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, July 2004. This report includes detailed information on a set of key indicators of child well-being including drug and alcohol abuse.  
Amphetamine and Ecstasy Use in the Caribbean Region, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. This fact sheet provides information about drug use in the Caribbean Region.  
Anabolic Steroids: Research Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2000. This report provides information on steroid abuse and effects.  
Antigua and Barbuda Drug Information System Annual National Report 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This report provides an overview of the policies used to combat drug and crime problems in Antigua-Barbuda.  
Assessing Drug Abuse Within and Across Communities: Community Epidemiology Surveillance Networks on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 1998. This guide was designed to aid communities in their local prevention efforts by helping them understand their drug abuse problems through research. 
B top
Bahamas Drug Information System Annual National Report, 2001, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, March 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug problem in the Bahamas.  
Boletín Informativo: Abuso de Medicamentos Prescritos y la Juventud, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. The Spanish language version of Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth.  
Boletín Informativo: Las Drogas Ilícitas y la Juventud, National Drug Intelligence Center, July 2004. This information brief discusses illicit drug use among young people. 
BZP and TFMPP: Chemicals Used to Mimic MDMA's Effects, Drug Enforcement Administration, December 2001. This fact sheet provides an overview of chemicals, which produce stimulant and hallucinatory effects similar to MDMA, but are not currently listed under the Controlled Substances Act.  
C top
Cambodia Country Brief, Drug Enforcement Administration, December 2001. This report provides information on marijuana and heroin use, the increase in methamphetamine use among youth, law enforcement agencies, and discusses Cambodian legislation.  
Campuses and the Club Drug Ecstasy, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, A. Powell, May 2001. This fact sheet offers an overview of ecstasy, possible effects of its use, and implications for institutions of higher education.  
The Challenge in Higher Education: Confronting and Reducing Substance Abuse on Campus, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2004. This report provides college administrators with a basic understanding of illegal drug use among the college population and urges their support in ridding campuses of this threat.  
Club Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data and links to source materials on the club drugs ecstasy, rohypnol, GHB, and ketamine. 
Cocaine Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, November 2003. This report provides information on cocaine use, effects, availability, legislation, and street terms for the drug.  
Cocaine Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on cocaine with links to source materials.  
A Collection of Articles That Address Research on Cocaine, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2004. Included in this document are selections of cocaine-related articles reprinted from the research newsletter, NIDA Notes. 
Colorado Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Colorado.  
Comparing Drug Use Rates of Detained Arrestees in the United States and England, National Institute of Justice, Bruce Taylor, Trevor Bennett. April 1999. Compares and analyzes findings from surveys of arrestees detained in five locations in England with those from similar surveys conducted in five matched locations in the United States.   Summary
Connecticut Drug Threat Assessment Update, National Drug Intelligence Center, July 2003. This report is a brief update to the Connecticut Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to Connecticut.  
Crack Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on crack with links to source materials. 
Crack, Powder Cocaine, and Heroin: Drug Purchase and Use Patterns in Six U.S. Cities, Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Institute of Justice, K. Jack Riley, December 1997. Presents information collected from recently arrested cocaine and heroin users from six cities in the U.S., highlighting information on how they obtained and used drugs.  Summary
Crack's Decline: Some Surprises Across U.S. Cities, National Institute of Justice, Andrew Lang Golub and Bruce D. Johnson. July 1997. An overview of a study that analyzed data on arrestee crack use to confirm a drug epidemic model.   Summary
D top
The DASIS Report: Adult Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity, 2000 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information about marijuana treatment admissions by race and ethnicity.   Summary
The DASIS Report: New Heroin Users Admitted to Treatment: 1992-2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2003. This report examines data on new heroin users from 1992 to 2000.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2001. An overview of treatment data focussing on adults over the age of 55.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection of Multiple Drugs: 2000 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. This fact sheet provides data on admissions that reported injecting more than one drug.   Summary
The DAWN Report on Club Drugs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2000. Provides an overview of club drug-related emergency department episodes. 
The DAWN Report: Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Emergency Department Visits, 1995-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This fact sheet uses emergency department data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network to provide some insights into the eastward diffusion of methamphetamine abuse between 1995 and 2002.  Summary
The DAWN Report: Benzodiazepines in Drug Abuse-Related ED Visits, 1995-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report provides data on emergency department visits related to benzodiazepines, which are psychotherapeutic sedatives used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. 
The DAWN Report: Club Drugs, 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This fact sheet focuses on emergency department visits related to GHB, Ketamine, LSD, and MDMA (commonly known as Ecstasy). 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Atlanta, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Atlanta metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Baltimore, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 20 hospitals in the Baltimore metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Buffalo, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 8 hospitals in the Buffalo metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Denver, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 9 hospitals in the Denver metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Detroit, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the Detroit metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Miami, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Miami metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Minneapolis–St. Paul, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 12 hospitals in the Minneapolis–St. Paul metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: New Orleans, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 12 hospitals in the New Orleans metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: New York City, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 30 hospitals in the New York City metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Newark, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the Newark metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Phoenix, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Phoenix metropolitan area for 2002.  
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: San Diego, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the San Diego metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Seattle, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 15 hospitals in the Seattle metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights from DAWN: Washington, DC, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 15 hospitals in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. Data on emergency department (ED) visits related to major drugs of abuse. 
The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report examines geographic variation in emergency department (ED) visits related to cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine. 
