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2002 Survey of Health-Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel, Department of Defense, R. Bray, et al, October 2003. This survey provides comprehensive and detailed estimates of the prevalence of alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco use among military personnel. In combination with data from the prior surveys in the series, it provides data for trends. 
2004 Operation Weed and Seed Fact Sheet, Revised, Community Capacity Development Office, May 2004. This fact sheet describes the Weed and Seed program, an innovative and comprehensive multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. 
2004 Weed and Seed Guide to Federal Resources, Community Capacity Development Office, 2004. This guide provides information about federal programs and funding sources that can serve as a resource in implementing a Weed and Seed strategy. 
2C-B (Nexus) Reappears on the Club Drug Scene - Information Bulletin , National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2001. The purpose of this bulletin is to inform the law enforcement and treatment communities about the club drug 2C-B (Nexus) including information on cost, appearance, effects, and identification.  
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Abuso de Inhalantes, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2001. Spanish version of Inhalant Abuse Research Report.  
Acquaintance Rape of College Students, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Rana Sampson, March 2002. Provides information on acquaintance rape of colleges students including drug-facilitated rape. 
The ADSS Cost Study: Costs of Substance Abuse Treatment in the Specialty Sector , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2003. ADSS is a national study to collect representative data on the characteristics of substance abuse treatment facilities, clients in treatment, post-treatment client status, and financing of care in the specialty substance abuse treatment sector. 
Afghanistan Opium Survey 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, October 2003. The survey collects and analyses information on the location and extent of opium poppy cultivation, on the potential production of opium, as well as other socioeconomic dimensions of the problem. 
Alucinógenos Y Drogas Disociativas, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2003. This report provides information on hallucinogens and dissociative drugs in Spanish.  
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being 2003, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2003. This report provides data on the well-being of children in the areas of economic security, health, behavior and social environment, and education.  
Anabolic Steroids - Hidden Dangers, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This report provides information on the dangers of steroid abuse, how steroids are diverted for illegal use, and how to find help for a friend who is abusing steroids.  
Anabolic Steroids: Community Drug Alert Bulletin, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2000. This publication alerts communities to the fact that steroid abuse is a growing problem among adolescents, and to the dangers of steroid abuse.  
Anabolic Steroids: Research Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2000. This report provides information on steroid abuse and effects.  
Analysis of 26 Drug Courts: Lessons Learned, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, M. Finigan and S. Carey. April 2002. The purpose of this report is to analyze the content of 26 different process evaluations of drug courts across the country using a lessons learned approach. 
Anti-Drug Education with the New York Times: Focus on Marijuana, A Unit for Middle and High School Educators, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2002. This guide helps teachers educate students and their families about the dangers of marijuana.  
Antigua and Barbuda Drug Information System Annual National Report 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This report provides an overview of the policies used to combat drug and crime problems in Antigua-Barbuda.  
Antihistamines and Driving-Related Behavior: A Review of the Evidence for Impairment, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, C. Wilkinson and H. Moskowitz, June 2004. This report provides the findings of a review of the scientific literature concerning the effects of antihistamines on driving-related skills.  Summary
Antisocial Personality and Depression Among Incarcerated Drug Treatment Participants, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, J. O’Neil, 2000. The co-occurrence of antisocial personality and depression among drug dependent individuals was examined in a sample of Federal inmates participating in residential or outpatient drug and alcohol treatment to increase the understanding of the co-occurrence of these disorders. 
Antisocial Personality and Depression Among Incarcerated Drug Treatment Participants: Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2000. A summary of a study of comorbidity patterns among incarcerated populations who are substance dependent. 
Assessing Drug Abuse Within and Across Communities: Community Epidemiology Surveillance Networks on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 1998. This guide was designed to aid communities in their local prevention efforts by helping them understand their drug abuse problems through research. 
Assessing Therapeutic Integrity in Modified- Therapeutic Communities for Drug-Involved Offenders, National Institute of Justice, F. Taxman and J. Bouffard, June 2001. This report examines therapeutic communities, one of the predominant long-term residential treatment program for substance abusing offenders.  
Assessment of a Multi-Agency Approach to Drug Involved Gang Members , National Institute of Justice, S. Pennell, R. Melton, and D. Hoctor. June 1996. This assessment reflects an evaluation of the Jurisdictions Unified for Drug Gang Enforcement task force in San Diego, California.  
Australia: Country Brief 2003, Drug Enforcement Administration, April 2004. This report provides information on drug-related crime, drug abuse, and anti-drug programs in Austrailia.   Summary
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Barnstable House of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: A Process Evaluation, Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, A. Rocheleau ; A. Mennerich, and D. Brensilber. March 2001. This report provides an overview of a process evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program in the Barnstable House of Correction. 
Barnstable House of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment: A Process Evaluation, National Institute of Justice, February 2001. This report conveys the results of a process evaluation conducted between March and December 1999 of the Barnstable residential substance abuse treatment program in Massachusetts. 
Barrett Juvenile Correctional Center: Is it Effective? A Comparison of Youth Released From a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Center to Youth at a Traditional Juvenile Correctional Center, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, J. Gordon, August 2002. This report evaluates the impact of the Barrett Juvenile Correctional Center's RSAT program on recidivism. 
Boletín Informativo: Abuso de Medicamentos Prescritos y la Juventud, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. The Spanish language version of Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth.  
Boletín Informativo: Niños en Riesgo, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. The Spanish version of Children at Risk.  
Boys & Girls (B&G;) Clubs of America, Bureau of Justice Assitance, October 1995. Provides an overview of the Boys and Girls Club program. 
The Brain & the Actions of Cocaine, Opiates, and Marijuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 1998. A slide teaching packet for teachers and health professionals. 
Breaking the Cycle, National Institute of Justice, June 2001. This report briefly chronicles the experiences of University of Alabama at Birmingham's Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime Program in the implementation of the BTC initiative. 
Breaking the Cycle: Outcomes From Pennsylvania's Alternative to Prison for Technical Parole Violators , National Institute of Justice, Rachel Porter, August 2002. This report provides an overview of findings from an evaluation of Pennsylvania’s RSAT programs.  
Breaking the Cycle: Technical Report , National Institute of Justice, R. Porter, August 2002. This report describes outcomes from the Pennsylvania’s RSAT program's phases and compares RSAT participants to a comparison group who returned to prison after violating parole. 
Breaking the Juvenile Drug-Crime Cycle: A Guide for Practitioners and Policymakers, National Institute of Justice, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Duane C. McBride, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Holly VanBuren. May 2001. This report summarizes existing knowledge about efforts to intervene in the drug-crime cycle and proposes promising interventions and programmatic changes that will successfully address that cycle.   Summary
Brief Strategic Family Therapy, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Michael S. Robbins and José Szapocznik, April 2000. Describes brief strategic family therapy, an intensive, short-term, problem-focused, drug abuse and delinquency, intervention program that addresses the unique strengths and weaknesses of minority youth and families in Miami, FL. 
Buprenorphine: Potential for Abuse (Intelligence Bulletin), National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2004. This bulletin addresses the use of buprenorphine, a drug recently approved for use in opiate addiction therapy. It examines the drug's effects, advantages of traditional treatment options, and vulnerability to diversion and abuse. 
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Campuses and the Club Drug Ecstasy, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, A. Powell, May 2001. This fact sheet offers an overview of ecstasy, possible effects of its use, and implications for institutions of higher education.  
Cannabis Youth Treatment Series, Vol. 1: Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001. This manual provides an overview of the motivational enhancement therapy/cognitive behavioral therapy approach to treating adolescent marijuana users.  
Cannabis Youth Treatment Series, Vol. 3: Family Support Network for Adolescent Cannabis Users, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001. This manual provides therapists with step-by-step instructions on implementing the family support network (FSN) intervention, which seeks to engage an adolescent’s family in treatment. 
Cannabis Youth Treatment Series, Vol. 4: The Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach for Adolescent Cannabis Users, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001. This manual guides therapist and their supervisors in using the adolescent community reinforcement approach intervention with adolescents and their caregivers.  
Cannabis Youth Treatment Series: A 5-Volume Series on Promising New Brief Therapies for Teens Who Use Marijuana, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001. This brochure introduces substance abuse treatment providers to the five volumes in the Cannabis Youth Treatment Series.  
Capacity Building for Juvenile Substance Abuse Treatment, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Ann Crowe and Tanya Dickinson. December 1997. This bulletin describes three innovative methods that can be used by juvenile justice professionals to identify substance-abusing youth and take appropriate steps to intervene. 
Careers in Crime and Substance Use: Final Report, National Institute of Justice, C. Uggen and M. Thompson. May 2000. This report examines the effects of work on crime and drug use and the effects of drug use on subsequent illegal earnings. 
CASAWORKS for Families: A Promising Approach to Welfare Reform and Substance Abusing Women, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, May 2001. Provides information about the CASAWORKS program, which helps substance-abusing welfare parents recover, get jobs, and become responsible parents.  Summary
Case Management Reduces Drug Use and Criminality Among Drug-Involved Arrestees: An Experimental Study of an HIV Prevention Intervention, National Institute of Justice, National Institute on Drug Abuse. Michael Gross and William Rhodes. March 1997. This report presents the findings of a study that suggests that intensive case management can reduce recidivism and increase the use of drug treatment among drug-involved arrestees.  Summary
Case Management with Drug-Involved Arrestees, National Institute of Justice, November 1995. Explores the use of drug treatment to reduce criminally among drug involved offenders.  Summary
Census of State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 2000, Bureau of Justice Statistics, August 2003. This report provides information on facilities, inmates, programs (including drug treatment), and staff of correctional facilities throughout the Nation.   Summary
The Challenge in Higher Education: Confronting and Reducing Substance Abuse on Campus, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2004. This report provides college administrators with a basic understanding of illegal drug use among the college population and urges their support in ridding campuses of this threat.  
Childhood Victimization and Risk for Alcohol and Drug Arrests, National Institute of Justice, November 1995. A preveiw of a study that examines the link bewteen child abuse and drug-related crime.   Summary
Children at Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs: Helping Meth's Youngest Victims, Office for Victims of Crime, K. Swetlow, June 2003. This report examines the acute health and safety risks children who live at or visit methamphetamine laboratories face.  
Children at Risk, National Drug Intelligence Center, July 2002. This information bulletin provides information on the risks to children who are exposed to chemicals used in the production of methamphetamine.  
Citizen Action for Neighborhood Safety, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, August 1997. This manual is a national inventory of practical tactics that have been successfully used to address specific problems affecting the quality of life in neighborhoods. Problems addressed include open-air drug markets, crack houses, and gangs.  
Club Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data and links to source materials on the club drugs ecstasy, rohypnol, GHB, and ketamine. 
Club Drugs: Community Drug Alert Bulletin, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2000. Describes drugs often used at "raves" and other party events. Explains how and why the drugs are used, lists adverse effects and hazards, including criminal behavior. 
The Coach's Playbook Against Drugs, Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 2000. Designed to help coaches keep their teams drug free. 
Cocaine Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, November 2003. This report provides information on cocaine use, effects, availability, legislation, and street terms for the drug.  
Cocaine Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on cocaine with links to source materials.  
Cocaine: Abuse and Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 1999. Provides science-based information on the prevalence of cocaine abuse, methods of use, short- and long-term effects of cocaine abuse, and medical complications of chronic abuse. Describes effective treatment for cocaine addiction and lists resources for more information. 
Collaborative Evaluation of Pennsylvania's Program for Drug-Involved Parole Violators, National Institute of Justice, D. Young and R. Porter. January 2000. This report presents findings from a process evaluation of Pennsylvania’s RSAT programs. 
Collaborative Intermediate Evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Therapeutic Treatment Community for Women Offenders in Washington State, National Institute of Justice, Clayton Mosher and Dretha Phillips, March 2000. This research report describes the purpose, methods, results, and implications of an intermediate evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Therapeutic Community for Women Offenders in Washington State. 
Collaborative Intermediate Evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Therapeutic Treatment Community for Women Offenders in Washington State: Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, Clayton Mosher and Dretha Phillips. March 2000. This research report describes the purpose, methods, results, and implications of an intermediate evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Therapeutic Community for Women Offenders in Washington State. 
A Collection of Articles on Drug Abuse Prevention Research and the Community, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
A Collection of Articles on Drug Abuse Treatment, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
A Collection of Articles That Address Heroin Prevention, Treatment and Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
A Collection of Articles That Address Research on Club Drugs, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
A Collection of Articles That Address Research on Cocaine, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2004. Included in this document are selections of cocaine-related articles reprinted from the research newsletter, NIDA Notes. 
A Collection of Articles That Address Research on Drugs and AIDS, National Institute on Drug Abuse, August 2004. This report provides a collection of NIDA Notes articles on drugs and AIDS-related research.  
A Collection of Articles That Address Research on Marijuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
A Collection of Articles That Address Women's Health and Gender Differences, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2003. Included in this document are selections of topic-specific articles reprinted from NIDA’s research newsletter, NIDA NOTES. 
Comparison of Background Characteristics and Behaviors of African American, Hispanic, and White Substance Abusers Treated in Federal Prison: Results from the TRIAD Study, Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2002. This report provides information about minority substance abusers who entered the Treating Inmates Addicted to Drugs (TRIAD) program. 
Comparison of Background Characteristics and Behaviors of African American, Hispanic, and White Substance Abusers Treated in Federal Prison: Results from the TRIAD Study, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, J. Rounds-Bryant, M. Motivans, 2002. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the background characteristics and pre-incarceration behaviors and social environments of adult African American, Hispanic, and white substance abusers who were treated in residential drug abuse treatment programs. 
Confronting Relapse and Recidivism: Case Management and Aftercare Services in the OPTS Program, National Institute of Justice, C. Gouvis, E. Morley, J. Buck, and S. Rossman. February 2000. The Opportunity to Succeed (OPTS) program was designed to reduce substance abuse relapse and criminal recidivism by providing comprehensive aftercare services to felony offenders who have alcohol and drug offense histories. 
Connected Teaching, Helping Students Make Positive Choices: Educator's Resource Guide, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2000. This resource guide helps teachers integrate positive lifestyle messages into existing subject area curriculum using commercial-free cable programming.  