The DAWN Report: Narcotic Analgesics , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This report provides data on emergency department visits related to prescription painkillers from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).  
The DAWN Report: Trends in Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 1994-2001 At a Glance, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report provides a reference to the most recent trends in emergency department (ED) visits related to drug abuse. 
The DAWN Report: Trends in PCP-Related Emergency Department Visits, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet examines trends in PCP-related visits to hospital emergency departments nationally and in 21 metropolitan areas. 
Delaware Drug Threat Assessment Update, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This report is a brief update to the Delaware Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to Delaware.  
Demographic subgroup trends for various licit and illicit drugs, 1975-2001. (Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper No. 57), National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002. This report graphically presents drug use trends for secondary school students by various demographic subgroups (e.g. gender and race).  
Detection and Prevalence of Substance Use Among Juvenile Detainees, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, K. Abram, G. McClelland, and L. Teplin. June 2004. This bulletin assesses substance use detection methods (self-report and urinalysis) and prevalence among high-risk youth detained in Cook County, Illinois.  
Differences in the Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use Across Five Factors: Gender, Race, Age, Type of Drug, and Offense Seriousness, National Institute of Justice, A. Rosay, D. Hertz, and S. Najaka. May 2000. This study examines the accuracy of self-reported drug use of individuals in the justice system.  
Distinguishing Between Effects of Criminality and Drug Use on Violent Offending, National Institute of Justice, Jacqueline Cohen, March 2000. This study attempts to isolate the direct effects of drug use near the time of offending by analyzing a sample of adults arrested in Washington, DC from 1985-1986, including their arrest histories and the results of drug screens administered following arrest. 
District of Columbia Drug Threat Assessment Update, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This report is a brief update to the District of Columbia Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to the District of Columbia.  
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research: 25 Years of Discovery to Advance the Health of the Public, National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 1999. An overview of drug use in the U.S., including data sources, information on specific drugs, and current research to treat drug addiction. 
Drug and Alcohol Use and Related Matters Among Arrestees, 2003, National Institute of Justice, 2004. This data report presents findings from 39 Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM) sites that collected data during one or more quarters in 2003. 
Drug Availability Estimates in the United States, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2002. This report provides a measurement of the quantity of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana available to drug users.  Summary
Drug Data Summary Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Michele Spiess, March 2003. This fact sheet summarizes current data on drug use, drug enforcement activities, drug offenders in the criminal justice system, availability estimates, and the Federal drug control budget.  
Drug Intelligence Brief: MDMA-Ecstasy, Drug Enforcement Administration, June 1999. This brief provides an overview of MDMA use, effects, trafficking, siezures, and production.  
Drug Intelligence Brief: Trippin' on Tryptamines, The Emergence of Foxy and AMT as Drugs of Abuse, Drug Enforcement Administration, October 2002. This DEA Brief provides information on the synthetic substances 5-MeO-DIPT, known by the street name “Foxy,” and alpha-methyltryptamine (AMT). 
The Drug Nexus in Africa , United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, March 1999. This report provides information on illicit drug trends in sub-Saharan Africa.  
Drug Testing for Youthful Offenders on Parole: An Experimental Study, National Institute of Justice, G. Boyken, L. Britton, R. Haapanen, and S. Henderson. June 2000. This report presents the findings of a five-year experimental study of drug testing for youthful offenders released to parole. 
Drug Use Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities, National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 2003. The purpose of this report is to provide policymakers, researchers, and others with an understanding of the nature of drug use among minorities by summarizing data on this issue. 
Drug Use and Related Matters Among Adult Arrestees, 2001, National Institute of Justice, 2002. The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM) measures the extent of drug use among arrestees, this tabular booklet presents findings from ADAM sites that collected data in 2001. 
Drug Use Forecasting 1994: Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, November 1995. Provides data on drug use among adult and juvenile arrestees in various cities.  Summary
Drug Use Forecasting 1995: Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, June 1996. Provides data on drug use among adult and juvenile arrestees in various cities.  Summary
Drug Use Forecasting 1996: Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, June 1997. Provides data on drug use among adult and juvenile arrestees in various cities.  Summary
Drug Use Monitoring in Australia: 2002 Annual Report on Drug Use Among Police Detainees, Australian Institute of Criminology, March 2003. This report presents findings from Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) project, which interviews detainees in police custody about their drug use.  
Drug Use Trends Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, October 2002. An overview of adult and youth drug use data from a variety of Federal sources. 
E top
Economic and Social Consequences of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, January 1998. This report explores the economic and social consequences of the production, distribution and trafficking, and consumption of illegal drugs.  