Contemporary Drug Abuse Treatment: A Review of the Evidence Base, United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, 2002. The present review is a thematic summary of the research evidence base for the effectiveness and main influential factors of contemporary drug abuse treatment.  
Controlling Drugs and Social Disorder Using Civil Remedies: Final Report of a Randomized Field Experiment in Oakland, California, National Insitute of Justice, Jan Roehl and Lorraine Mazerolle. November 1999. This document reports the results of a randomized field trial that sought to assess the impact of the Beat Health program on drug and disorder problems. 
Core Competencies for Clergy and Other Pastoral Ministers in Addressing Alcohol and Drug Dependence and the Impact on Family Members, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2004. This report details the content of a meeting of an expert panel on seminary education and the resulting core competencies recommended as a result of the collective work of the meeting participants. 
Crack Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on crack with links to source materials. 
Crack's Decline: Some Surprises Across U.S. Cities, National Institute of Justice, Andrew Lang Golub and Bruce D. Johnson. July 1997. An overview of a study that analyzed data on arrestee crack use to confirm a drug epidemic model.   Summary
Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Department of Education, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, September 1996. Provides information to create a strategy to prevent violence and drug use in schools. 
Crime Trends in the Caribbean and Responses, United Nations Office Drugs and Crime Prvention, Anthony Harriott, November 2002. This report provides an analytic description of the trends in crime in the Caribbean, examines the causes of crime in the region, and evaluates existing strategies and makes recommendations. 
Crossing the Bridge: An Evaluation of the Drug Treatment Alternative-to-Prison (DTAP) Program A CASA White Paper , National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, March 2003. This report provides an overview of findings from a five-year evaluation of the Drug Treatment Alternative-to-Prison (DTAP) Program.   Summary
Crystal Methamphetamine Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This fact sheet provides information on crystal methamphetamine, which typically has a higher purity level than other forms of methamphetamine.  
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A Dangerous and Illegal Way To Seek Athletic Dominance and Better Appearance, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This report provides information about the dangers of steroid abuse, laws and penalties related to steroid abuse, and how to help someone abusing steroids.  
Dangerous Liaisons: Substance Abuse and Sex, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, December 1999. Teens who drink or use drugs are more likely to have sex, initiate it at younger ages, and have multiple partners.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Admissions for Co-Occurring Disorders, 1995 and 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report compares admissions with co-occurring disorders with all other admissions and examines trends in admissions with co-occurring disorders reported to the Treatment Episode Data Set.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Admissions for Detoxification, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This fact sheet focuses on differences between admissions for detoxification and admissions for all other types of substance abuse services.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Admissions of Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2003. This fact sheet provides data on the co-occurrence of a substance abuse problem and a psychiatric disorder among persons admitted to treatment during 2000.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Admissions with 5 or More Prior Treatment Episodes: 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2004. This fact sheet compares the characteristics of first time substance abuse treatment admissions with those who have had 5 or more prior treatment episodes.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Adolescent Admissions Involving Inhalants, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2002. This fact sheet provides data on youth treatment admissions for inhalant abuse.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Adult Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity, 2000 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information about marijuana treatment admissions by race and ethnicity.   Summary
The DASIS Report: American Indian/Alaska Native Treatment Admissions in Rural & Urban Areas: 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2003. This fact sheet presents data on the comparison of treatment admissions among American Indians/Alaska Natives in various types of metropolitan areas.   Summary
The DASIS Report: American Indians and Alaskan Natives in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of data on treatment admissions among the American Indian and Alaskan Native population.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Amphetamine Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2001. This report provides data on amphetamine treatment admissions and explores factors related to their increase in recent years.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Analyzing Geographic Areas Within TEDS , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2003. This fact sheet illlustrates how geographic comparisons can be analyzed with substance abuse treatment admissions data from SAMHSA's Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).  Summary
The DASIS Report: Asian and Pacific Islander Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report provides an overview of data on drug treatment admissions among Asian and Pacific islander youth.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Black Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, 1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2002. This report provides data on treatment admissions among black Americans.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Homeless Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment: 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2003. This fact sheet provides data on the number of persons admitted to substance abuse treatment facilities that were homeless at the time of admission.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Homeless Female Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2004. This fact sheet provides an overview of available data related to homeless female treatment admissions.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Amphetamine Treatment Admissions, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report provides an overview of primary amphetamine admissions and compares selected characteristics with those of all other admissions reported in 2001.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Benzodiazepine Admissions: 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2003. This report provides an overview of primary benzodiazepine admissions and compares selected characteristics with those of other admissions reported to TEDS in 2000.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Phencyclidine (PCP) Admissions: 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report examines primary PCP admissions and compares their characteristics with those of all other admissions reported to the Treatment Episode Data Set in 2001.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Repeat Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2002. This report compares first-time, or new, treatment admissions in the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) with admissions of persons who had entered treatment before.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Substance Abuse Facilities Owned by the Department of Veterans Affairs, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This report compares characteristics of VA-owned facilities with the 13,276 non-VA-owned facilities.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Cocaine Treatment Admissions Decrease: 1993-1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. An overview of data on cocaine treatment admissions, including State level information.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Coerced Treatment Among Youths, 1993 to 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2001. This report provides information on the primary referral sources for youths entering substance abuse treatment in the public sector.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Discharges from Detoxification: 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This report examines discharge data in the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).   Summary
The DASIS Report: Discharges from Hospital Inpatient Treatment, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report presents data on treatment episodes that represent clients who received hospital inpatient treatment.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Discharges from Long-term Residential Treatment, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2004. This report examines discharge data in the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).  Summary
The DASIS Report: Discharges from Outpatient Treatment, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2003. This report examines discharge data in the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).  Summary
The DASIS Report: Discharges from Short-term Residential Treatment, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet examines discharge data in the Treatment Episode Data Set.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2002. This report examines substance abuse treatment in juvenile correctional facilities.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Dually Diagnosed Female Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides data on females with the co-occurrence of a substance abuse problem and a psychiatric disorder.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Employed Admissions, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report compares admissions who were employed at the time of entry into treatment with admissions who were unemployed at that time.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Hospital Inpatient Care, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report examines the characteristics of facilities offering hospital inpatient care.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Residential Care, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2003. This report examines the characteristics of treatment facilities offering residential care.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs for Dually Diagnosed Clients, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2002. This report examines the characteristics of substance abuse treatment facilities offering special programs for dually diagnosed clients.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs or Services for Women, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides data on substance abuse treatment facilities providing special programs or services focused on women’s needs.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Primarily Serving Adolescents, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2003. This fact sheet provides data on the substance abuse treatment facilities that primarily serve adolescents.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Providing Methadone/LAAM Treatment to Clients with Opiate Addiction, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2002. This report looks at facilities providing methadone or LAAM treatment to clients with opiate addiction as reported to the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Facilities Providing Substance Abuse Treatment in Languages Other than English, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information on treatment facilities providing services in languages other than English.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Growth of Managed Care in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report examines trends in the number of substance abuse treatment facilities that contract with managed care organizations.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Health Insurance Status of Admissions for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1999 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet looks at the health insurance status of admissions in the 1999 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS).   Summary
The DASIS Report: Heroin -- Changes in How it is Used, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. An overview of treatment data on the route of administration by heroin users.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. This report provides data on heroin treatment admissions and explores factors related to their increase in recent years.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Hispanics in Substance Abuse Treatment: 1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This fact sheet provides information on Hispanic drug treatment admissions.  Summary
The DASIS Report: How Men and Women Enter Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2001. An overview of data on the source of treatment referrals.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Managed Care Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2003. This fact sheet presents data comparing services and programs provided by treatment facilities with and without managed care.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Marijuana Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. This report provides data on marijuana treatment admissions and explores factors related to their increase in recent years.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Marijuana Use Secondary to Other Substances of Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2003. This report compares admissions with marijuana as a secondary substance of abuse to admissions with marijuana as a primary substance.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Marital Status of Women Aged 25-44: 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This report provides data from Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) on the marital status of women in substance abuse treatment.  Summary
The DASIS Report: New and Repeat Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2002. This report compares new treatment admissions with readmissions of persons admitted to treatment before the current episode.   Summary
The DASIS Report: New Heroin Users Admitted to Treatment: 1992-2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2003. This report examines data on new heroin users from 1992 to 2000.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report examines substance abuse treatment admissions aged 55 or older in 2001, and compares them with younger admissions.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2001. An overview of treatment data focussing on adults over the age of 55.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Planned Methadone Treatment for Heroin Admissions, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report compares heroin admissions where methadone treatment was planned with the 60 percent of heroin admissions where methadone treatment was not planned.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Planned Methadone Treatment for Non-Heroin Opiate Admissions, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report compares the non-heroin opiate admissions where methadone treatment was planned with those admissions where no methadone treatment was planned.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Polydrug Use Among Treatment Admissions, 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report provides information on primary, secondary, and tertiary substances used by persons admitted to treatment in publicly funded facilities.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2002. This fact sheet examines data on pregnant women admitted to treatment facilities.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse Admissions, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2002. This report provides data on treatment admissions for over-the-counter and prescription drug abuse.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Primary Focus of Facilities Treating Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of treatment facility operations including information on ownership, payment and special groups served.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Primary Methamphetamine / Amphetamine Treatment Admissions: 1992-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report will focus on changes in treatment admissions reported to the Treatment Episode Data Set between 1992 and 2002 in which the primary substance of abuse was methamphetamine / amphetamine.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Services Provided by Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2003. This short report provides information on the distribution of these services across substance abuse treatment facilities by such characteristics as the availability of special treatment programs or groups, facility size, and ownership.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Substance Abuse Services and Staffing in Adult Correctional Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report examines treatment services and staffing in adult correctional facilities only.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Referred by Schools, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2004. This report examines admissions aged 18 or younger referred by schools, and compares them with admissions aged 18 or younger referred by other sources.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Referred by the Criminal Justice System, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This report examines substance abuse treatment admissions referred by the criminal justice system and compares their characteristics with all other admissions.   Summary
The DASIS Report: The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of TEDS, an administrative data system providing descriptive information about the national flow of admissions to specialty providers of substance abuse treatment.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2002. This report presents characteristics of primary injection drug admissions to treatment, as reported to TEDS.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection of Multiple Drugs: 2000 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. This fact sheet provides data on admissions that reported injecting more than one drug.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Primary Alcohol Abuse Among Youth Aged 18-20; 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This fact sheet provides data on youth admitted to treatment for alcohol abuse.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions in Urban & Rural Areas Involving Abuse of Narcotic Painkillers , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This report examines narcotic painkiller treatment admission rates per 100,000 persons aged 12 or older at five urbanization levels for 1992, 1997, and 2000.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas Involving Narcotic Painkillers: 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2004. This fact sheet examines narcotic painkiller treatment admission rates per 100,000 persons aged 12 or older at five urbanization levels for 1992, 1997, and 2002.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions Involving Narcotic Painkillers, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. This fact sheet provides information on admissions to treatment involving the abuse of narcotic painkillers.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions Involving Narcotic Painkillers: 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This fact sheet provides data on admissions to treatment involving the abuse of narcotic painkillers.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Completion in the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This fact sheet provides information on treatment episodes in 2000.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Treatment Referral Sources for Adolescent Marijuana Users, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of data on marijuana treatment admissions among youth.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Variations in Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities by Number of Clients, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This fact sheet looks at facility size, as measured by the number of clients enrolled in treatment on a typical day, and reported to the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Veterans in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2001. This report provides data on the demographics, drug type used, and the source of referral for veterans in drug treatment.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Veterans in Substance Abuse Treatment: 1995-2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2003. This report looks at trends in veteran admissions reported to the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) between 1995 and 2000.   Summary
The DASIS Report: Women in Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. An overview of data for women in drug treatment.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Women in Treatment for Smoked Cocaine: 2000 , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. An overview of data related to female smoked cocaine users in treatment.  Summary
The DASIS Report: Youth Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This report provides information on youth treatment admissions for marijuana abuse.   Summary
The DAWN Report on Club Drugs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2000. Provides an overview of club drug-related emergency department episodes. 
The DAWN Report: Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Emergency Department Visits, 1995-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This fact sheet uses emergency department data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network to provide some insights into the eastward diffusion of methamphetamine abuse between 1995 and 2002.  Summary
The DAWN Report: Benzodiazepines in Drug Abuse-Related ED Visits, 1995-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report provides data on emergency department visits related to benzodiazepines, which are psychotherapeutic sedatives used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. 
The DAWN Report: Club Drugs, 2001 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides an update of information on emergency department visits related to the abuse of club drugs. 
The DAWN Report: Club Drugs, 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This fact sheet focuses on emergency department visits related to GHB, Ketamine, LSD, and MDMA (commonly known as Ecstasy). 
The DAWN Report: Demographic Characteristics of Benzodiazepine-involved ED Visits, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This report focuses on demographic characteristics of drug abuse-related ED visits that involved the psychotherapeutic sedative, benzodiazepine.  Summary
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Atlanta, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Atlanta metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Baltimore, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 20 hospitals in the Baltimore metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Boston, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 22 hospitals in the Boston metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Buffalo, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 8 hospitals in the Buffalo metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Chicago, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 27 hospitals in the Chicago metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Denver, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 9 hospitals in the Denver metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Detroit, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the Detroit metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Los Angeles, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 29 hospitals in the Los Angeles metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Miami, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Miami metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Minneapolis–St. Paul, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 12 hospitals in the Minneapolis–St. Paul metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: New Orleans, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 12 hospitals in the New Orleans metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: New York City, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 30 hospitals in the New York City metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Newark, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the Newark metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Philadelphia, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 26 hospitals in the Philadelphia metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Phoenix, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 14 hospitals in the Phoenix metropolitan area for 2002.  
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: San Diego, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 16 hospitals in the San Diego metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: Seattle, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 15 hospitals in the Seattle metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights From DAWN: St. Louis, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 18 hospitals in the St. Louis metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Highlights from DAWN: Washington, DC, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This special report presents findings based on data submitted by 15 hospitals in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area for 2002. 
The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. Data on emergency department (ED) visits related to major drugs of abuse. 