Ecstasy and Amphetamines - Global Survey 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, September 2003. The purpose of this survey is to review the size and nature of the amphetamine-type stimulants threat, with the view of exploring what society can do to overcome the problem.  Summary
Emergency Department Trends From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, Preliminary Estimates January-June 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2002. This report presents information on drug-related emergency department episodes collected through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).  Summary
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Advance Report, December 2002 , National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2003. This report provides information on drug abuse in major metropolitan areas of the United States.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Advance Report, June 2002, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2003. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the 52nd semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a network of researchers that meets twice a year to review current and emerging drug abuse problems.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2002. This report provides drug-related data and information for various metropolitan areas.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Advance Report, December 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2002. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a network of epidemiologists and researchers that review current and emerging substance abuse problems.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Advance Report, June 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2001. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG), a network of epidemiologists and researchers that review current and emerging substance abuse problems. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, International Epidemiology Work Group on Drug Abuse, June 1999, Proceedings, National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 1999. A report on international drug trends in specific countries. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 1999, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2000. An overview of local drug trends in 21 cities/regions in the U.S. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 2000, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2001. An overview of local drug trends in 21 cities/regions in the U.S. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, June 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2001. Report on the semiannual meeting of the CEWG to provide ongoing community-level public health surveillance of drug abuse through presentation and discussion of research data.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, February 2004. This report provides a summary of the 54th semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG). CEWG serves as a unique epidemiologic surveillance network of current and emerging drug abuse patterns. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume II: Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2002 , National Institute on Drug Abuse, January 2003. This report provideds drug abuse data about major cities in the United States and other countries and regions of the world, including Canada, Mexico, and Africa.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume II: Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2004. This report provides the papers presented at the 54th semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG). CEWG serves as a unique epidemiologic surveillance network of current and emerging drug abuse patterns. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse: Advance Report, December 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2004. This report presents finding from the semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a unique network that functions as a surveillance system to identify drug abuse patterns and trends, as well as emerging drug problems and issues. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse: Advance Report, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 2003. This report presents findings from the semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group held on June, 2003.  
Esnifar - El Uso Indebido de los Inhalantes--Boletín Informativo , National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Este boletín habla del uso indebido de los inhalantes en los Estados Unidos.  
Estimating Drug Use Prevalence Among Arrestees Using ADAM Data: An Application of a Logistic Regression Synthetic Estimation Procedure, National Institute of Justice, January 2003. This report presents an application of a logistic regression synthetic estimation approach using available ADAM data for estimating the prevalence of illicit drug-using arrestees. 
Estimation of Cocaine Availability 1996-1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2000. Discusses a new model that provides a basis for measuring the flow of cocaine from producer nations, through the transit zones, across the nation's borders, and throughout the U.S. 
Estimation of Cocaine Availability, 1996-2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2002. This report provides the basis for measuring the flow of cocaine from producer nations to the U.S. and includes production estimates and seizure statistics.  
Estimation of Heroin Availability 1995-1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Patrick Johnston, William Rhodes, and Kyla Carrigan, December 2000. An overview of a model developed to estimate the availability of heroin in the US; the model is based on consumption, trafficking, and production data from a variety of sources. 
F top
Federal Drug-Related Data Systems Inventory: Report of the Drug Control Research Data, and Evaluation Committee, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report presents an inventory of current drug-related data sources from a variety of Federal agencies.  Summary
Florida Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, July 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Florida.  
Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) "roofies" , Drug Enforcement Administration, July 1995. This fact sheet provides information on rohypnol use, effects, trafficking, and scheduling.  
Food For Thought: Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, December 2003. This report provides a comprehensive examination of the link between substance abuse and eating disorders.   Summary
The Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse Among Girls and Young Women Ages 8-22, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, February 2003. This report provides an analysis of the characteristics of girls and young women who abuse substances, when they are at highest risk of doing so and the impact of such abuse.   Summary
G top
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, November 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of GHB abuse, effects, scheduling, street terms, and its use in drug-facilitated rape.  
Georgia Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2003. This report is a joint strategic assessment by the National Drug Intelligence Center and the Drug Enforcement Administration that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Georgia.  
GHB Analogs: GBL, BD, GHV, and GVL, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2002. This information bulletin provides an update on the availability of, demand for, production, transportation, and distribution of GHB analogs.  
Global Illicit Drug Trends 2002, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. An overview of worldwide trends in illegal drug production, trafficking, and consumption. 
Global Illicit Drug Trends, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. The report takes a statistical approach to assessing the status of world supply in and demand for illicit drugs.   Summary
Grenada Drug Information Network (GRENDIN) Annual Report, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, January 2003. The contents of this report represent the findings of research into the nature and extent of the drug problem in Grenada for the period 1988 to 2002.  
Guyana Drug Information System Annual National Report 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, January 2003. This report provides information on the drug problem in Guyana.  
H top
Hallucinogens Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on LSD, PCP, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, DMT, AMT, Foxy, and DXM with links to source materials.  
Heroin Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, J. Lloyd, June 2003. This resource provides a concise summary of available research on heroin effects, use, availability, treatment, and related enforcement activities.  
Heroin Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on heroin with links to source materials. 
Heroin in the Caribbean Region, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of data on heroin use in the Caribbean Region.  
Heroin in the Northeast: A Regional Report, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This strategic assessment addresses the heroin situation in the Northeast region and contains findings derived through detailed analysis of the most recently available reporting from law enforcement, intelligence, and public health agencies.  
Heroin Signature Program: 1999, Drug Enforcement Administration, August 2001. This fact sheet provides an overview of a DEA program used to determine the origin of heroin entering the U.S. drug market. 
How Accurate are Arrestees in Reporting Their Criminal Justice Histories?: Concordance and Accuracy of Self-Reports Compared to Official Records , National Institute of Justice, February 2002. This analysis focuses upon the validity of arrestee self-reports of drug use and contacts with the criminal justice system. 
I top
I-ADAM in Eight Countries: Approaches and Challenges, National Institute of Justice, Bruce Taylor, May 2002. This publication is a progress report on the implementation of the International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (I–ADAM) program in eight countries and on the challenges they faced.  Summary
Illicit Drug Use Among Detained Arrestees: The International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program, National Institute of Justice, Bruce Taylor, August 2001. This paper provides an overview of the International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program. 