The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2001 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report summarizes ED visits related to major drugs of abuse (cocaine,heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine) in major metropolitan areas and the coterminous U.S. 
The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2002 Update, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report examines geographic variation in emergency department (ED) visits related to cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and methamphetamine. 
The DAWN Report: Marijuana-Related Emergency Department Visits by Youth, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2003. This report provides data on marijuana, the most frequently reported drug in emergency department visits by youth. 
The DAWN Report: Methadone-Involved Deaths in 8 Metropolitan Areas, 1997-2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report focuses on deaths involving methadone in 8 metropolitan areas: Baltimore, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle. 
The DAWN Report: Narcotic Analgesics , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This report provides data on emergency department visits related to prescription painkillers from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).  
The DAWN Report: Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Polydrug Use, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2004. This report focuses on drug abuse-related emergency department visits involving two frequently reported opioid pain relievers— oxycodone and hydrocodone.  Summary
The DAWN Report: Trends in Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 1994-2001 At a Glance, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2003. This report provides a reference to the most recent trends in emergency department (ED) visits related to drug abuse. 
The DAWN Report: Trends in PCP-Related Emergency Department Visits, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet examines trends in PCP-related visits to hospital emergency departments nationally and in 21 metropolitan areas. 
Defining Drug Courts: The Key Components, Bureau of Justice Assistance, January 1997. This document is designed to share information about implementing an effective drug court by providing a set of flexible elements communities can adapt to their specific needs and resources.  
A Detailed Cost Analysis in a Mature Drug Court Setting: A Cost-Benefit Evaluation of the Multnomah County Drug Court, National Institute of Justice, M. Finigan and S. Carey, January 2004. This study is an intensive examination of investment costs and benefits resulting from the operation of a single court in Multnomah County, Oregon. 
Diagnosis and Treatment of Drug Abuse in Family Practice, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Alan I. Trachtenberg, M.D., M.P.H., and Michael F. Fleming, M.D., M.P.H., January 2000. A guide for family physicians to address the problem of substance abuse among their patients. 
Differences in the Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use Across Five Factors: Gender, Race, Age, Type of Drug, and Offense Seriousness, National Institute of Justice, A. Rosay, D. Hertz, and S. Najaka. May 2000. This study examines the accuracy of self-reported drug use of individuals in the justice system.  
Distinguishing Between Effects of Criminality and Drug Use on Violent Offending, National Institute of Justice, Jacqueline Cohen, March 2000. This study attempts to isolate the direct effects of drug use near the time of offending by analyzing a sample of adults arrested in Washington, DC from 1985-1986, including their arrest histories and the results of drug screens administered following arrest. 
Do Drugs. Do Time: An Evaluation of the Maricopa County Demand Reduction Program, National Institute of Justice, John R. Hepburn, Ph.D., C. Wayne Johnston, and Scott Rogers, October 1994. Assessed a program to reduce use of illegal drugs, by targeting casual users of marijuana and other drugs.  Summary
Drug Abuse & Mental Illness Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, April 2004. This brochure answers the common questions asked about drug abuse and mental illness. Also included is a list of disorders with increased risk of drug abuse. 
Drug Abuse and Addiction Media Guide, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2001. The guide provides information on NIDA's programs, initiatives, and common drugs of abuse. 
Drug Abuse and Addiction Research: 25 Years of Discovery to Advance the Health of the Public, National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 1999. An overview of drug use in the U.S., including data sources, information on specific drugs, and current research to treat drug addiction. 
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Fact Sheet, Bureau of Justice Assistance, September 1995. Overview of the D.A.R.E. program. 
Drug Court Monitoring, Evaluation, and Management Information Systems, Bureau of Justice Assistance, September 1998. This report outlines the principal themes and ideas that emerged from two focus group meetings involving drug court practitioners, public health officials, researchers, and court managers.  
Drug Court Monitoring, Evaluation, and Management Information Systems: National Scope Needs Assessment, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This report provides the results of an assessment conducted as part of the National Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program, which supports the Drug Court Grant Program. 
The Drug Court Movement, National Institute of Justice, July 1995. An overview of core elements and future needs of drug courts.  Summary
Drug Courts and the Role of Graduated Sanctions, National Institute of Justice, Adele Harrell. August 1998. This report provides information about the effectiveness of drug courts and guidelines for design and operation.   Summary
Drug Courts Program Office Fact Sheet, Drug Courts Program Office, June 2000. An overview of the grant and training and technical assistance programs of the Drug Courts Program Office. 
Drug Courts: Overview of Growth, Characteristics, and Results, General Accounting Office, July 1997. This report provides the findings of a GAO survey of drug court programs and an evaluation synthesis of studies on drug courts.  
Drug Data Summary Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Michele Spiess, March 2003. This fact sheet summarizes current data on drug use, drug enforcement activities, drug offenders in the criminal justice system, availability estimates, and the Federal drug control budget.  
Drug Identification and Testing in the Juvenile Justice System (Summary), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Ann H. Crowe. May 1998. This report highlights innovative ways to identify and intervene with substance-abusing juveniles. 
Drug Intelligence Brief: An Overview of Club Drugs , Drug Enforcement Administration, February 2000. This brief provides an overview of club drugs including MDMA, ketamine, GHB, GBL, Rohypnol, LSD, Methamphetamine, PCP, Nexus, Mushrooms, and MTA.  
Drug Intelligence Brief: MDMA-Ecstasy, Drug Enforcement Administration, June 1999. This brief provides an overview of MDMA use, effects, trafficking, siezures, and production.  
Drug Intelligence Brief: The Hallucinogen PMA: Dancing With Death, Drug Enforcement Administration, October 2000. Provides an overview of the dangerous club drug PMA. 
Drug Paraphernalia Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2003. This brochure provides information on drug paraphernalia, which refers to any equipment that is used to produce, conceal, and consume illicit drugs.  
Drug Treatment in the Criminal Justice System, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Guy Schmidt, March 2001. An overview of information on drug involved offenders under correctional supervision and their treatment needs. 
Drug Treatment Needs Among Adult Arrestees in Baltimore, National Institute of Justice, September 1997. A summary of research conducted on drug-involved Baltimore, Maryland arrestees through interviews and drug tests.   Summary
Drug Use Trends Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, October 2002. An overview of adult and youth drug use data from a variety of Federal sources. 
Drug Use, Testing, and Treatment in Jails, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Doris James Wilson, May 2000. Describes the drug involvement of jail inmates and the level of drug use, testing, and treatment in jails.  Summary
Drug-Related Mortality Among Newly-Released Offenders, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2003. This study provides estimates of the rates of mortality amongst recently released prisoners in England and Wales and provides some evidence of the risk factors associated with this group. 
Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, B. Logan and J. Couper, April 2004. This collection of fact sheets represent the conclusions of a panel of international experts on drug-impaired driving and include the state of current scientific knowledge in the area of drugs and human performance for 16 drugs. 
Drugs and the Internet: An Overview of the Threat to America's Youth, National Drug Intelligence Center, December 2001. This report provides an overview of the threat that certain Web sites pose to adolescents and young adults. 