Illicit Drugs and Youth, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2002. This information brief discusses illicit drug use among young people. 
Impact of September 11, 2001 Events on Substance Abuse and Mental Health in the New York Area, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This report examines the potential effects of the September 11 events on substance use and substance abuse treatment, mental health problems and treatment, and religiosity in the New York area.  
The Importance of Family Dinners, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2003. This report examines the relationship of family dinners to specific characteristics that increase or diminish the likelihood that a teen will smoke, drink or use illegal drugs.  Summary
Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, November 2002. The report examines crime occurring in school as well as on the way to and from school; including drug use, sales, and availability.   Summary
Influence of Labor Market and Educational Experiences on Drug Use and Violence Against Inner City Puerto Rican Adolescents (Summary), National Institute of Justice, Orlando Rodriguez, August 2001. This paper explores the influence of parental socioeconomic status and educational and labor market experiences on violence and substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents living in a marginal area of New York City. 
Information Bulletin: Methadone Abuse Increasing, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2003. This Information Bulletin addresses an apparent rise in methadone abuse and examines the methods by which abusers acquire this drug. 
Information Bulletin: Salvia Divinorum, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2003. This bulletin provides an overview of the distribution and abuse of Salvia divinorum, an herb that contains the hallucinogen Salvinorin A.  
Inhalant/Solvent Use in the Caribbean Region, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. This fact sheet provides information about inhalant use in the Caribbean Region. 
Inhalants Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, February 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of inhalant abuse, effects, treatment, legislation, and street terms. 
Inhalants Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on inhalants with links to source materials. 
Initiation of Marijuana Use: Trends, Patterns and Implications, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report contains an analysis of the initiation of marijuana use and presents in-depth analyses of the consequences of early use.  
Intelligence Bulletin: Khat (Catha edulis), National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This bulletin indicates that the availability of khat, a plant containing stimulants regulated under the Controlled Substances Act, is increasing in the United States. 
J top
Juveniles and Drugs Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, M. Spiess, June 2003. This fact sheet summarizes information on youth drug use, drugs and school, consequences of use, juvenile drug-related crime, and juvenile admissions to treatment. 
Juveniles and Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on youth drug use, treatment, and consequences of use with links to source materials.  
K top
Kansas Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Kansas.  
L top
Les Raves-Bulletin Informatif, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Ce bulletin parle spécifiquement des raves et drogues de club aux États-Unis.  
LSD Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This fact sheet provides general information on LSD.  
M top
Malignant Neglect: Substance Abuse and America's Schools, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2001. This report is the result of analysis, surveys, and field investigations, including focus groups with students, teachers, parents and school administrators in schools across the country, and a study of the available data on substance use in schools and among students.   Summary
Marijuana Abuse Research Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, October 2002. This report provides information on marijuana use, effects, treatment, and more.  
Marijuana Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, February 2004. This Fact Sheet provides information about marijuana use, effects, availability, enforcement (arrests, seizures), treatment, and other issues such as medical marijuana. 
Marijuana Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on marijuana with links to source materials.  
Marijuana Use Among Students at Institutions of Higher Education, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, February 2002. This fact sheet provides information on marijuana use by college students.  
Massachusetts Drug Threat Assessment Update, 2003, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This report is a brief update to the Massachusetts Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to Massachusetts.  
MDMA (Ecstasy) Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, M. Spiess, February 2004. This fact sheet provides a summary of data related to the club drug ecstasy. It includes information on ecstasy use, health effects, and related enforcement initiatives.  
Methamphetamine Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on methamphetamine with links to source materials.  
Methamphetamine Use Among Adult Arrestees: Findings From the DUF Program, National Institute of Justice, Gabrielle M. Kyle and Thomas E. Feucht. November 1996. This report provides trends in methamphetamine use, based on data from the Drug Use Forecasting program.   Summary
Minorities and Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on minority drug use and related information with links to source materials.  
Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002. This report presents a summary of the national results on adolescent drug use, with a particular emphasis on recent trends in the use of licit and illicit drugs. 
Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2002, National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, L. Johnston, P. O'Malley. 2003. This report contains a section devoted to each class of drug, along with a number of supporting tables and figures.  
Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, J. Schulenberg, L. Johnston, P. O'Malley, June 2004. First results from the Monitoring the Future study’s 2003 nationwide survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students are given in this report. 
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2001. Volume I: Secondary School Students , National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, L. Johnston, P. O'Malley, 2002. Provides data on national trends in smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use among American secondary school students.  
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2001. Volume II: College Students and Adults Ages 19-40 , National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, L. Johnston, P. O'Malley, August 2002. National trends in smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use among college students and adults through age 40.  
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2002, Volume I: Secondary School Students , National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, L. Johnston, and P. O'Malley. 2003. This monograph reports the results of a national survey of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs among high school seniors, eighth-and tenth-grade students. 
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2002, Volume II: College Students & Adults Ages 19-40, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2003. This monograpgh reports results from a survey of American college students, all young adult high school graduates through age 30, and older graduates ages 35 and 40. 
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2003, Volume I: Secondary School Students, National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, J. Schulenberg, L. Johnston, and P. O'Malley. August 2004. This monograph presents the results of the 2003 national survey of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs among American secondary school students. 
Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2003: Volume II, College Students and Adults Ages 19-45, National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, J. Schulenberg, L. Johnston, P. O’Malley, 2004. This report contains findings from a drug-related survey of American college students, their age peers not in college, young adult high school graduates through age 30, and high school graduates ages 35, 40, and 45. 
Monitoring the Marijuana Upsurge With DUF/ADAM Arrestees, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Golub and B. Johnson, July 2001. This report examines the dynamics of trends in marijuana use detected at 23 locations across the nation served by the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program from 1987 through 1998. 
Mortality Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. This report provides data on drug-related deaths in various metropolitan areas throughout the United States. 
Mortality Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2003. This report tracks deaths that are drug-induced (one or more of the drugs directly caused the death) or drug-related (drug abuse was a contributing factor in the death).  
Mortality Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This publication presents information on deaths related to drug abuse based on data collected through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) for calendar year 2002.  Summary
N top
National Drug Control Strategy, 2003 Data Supplement, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug-related data used in the implementation and measurement of the effectiveness of federal, state, and local drug control programs. 
National Drug Control Strategy, 2004, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This report outlines a balanced, three-priority strategy to combat drug use in America and highlights budget aspects of each component.   Summary
National Drug Control Strategy: FY 2005 Budget Summary, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This report provides an overview of the Federal drug control budget.   Summary
National Drug Threat Assessment 2003, National Drug Intelligence Center, January 2003. This report integrates data from enforcement, intelligence, and public health agencies to accurately and reliably depict the current domestic drug situation.  
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse IX: Teen Dating Practices and Sexual Activity, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, August 2004. This survey seeks to assess the relationship of a 12- to 17-year olds’ social world to that teen’s risk of smoking, drinking, and using illegal drugs.  Summary
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse VII: Teens, Parents and Siblings , National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, August 2002. This report provides the findings of a survey that measures teens attitudes towards drug abuse.   Summary
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse VIII: Teens and Parents, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, August 2003. This report summarizes the findings of a survey of parents and youth on drug use.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Academic Performance and Youth Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This report provides data on youth drug use and its link to academic performance.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Marijuana Use and Drug Dependence, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This fact sheet provides data on marijuana use and addiction in the United States.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use and the Risk of Suicide Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This fact sheet explores the link between youth drug use and risk of suicide.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Alcohol Use by Persons Under the Legal Drinking Age of 21 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2003. This fact sheet presents State and other data on underage drinking.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Availability of Illicit Drugs to Females Aged 12 to 17, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report provides data on the availability and use of illegal drugs among young females.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Awareness of Workplace Substance Use Policies and Programs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This report presents data on full–time workers aged 18 to 49 regarding their knowledge of substance use policies and resources at their workplace.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Beliefs Among Youths About Risks from Illicit Drug Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. An overview of data on the perceived risk of substance abuse among youths.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Characteristics of New Marijuana Users, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This fact sheet provides data on patterns and trends in marijuana initiation, or first time use.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Children Living with Substance Abusing or Substance Dependent Parents, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report focuses on biological, step, adoptive, and foster children younger than 18 years of age who were living with one or both parents who abuse drugs.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Comparison of Substance Use in Australia and the United States, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2003. This fact sheet provides information on drug use in the U.S. and Australia.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Ecstasy Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2001. This report focuses on the use of 3–4 methylenedioxymethamephetamine (MDMA), commonly known as Ecstasy.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Heavy Alcohol Use Among Young Adults, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. An overview of data on alcohol use by 18-25 year olds.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Illicit Drug Use Among Hispanic Females, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet provides data on drug use among Hispanic females, including information on demographics, pregnancy, and geographic differences.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Illicit Drug Use Among Veterans (2000 and 2001), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet provides information on drug use and treatment needs of veterans.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Illicit Drug Use in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This fact sheet provides drug use data by metropolitan and non-metropolitan residents.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Inhalant Use Among Youth, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2002. This report focuses on past year inhalant use, but also presents information on the lifetime use of specific inhalants.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Injection Drug Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information about injection drug users including risk behaviors and needle sources.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Low Rates of Alcohol Use among Asian Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This report provides information on alcohol use among Asian youth.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Marijuana Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This fact sheet provides data on marijuana use among youth, including information on demographics and academic performance.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Neighborhood Characteristics and Youth Marijuana Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. This report explores the links between the perceptions of neighborhood characteristics and marijuana use among youths.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Nonmedical Use of Prescription-Type Drugs among Youths and Young Adults , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This fact sheet provides information on the nonmedical use of prescription–type drugs among persons aged 12 to 25.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Obtaining Marijuana Easy for Youth, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2001. This report reviews data on the availability of marijuana to youth.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Parental Disapproval of Youths' Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This fact sheet provides information on the perceptions of parental disapproval related to adolescent substance use.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Racial and Ethnic Differences in Youth Hallucinogen Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2003. This fact sheet provides data on the use of hallucinogens including LSD, PCP, Ecstasy, peyote, mescaline, and mushrooms.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: School Experiences and Substance Use among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2003. This report examines youth drug use and their feelings about and experiences with school.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Serious Mental Illness Among Adults, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides information on the prevalence of mental illness, treatment, and drug abuse by those with mental illness.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Abuse or Dependence in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This fact sheet compares drug abuse by persons residing in metropolitan and non–metropolitan areas.