Drugs, Alcohol, and Domestic Violence in Memphis, National Institute of Justice, October 1997. This fact sheet provides an overview of a study of domestic violence in Memphis, Tennessee, which revealed that most assailants had used drugs or alcohol during the day of the assault.   Summary
Drugs, Incarceration and Neighborhood Life: The Impact of Reintegrating Offenders into the Community , National Institute of Justice, D. Rose, T. Clear, and J. Ryder. February 2001. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the aggregate impact of incarceration on the quality of community life in areas experiencing high concentrations of incarceration. 
Drugs, Incarceration and Neighborhood Life: The Impact of Reintegrating Offenders Into the Community, Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, D. Rose, T. Clear, and J. Ryder. February 2001. The purpose of this study was to investigate the aggregate impact of incarceration on the quality of community life in areas experiencing high concentrations of incarceration.  
Dwight Correctional Center: Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (1997), National Institute of Justice, Deborah Michalski and Jacqueline Mullany. August 2001. This report is a summary of the evaluation conducted of the residential substance abuse treatment program offered at Illinois’ Dwight Correctional Center, a 670-bed prison for women. 
DXM Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This brochure provides information on DXM (dextromethorphan), a cough suppressant available in a variety of over-the-counter cough and cold medications.  
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Early Action Against Teen Drug Use, Teens as Communicators to Their Peers: A Unit for High School Educators, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. The goal of these lessons is to motivate teenagers to be effective communicators to their own peers on the subject of avoiding drug or alcohol use; in particular, to influence peers to pull back from early stages of substance abuse and dependency.  Summary
Early Precursors of Gang Membership: A Study of Seattle Youth, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Karl G. Hill, Christina Lui, and J. David Hawkins. December 2001. This bulletin identifies early precursors of youth gang membership that can facilitate the development of more effective interventions to prevent youth from becoming involved in gangs. 
Economic and Social Consequences of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, January 1998. This report explores the economic and social consequences of the production, distribution and trafficking, and consumption of illegal drugs.  
The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States, 1992-1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 2001. This study details the economic damage illegal drugs inflict on the American economy. 
The Effect of Drug Treatment on Inmate Misconduct in Federal Prisons, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, N. Langan, 2001. This paper employs a large sample to empirically evaluate the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ substance abuse treatment program’s effectiveness in reducing prisoner misconduct. 
The Effect of the BOP’s Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program on Prisoner Misconduct: Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2000. This report provides a summary of a study that tested the hypothesis that the BOP's drug abuse program, which was originally intended to affect post-release behaviors, also reduces in-prison inmate misconduct. 
The Effectiveness of Treatment for Drug Abusers Under Criminal Justice Supervision, National Institute of Justice, Douglas S. Lipton, November 1995. Presents the findings of studies that have demonstrated that in-custody drug treatment can be effective in preventing rearrest. 
Emergency Department Trends from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, Final Estimates 1994-2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This report presents estimates of drug-related emergency department visits from the Drug Abuse Warning Network from 1994 through 2001.   Summary
Emergency Department Trends From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, Preliminary Estimates January-June 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2002. This report presents information on drug-related emergency department episodes collected through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).  Summary
Emergency Department Trends from the Drug Abuse Warning Network: Final Estimates 1995-2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2003. This report relies on a sample of hospitals operating 24-hour emergency departments (EDs) to capture data on ED visits induced by, or related to substance abuse.  Summary
Environmental Context of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Findings from In-Depth Discussions with Representatives of National Organizations and State Prevention Coordinators, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2001. This report focuses on State Prevention Coordinators knowledge and views of the Media Campaign.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Advance Report, December 2002 , National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2003. This report provides information on drug abuse in major metropolitan areas of the United States.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Advance Report, June 2002, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2003. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the 52nd semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a network of researchers that meets twice a year to review current and emerging drug abuse problems.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2002. This report provides drug-related data and information for various metropolitan areas.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Advance Report, December 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2002. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a network of epidemiologists and researchers that review current and emerging substance abuse problems.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Advance Report, June 2001, National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2001. This report is a synthesis of findings presented at the meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG), a network of epidemiologists and researchers that review current and emerging substance abuse problems. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, International Epidemiology Work Group on Drug Abuse, June 1999, Proceedings, National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 1999. A report on international drug trends in specific countries. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 1999, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2000. An overview of local drug trends in 21 cities/regions in the U.S. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, December 2000, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2001. An overview of local drug trends in 21 cities/regions in the U.S. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume I: Highlights and Executive Summary, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, February 2004. This report provides a summary of the 54th semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG). CEWG serves as a unique epidemiologic surveillance network of current and emerging drug abuse patterns. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume II: Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2002 , National Institute on Drug Abuse, January 2003. This report provideds drug abuse data about major cities in the United States and other countries and regions of the world, including Canada, Mexico, and Africa.  
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse, Volume II: Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2004. This report provides the papers presented at the 54th semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group (CEWG). CEWG serves as a unique epidemiologic surveillance network of current and emerging drug abuse patterns. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse: Advance Report, December 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, May 2004. This report presents finding from the semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, a unique network that functions as a surveillance system to identify drug abuse patterns and trends, as well as emerging drug problems and issues. 
Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse: Advance Report, June 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 2003. This report presents findings from the semiannual meeting of the Community Epidemiology Work Group held on June, 2003.  
Estimated Costs Related to the Birth of a Drug and/or Alcohol Exposed Baby, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, Christopher J. Kalotra, March 2002. This report provides data on the cost to society of drug exposed infants.  
Estimating Drug Use Prevalence Among Arrestees Using ADAM Data: An Application of a Logistic Regression Synthetic Estimation Procedure, National Institute of Justice, January 2003. This report presents an application of a logistic regression synthetic estimation approach using available ADAM data for estimating the prevalence of illicit drug-using arrestees. 
Estimation of Cocaine Availability 1996-1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2000. Discusses a new model that provides a basis for measuring the flow of cocaine from producer nations, through the transit zones, across the nation's borders, and throughout the U.S. 
Estimation of Heroin Availability 1995-1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Patrick Johnston, William Rhodes, and Kyla Carrigan, December 2000. An overview of a model developed to estimate the availability of heroin in the US; the model is based on consumption, trafficking, and production data from a variety of sources. 
Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas 2003: Hoja Informativa, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of the President's National Drug Control Strategy (En Español).  
Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas, 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2003. The Spanish language version of the President's National Drug Control Strategy.  
Estrategia Nacional para el Control de las Drogas, 2004, Office of National Drug Control Policy, May 2004. This is the Spanish-language version of ONDCP's National Drug Control Strategy, 2004, an annual report that outlines a balanced, three-priority strategy to combat drug use in America and highlights budget aspects of each component.   Summary
Ethical Considerations for Judges and Attorneys in Drug Court, National Institute of Justice, October 2002. This study concludes that practitioners in drug court need heightened ethical sensitivity in both the design of particular drug court programs and in daily practice, but the proper exercise of the roles of judge or lawyer in drug court need not conflict with the professionals’ ethical obligations. 
Evaluating a Weed and Seed Strategy, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, May 2002. This brief report presents an abbreviated but step-by-step approach to a comprehensive local Weed and Seed evaluation. 