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Abuse or Dependence, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides information on drug dependence among the U.S. population, including demographic characteristics and drug types used.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use Among American Indians or Alaska Natives , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2003. This fact sheet compares alcohol and illicit drug use among American Indians and Alaska Natives with other racial and ethnic groups.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use Among Older Adults, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2001. This report provides an overview of data on drug use among older Americans.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use Among Persons in Families Receiving Government Assistance, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2002. This fact sheet provides data on substance abuse among families receiving assistance, including child care, job training, and food stamps.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use Among Pregnant Women During 1999 and 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of data on drug use by pregnant women.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use in the 10 Largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2003. This report presents comparisons of the prevalence of illicit drug use, binge alcohol use, and cigarette use among large metropolitan statistical areas.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use, Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This report presents data on drug use and dependence among full-time workers aged 18 through 49.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Team Sports Participation and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2002. This report provides data on drug use and attitudes of youth that participate in sports.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Youth Violence and Substance Use, 2001 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet provides information on youth substance abuse and it's relation to violence.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Youth Violence Linked to Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2001. This report uses Household Survey data to examine the link between drug use and violence among youth.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Youth Who Carry Handguns, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2001. This report examines the link between carrying handguns and the use of illicit drugs and alcohol among youth.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Youths' Choice of Consultant for Serious Problems as Related to Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2003. This fact sheet provides information on who youths aged 12 to 17 identify as the persons they would talk to about a serious problem.  Summary
No Place to Hide: Substance Abuse in Mid Size Cities and Rural America, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, January 2000. Youth in rural areas of America are more likely to use drugs than those in large urban centers.  Summary
North Carolina Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2003. This report is a joint strategic assessment by the National Drug Intelligence Center and the Drug Enforcement Administration that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to North Carolina.  
The NSDUH Report: Adults with Co-Occurring Serious Mental Illness & a Substance Use Disorder, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This fact sheet provides data on the prevalence and treatment rates of co-occurring serious mental illness and substance abuse.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Availability of Illicit Drugs Among Youths , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet focuses on how easy or difficult it would be for youth aged 12 to 17 to obtain illegal drugs if they wanted some and whether or not they had been approached in the past month by someone selling drugs.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Drugged Driving, 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This fact sheet provides data from a National Survey on the rates of driving under the influence of illegal drugs ("drugged driving").   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Graduated Driver Licensing and Drinking Among Young Drivers, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report examines the associations among binge drinking, heavy drinking, and DUI for drivers aged 15 to 17 by the restrictiveness of State GDL laws.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: How Youth Obtain Marijuana , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report focuses on how youths aged 12 to 17 obtained marijuana the last time they used it, from whom they obtained it, and where they were when they obtained it.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Inhalant Use Among Youths: 2002 Update , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report focuses on past year inhalant use, but also presents information on the lifetime use of specific inhalants.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Marital Status and Substance Use Among Women , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This fact sheet provides information on substance abuse among married women aged 21 to 49.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Nonmedical Use of Prescription Pain Relievers, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report focuses on the nonmedical use of prescription pain relievers.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Participation in Youth Activities and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2004. This fact sheet explores the link between participation in youth activities and a lower risk of substance use among youths.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Pregnancy and Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This report examines illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among pregnant and nonpregnant women aged 15 to 44.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Religious Beliefs and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet provides data on religiosity as a protective factor for substance use among youths.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Risk & Protective Factors for Substance Use among American Indian or Alaska Native Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report looks at risk and protective factors for substance use among youth aged 12 to 17 comparing American Indian or Alaska Native youths with youths among all other racial/ethnic groups combined.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Seasonality of Youth's First Time Use of Marijuana, Cigarettes, or Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This report focuses on respondents who recently initiated the use of marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes at an age that was younger than 18.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: State Estimates of Persons Needing But Not Receiving Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This report provides an overview of data related to treatment needs in the States.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Substance Use Among School Dropouts , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2003. This report examines data on substance abuse among school dropouts aged 18 to 24.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Substance Use Among Youth Who Had Run Away From Home, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This fact sheet compares the prevalence of alcohol, marijuana and other illicit drug use among youth who had run away from home and those who had not.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence Among Youth Who Have Been in a Jail or a Detention Center, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2004. This report focuses on the substance use, abuse, and dependence rates among youths aged 12 to 17 that have ever been in jail or in a detention center.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of NSDUH, formerly called the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Underage Drinking in Rural Areas, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2004. This report presents comparisons on the prevalence of any past month and binge alcohol use among persons below the legal drinking age (aged 12 to 20) who lived in rural and nonrural areas.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Women with Co-Occurring Serious Mental Illness and a Substance Use Disorder, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2004. This fact sheet provides data on women with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders.  Summary
O top
Opium Economy in Afghanistan: An International Problem, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, February 2003. This report examines Afghanistan’s opium economy in order to understand its dynamics, the reasons for its success, its beneficiaries and victims, and the problems it has caused domestically and abroad. 
Overview of Findings from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report provides a concise summary of the main results from the 2002 NSDUH. 
Overview of Findings from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report provides a concise summary of the main results of the 2003 NSDUH, which presents national estimates of rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products.  Summary
OxyContin Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on the illicitly abused prescription painkiller OxyContin with links to source materials.  
P top
Parental Influences on Adolescent Marijuana Use and the Baby Boom Generation: Findings from the 1979-1996 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, C. Schaffran, D. Kandel, G. Lee, M. Davies, and P. Griesler. June 2001. This report investigates the association of marijuana use between parents and children, the differences among parental birth cohorts, and the determinants of child marijuana use.  
Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, 2002, The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 2003. PATS is an annual study that tracks the elaborate and complex attitudes consumers have about illegal drugs.  
Patterns of Club Drug Use in the U.S., 2004, The Gulf Coast Addiction Technology Transfer Center, J. Maxwell, February 2004. This report provides information on the trends in ecstasy, GHB, ketamine, LSD, methamphetamine, and Rohypnol use.  
Patterns of Drug Use Amongst Police Detainees, Australian Institute of Criminology, December 2000. An overview of the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) project in Australia that routinely monitors the use of illicit drugs by people detained by police. 
Patterns of Mental Health Service Utilization and Substance Use Among Adults, 2000 and 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report presents estimates of the prevalence of mental health treatment among adults and describes the types of treatment received and the characteristics of persons receiving treatment.  
A Plan for Estimating the Number of "Hardcore" Drug Users in the United States: Preliminary Findings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Ronald Simeone, William Rhodes, Dana Hunt, and Linda Truitt, April 1997. Findinds of a study that interviewed hard core drug users in various settings, including treatment and booking facilities. 
Preliminary Data on Drug Use & Related Matters Among Adult Arrestees & Juvenile Detainees, 2002, National Institute of Justice, June 2003. This tabular booklet presents findings from 36 Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program (ADAM)sites that collected data in 2002. 
Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2002. This information brief discusses the abuse of prescription drugs by young people, commonly abused prescription drugs, and diversion of said drugs. 
Profile of Jail Inmates, 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, D. James, July 2004. The report describes the characteristics of jail inmates in 2002, including offenses, criminal histories, drug and alcohol use and treatment, and family background.  Summary
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, July 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  
Pulse Check: Drug Markets and Chronic Users in 25 of America's Largest Cities, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2004. This report provides timely information on drug abuse and drug markets as reported by local researchers, treatment providers, and law enforcement officials.  Summary
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, Fall 1995, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1995. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, June-December 1997 (Special Topic: Speedballing), Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, Spring 1996, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1996. An overview of local trends in drug abuse, with a special report on the heroin trade. 
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, Summer 1997, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1997. An overview of local trends in drug abuse, with a special report on methamphetamine. 
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, Winter 1995, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1995. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, Winter 1997, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1997. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, January-June 1998 (Special Topic: "Club" Drug Use), Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, July-December 2001 Reporting Period (Special Topic: The Impact of September 11), Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2002. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States and includes a special report on the impact of September 11th.  
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, Mid-Year 2000 (Special Topic: "Ecstasy" and Other Club Drugs), Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2001. Provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, November 2001 (Special Topic: Synthetic Opioids), Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2001. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States, includes a special report on synthetic opiates.  
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, November 2002 (Special Topic: A Look at Local Drug Markets), Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2002. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States, it also includes a special report on local drug markets. 
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Report of the Drug Control Research, Data, and Evaluation Committee, January 1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 1999. This report provides an overview of the activities of the DCRDE Committee and includes an inventory of Federal drug-related sources.  
Report on Teen Cigarette Smoking and Marijuana Use, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2003. This report provides data on the connection between teens who smoke cigarettes and marijuana use.   Summary
Reportes de Investigación - Abuso de la Marihuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 2002. Provides information on marijuana abuse, effects, and treatment in Spanish.  
Research Report: MDMA (Ecstasy) Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2004. This report provides information on MDMA abuse, history, and effects. 
Results from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Summary of National Findings , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This report provides an accurate and comprehensive one-year snapshot of the problem of drug abuse in America.   Summary
Results from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report presents findings of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, formerly the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. 
Results from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report on the 2003 NSDUH data presents national estimates of rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products. Measures related to mental health problems also are included.  Summary
Reventones (Los) - Boletín Informativo , National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Este boletín habla específicamente de la situación en los Estados Unidos.  
Rise of Hallucinogen Use, National Institute of Justice, Dana Hunt, October 1997. This report provides an overview of data from various sources on hallucinogen use in the United States. 
Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Drug Use: Findings from the 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Julie Lane, Dean Gerstein, Lynn Huang, and Douglas Wright, February 2001. Report shows that peer use and peer attitudes are two of the strongest predictors of marijuana use among all young people. 
Rohypnol Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, February 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of Rohypnol abuse, effects, trafficking, scheduling, street terms, and its use in drug-facilitated rape. 
Russian Federation Country Profile, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. This document provides a general overview of the various aspects of the drug situation, their interrelations, the Russian Government drug control policy and institutional system to respond to the problem. 
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Self-Reported Delinquency by 12-Year-Olds, 1997, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Charles M. Puzzanchera, February 2000. A summary of findings from a survey of youth that asked about drug use, gang involvement, drug dealing, and handgun carrying. 
Serie de Reportes, La Heroina: Abuso y Adiccion, National Institute on Drug Abuse, January 2003. The Spanish language version of Heroin: Abuse and Addiction.  
Serious Mental Illness and Its Co-Occurrence with Substance Use Disorders, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, C. Murtha, J. Epstein, M. Vorburger, and P. Barker. June 2004. This report presents national estimates of the prevalence and treatment of mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders among adults aged 18 or older.  
Sniffer - L'Abus de Substances Inhalées--Bulletin Informatif, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Ce bulletin parle de l'abus de substances inhalées dans les États-Unis. 
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2004. Data on all aspects of criminal justice, includes data about drug offenders, drug use indicators, and public opinion on the risks and dangers of drug use.  Summary
South Africa Country Profile on Drugs and Crime, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This report presents a picture of South Africa’s current drug and crime situation, as well as the related problems of terrorism and corruption, and the countermeasures being undertaken to oppose them. 
St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Drug Information System Annual National Report, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, June 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug problem in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report presents State estimates for 17 measures related to substance use based on the 1999 and 2000 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse. 
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, September 2003. This report provides State level data on measures of substance use, dependence, and receipt of treatment. 
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume II. Individual State Tables and Technical Appendices, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report provides State level data on measures of substance use, dependence, and receipt of treatment. 
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, August 2004. This report presents State estimates for 20 measures of substance use or mental health problems based on the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). 
State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, D. Shinar, J. Walsh, and R. Jones. August 2003. This review covers a broad range of research, including the detection and measurement of drugs in drivers, experimental research on the effect of drugs on the performance driving-related tasks, drug prevalence in various populations of drivers, drug-crash risk, and countermeasures for drug-impaired driving.  Summary
Statistics on Drug Use in Australia 2000, The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Glenn Draper, Megge Miller, May 2001. This publication is intended as an accessible summary of major drug-use statistical collections, which lead interested readers to the sources of more detailed information. 
Steroids Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on steroids with links to source materials. 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Source Book 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 1998. A compilation of data on substance abuse and mental health. 
Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation 1995, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola and Thomas P. Bonczar, March 1998. Data from a survey of adult probationers concerning their use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the treatment they received.  Summary
Substance Dependence, Abuse and Treatment: Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report presents information on national estimates of the extent of substance dependence, abuse, and treatment.  
Substance Use Among Adults on Probation: Findings from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1995-1997, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Angela Brittingham, Sam Schildhaus, and Joe Gfroerer, October 1998. Compares drug use between probationers and non-probationers. 
Substance Use in Popular Movies and Music, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 1999. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in the most popular movie rentals and songs of 1996 and 1997. 
Substance Use in Popular Prime-Time Television, January 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2000. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in top-rated TV shows. 
Summary of Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report presents information on rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.  
Suriname Drug Information Network Annual National Report 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, December 2002. This report provides information on the drug problem in Suriname.  
Survey of State Prison Inmates 1991, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Allen Beck, Darrell Gilliard, Lawrence Greenfeld, and Caroline Harlow, et. al., March 1993. Provides a profile of State prison inmates, including drug-related information.  Summary
T top
Treatment Episodes Data Sets (TEDS) 1992-2000: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2002. Provides information on the demographic and substance abuse characteristics of treatment admissions. 
Trends in Substance Abuse and Treatment Needs Among Inmates, Final Reports , National Institute of Justice, August 2002. This report provides an overview of available data on substance abuse and treatment needs among inmates.  
U top
Understanding the Nexus: Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Among the Arrestee Population in Albuquerque, National Institute of Justice, S. Woerle, P. Guerin, and M. Smith. January 2002. The focus of this study was to determine the difference between arrestees who have battered an intimate partner and those who did not, and what role drug use may have played in the abuse. 
Utah Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Utah.  
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Vermont Drug Threat Assessment Update, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This report is a brief update to the Vermont Drug Threat Assessment, which is a strategic assessment of the status and outlook of the drug threat to Vermont. 
Vietnam Country Profile, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. This report provides information on the drug problem in Vietnam.  
W top
Washington Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, February 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to Washington. 
West Virginia Drug Threat Assessment, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This report is a strategic assessment that addresses the status and outlook of the drug threat to West Virginia. 
What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1995, Office of National Drug Control Policy, William Rhodes, Ph.D., Stacia Langenbahn, Ryan Kling, and Paul Scheiman, September 1997. Focuses on the amount and retail sales value of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other illegal drugs Americans consume. 
What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, William Rhodes, Mary Layne, Patrick Johnston, and Lynne Hozik, December 2000. Provides estimates of cocaine, heroin and marijuana consumption from 1988 through 1998. 
What Americas Users Spend on Illegal Drugs 1988-2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2001. This report provides estimates of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana expenditures and consumption for 1988 through 1999 and projects estimates for 2000.  
Women and Drugs Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on female drug use and related information with links to source materials. 
World Drug Report 2000, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2000. Details the extent of the world drug problem and the recent progress achieved in combating it. 
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Youth Drug Use and the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2001. Information on recent youth drug use trends and the relationship between trend data and the Media Campaign. 
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance - United States, 2003, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2004. This report summarizes results from a 2003 national school-based survey and trends during 1991–2003 in selected risk behaviors.  Summary
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance --- United States, 2001, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2002. Monitors youth drug use and other risky behavior, which contribute to the leading causes of mortality and morbidity among youth and adults. 
Youth Substance Use: State Estimates From the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2001. This report examines State estimates of the use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana by youths aged 12 to 17 and their perceptions and behaviors that may be related to that use. 
Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, National Institute of Justice, B. Saunders, D. Smith, and D. Kilpatrick. April 2003. This report provides a summary of a national survey of adolescents that examined the prevalence of youth victimization and subsequent effects on mental health, substance use, and delinquent behavior problems.  Summary

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