Evaluating the Implementation & Impact of a Seamless System of Care for Substance Abusing Offenders: The HIDTA Model , National Institute of Justice, F. Taxman, J. Byrne, and M. Thanner. February 2002. This report provides an overview of the HIDTA Model, a treatment and supervision program designed to target hard-core substance abusing offenders.  
Evaluating Treatment Drug Courts in Kansas City, Missouri and Pensacola, Florida: Final Reports for Phase I and Phase II, National Institute of Justice, January 2003. This report provides the findings of an impact evaluation of two treatment drug courts.  
Evaluation of Drug Treatment in Local Corrections, National Institute of Justice, Sandra Tunis, James Austin, Mark Morris, et al, June 1997. Evaluation of treatment programs in local jails. 
Evaluation of Florida's Residential Drug Treatment Program Prison Diversion Program, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, R. Linster, April 2002. The focus of the study is an investigation of the relationship between drug treatment and success or failure of offenders on community supervision. 
Evaluation of Prison Based Drug Treatment in Pennsylvania: A Research Collaboration Between the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and the Center for Public Policy at Temple University, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, W. Welsh, February 2002. This study examines the individual and programmatic factors associated with effective drug treatment across multiple sites in Pennsylvania. 
Evaluation of the "New Choices" Substance Abuse Program in the Harris County Jail Houston, Texas -PROJECT CARE Final Report , National Institute of Justice, Joseph Carbonari and Kirk von Sternberg. May 2000. This report discusses results from a process evaluation explicating the evolution of the new program in light of inherent obstacles related to the jail setting, the jail inmate, policies at the jail, and the operation of the courts. 
Evaluation of the Breaking the Cycle Demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama: Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Harrell, A. Hirst, D. Marlowe, J. Merrill, and O. Mitchell. August 2001. This report presents findings on the impact of the Birmingham BTC program on offenders and the criminal justice system and an analysis of the costs and benefits of BTC services. 
Evaluation of the Children at Risk Program: Results 1 Year After the End of the Program, National Institute of Justice, Adele Harrell, Shannon Cavanagh, and Sanjeev Sridharan, November 1999. The Children at Risk program is a drug prevention program for high risk adolescents who live in distressed neighborhoods.  Summary
An Evaluation of the COPS Office Methamphetamine Initiative, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, May 2003. This report provides a summary of efforts to combat methamphetamine in six U.S. cities. 
Evaluation of the D.C. Superior Court Drug Intervention Programs, National Institute of Justice, Adele Harrell, Shannon Cavanagh, and John Roman, April 2000. Findings of a study to test court-based interventions for drug involved offenders that took place in D.C. during 1993.  Summary
Evaluation of the Florida Department of Corrections Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Program, Final Technical Report, National Institute of Justice, C. McNeece, April 2002. This report provides the findings of an evaluation of a Florida Department of Corrections offender drug treatment program.  
Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Drug Treatment Boot Camp, Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, Sheldon Zhang, April 2001. This report presents findings from an evaluation of the Drug Treatment Boot Camp in Los Angeles County. 
Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Juvenile Drug Treatment Boot Camp, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Sheldon Zhang, August 2001. This report presents findings from an evaluation of a juvenile drug treatment boot camp in Los Angeles County. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: 2003 Report of Findings , National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 2003. This evaluation report covers the current phase (Phase III) of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, from September 1999 through June 2003.  
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: 2003 Report of Findings, Executive Summary, National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 2003. This evaluation report covers the current phase of the project, from September 1999 through June 2003. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Campaign Exposure and Baseline Measurement of Correlates of Illicit Drug Use From November 1999 Through May 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2000. Evaluation of the Media Campaign exposure and baseline measurement of correlates of illicit drug use. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Fifth Semi-Annual Report of Findings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2002. This is the fifth in a series of semiannual reports based on the National Survey of Parents and Youth (NSPY), a continuing survey designed to evaluate the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Fourth Semi-Annual Report of Findings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, May 2002. This is the fourth in a series of semiannual reports based on the National Survey of Parents and Youth (NSPY), a continuing survey designed to evaluate the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Historical Trends in Drug Use and Design of the Phase III Evaluation, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Robert Hornik, David Judkins, Andrew Golub, et. al., July 2000. An evaluation on the effect of the Media Campaign on adolescent attitudes. 
Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: Third Semi-Annual Report of Findings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2001. This report is based on the National Survey of Parents and Youth (NSPY), a continuing survey designed to evaluate the change in youth and parents as a result of Campaign activities. 
Evaluation of the Safe Streets Now! Approach: Civil Remedies for Drugs, Crime, and Nuisance Problems, National Institute of Justice, April 2002. This report provides information on an evaluation of a civil remedy approach to location-specific crime, drug and nuisance problems.  
Evaluation of the South Carolina Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners - Final Report, National Institute of Justice, J. Miller and W. Ruefle. February 2000. This report conveys the results of an evaluation of the South Carolina Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program.  
Evaluation of the TCU Drug Screen, National Institute of Justice, K. Knight, D. Simpson, and J. Morey. July 2002. The report examines psychometric properties and validity of the Texas Christian University Drug Screen (TCU Drug Screen).  
Evaluation of Two Models of Treating Sentenced Federal Drug Offenders in the Community, National Institute of Justice, B. Robinson, B. Elms, J. Austin, and L. Chan. December 1999. This report provides an overview of a three year study of two drug treatment programs for Federal offenders placed on probation, parole or supervised release.  
Expedited Drug Case Management, National Institute of Justice, Caroline S. Cooper, July 1994. Effective management of drug caseloads and drug-involved offenders require early judicial intervention and flexible case management. 
Exploratory Analysis of Client Outcomes, Costs, and Benefits of Day Reporting Centers - Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Craddock, May 2000. This study examined two Day Reporting Centers in Wisconsin that serve probationers who are substance abusers, a high risk for reoffending, and have a high level of need for services. 
F top
Factors Affecting Client Motivation in Therapeutic Community Treatment for Offenders in Delaware, Summary Report 1997-1999, National Institute of Justice, May 2000. This report provides an overview of the State of Delaware’s Therapeutic Community Continuum of residential treatment for drug abusing prisoners programs.  
Families as a Resource in Recovery from Drug Abuse: An Evaluation of La Bodega de la Familia, National Institute of Justice, E. Sullivan, M. Mino, and K. Nelson. February 2002. This report provides an overview of an evaluation of La Bodega de la Familia, a program that engages both drug abusers and their family as a supplement to community supervision.  
Family Skills Training for Parents and Children, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Karol L. Kumpfer and Connie M. Tait, April 2000. Originally designed as a drug prevention program to help drug-abusing parents and their children, the program has developed into a family-change program. 
Federal Prison Residential Drug Treatment Reduces Substance Use and Arrests After Release, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, G. Gaes, J. O’Neil, S. Camp, S. Wallace, W. Rhodes, W. Saylor, 2001. The effectiveness of Federal prison-based residential drug and alcohol treatment programs was evaluated. 
Federal Prison Residential Drug Treatment: Gender Comparisons in Three-Year Outcomes, Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2001. This fact sheet provides an overview of a study on the effects of treatment by gender. 
Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982–1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, National Institute of Justice, A. Seeherman, M. Russell-Einhorn, and S. Ward. January 2004. This report provides information on a study that examines Federal and local law enforcement cooperation in investigating and prosecuting various crimes.  
Fenethylline and the Middle East: A Brief Summary, Drug Enforcement Administration, September 2003. Fenethylline is a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that is popular among the young affluent populations of the Middle East.  
Final Outcomes of Project ROAR: A Discussion of Findings and Implications for Future Research, National Institute of Justice, J. Atella, M. Massoglia, Q. Thurman, and R. Lincoln. December 1999. This paper reports the outcomes of an evaluation of Project ROAR (Reclaiming Our Area Residence), which focused on the main business district area in Spokane, Washngton, known for it's drug dealing and other related crimes. 
Final Report of Outcomes for the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program: Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Jeffrey Nash, March 2000. This report provides a summary of the findings from follow-up interviews with Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program graduates, dropouts, and the comparison group.  
Findings From the Evaluation of the D.C. Superior Court Drug Intervention Program, National Institute of Justice, A. Harrell, J. Roman, and S. Cavanaugh. April 2000. This report conveys the results of a process evaluation of the Superior Court Drug Intervention Program (SCDIP) in the District of Columbia.  
The Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse Among Girls and Young Women Ages 8-22, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, February 2003. This report provides an analysis of the characteristics of girls and young women who abuse substances, when they are at highest risk of doing so and the impact of such abuse.   Summary
Four Ways to Include Drug Prevention in Your Religious Programs, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2003. This brochure provides tips on how faith leaders can elevate drug abuse prevention on their agendas, put drug prevention messages in the context of religious beliefs, help young people become more media literate and extend the reach of faith-based drug prevention initiatives. 
Foxy Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2003. This brochure provides information on, a synthetic drug with the chemical name 5-methoxy-N, N-diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT).  
Frequently Asked Questions About Drug Education for Youth, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, 2003. This report provides information on the Drug Education for Youth (DEFY) program, a comprehensive and multiphased prevention program for kids ages 9 to 12. 
From Whether to How Drug Courts Work: Retrospective Evaluation of Drug Courts in Clark County (Las Vegas) and Multnomah County (Portland), Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, J. Robinson, J. Goldkamp, and M. White. May 2002. This report presents findings from the national evaluation of the Portland(Multnomah County) and Las Vegas (Clark County) drug courts.  
From Whether to How Drug Courts Work: Retrospective Evaluation of Drug Courts in Clark County (Las Vegas) and Multnomah County (Portland), National Institute of Justice, J. Goldkamp, M. White, and J. Robinson. May 2002. This report presents findings from the national evaluation of the Portland (Multnomah County) and Las Vegas (Clark County) drug courts.  
Functional Family Therapy, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Thomas L. Sexton and James F. Alexander, December 2000. A family-based drug and delinquency prevention program with a multisystemic approach. 
G top
Gang Membership, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency Behavior, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, October 1998. This report provides information on the activities of gang members and other youth, including drug use and dealing.  
Gender Differences Among Prisoners Entering Drug Treatment: Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2000. This paper examines gender differences between male and female federal prisoners who were enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program. 
Gender Differences Among Prisoners in Treatment, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, N. Langan, 2001. The purpose of this paper is to document special needs for females in the population of interest: prisoners in treatment. 
Gender Differences in Outcomes from Prison-Based Residential Treatment, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, G. Gaes, S. Camp, W. Rhodes, W. Saylor, 2003. Gender differences and similarities in the effectiveness of treatment and in predictors of post-release outcomes were examined. 
Gender Differences in Treatment Entry and Retention Among Prisoners with Substance Abuse Histories, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, 2000. This paper examined gender similarities and differences in the predictors of treatment entry and the combination of treatment entry and completion. 
Get It Straight! The Facts About Drugs , Drug Enforcement Administration. A guide on drugs of abuse for teens. 
GHB and Analogs Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This brochure alerts the public to the mind-altering risks and the short- and long-term effects to physical and mental health caused by GHB and similar drugs.  
GHB: A Club Drug To Watch, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, November 2002. This fact sheet discusses the increasing popularity of the illicit use of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and Tells treatment providers how they can respond to those who abuse this drug. 
Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide to Prevention, Department of Education, 1998. A guide to assist parents in preventing drug abuse by their children. 
A Guide for Teens: Does your friend have an alcohol or other drug problem? What can you do to help?, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Betsy O'Connor, 1994. This brochure was developed to assist teens in helping a friend who has a problem with alcohol or other drugs. 
A Guide to Understanding Female Adolescents’ Substance Abuse: Gender and Ethnic Considerations for Prevention and Treatment Policy, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 2001. This report provides important information that will help health care professionals develop effective substance abuse prevention and treatment programs for adolescent females. 
Guideline for Drug Courts on Screening and Assessment, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Elizabeth Peyton and Roger H. Peters, May 1998. This guideline is written to help drug courts develop effective policies, procedures, and techniques for screening and assessing treatment needs of drug court participants. 
Guidelines for a Drug-Free Workplace: 4th Edition, Drug Enforcement Administration, July 2003. This report provides guidelines that are intended to prevent drug abuse at work and within the workplace, and where a problem may exist--to encourage those who abuse drugs to seek help.  
H top
Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs: Research Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2001. An overview of drugs that distort the way a user perceives time, motion, colors, sounds, and self. 
Hallucinogens Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on LSD, PCP, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, DMT, AMT, Foxy, and DXM with links to source materials.  
Healing to Wellness Courts: A Preliminary Overview of Tribal Drug Courts, Drug Courts Program Office, July 1999. An overview of the critical issues and challenges for tribal drug courts.  
Helping Youth Navigate the Media Age: A New Approach to Drug Prevention, Findings of the National Youth Anti-drug Media Campaign Media Literacy Summit, White House Conference Center June 01, 2001, Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 2001. The purpose of the Summit was to explore the topic of media literacy specific to illicit drugs and to identify challenges and opportunities to advance this approach.  
Heroin Abuse and Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 2000. An overview of the use, effects, and treatment of heroin. 
Heroin Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, J. Lloyd, June 2003. This resource provides a concise summary of available research on heroin effects, use, availability, treatment, and related enforcement activities.  
Heroin Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on heroin with links to source materials. 
Heroin Fast Facts , National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. This brochure provides a brief overview of heroin.  
Heroin in the Caribbean Region, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. This fact sheet provides an overview of data on heroin use in the Caribbean Region.  
Heroin Signature Program: 1999, Drug Enforcement Administration, August 2001. This fact sheet provides an overview of a DEA program used to determine the origin of heroin entering the U.S. drug market. 
HIV in Prisons, 1997, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Laura M. Maruschak, November 1999. Presents rates of HIV-infected State and Federal prison inmates in 1997, including data on drug use prior to incarceration.  Summary
Homeless and Non-Homeless Arrestees: Distinctions in Prevalence and in Sociodemographic, Drug Use, and Arrest Characteristics Across DUF Sites, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, R. Green and R. Speiglman, April 2002. The project was undertaken to yield findings helpful to the handling of homeless persons by police and other agencies.  
An Honest Chance: Perspectives on Drug Courts, Bureau of Justice Assistance, John S. Goldkamp, Michael D. White, and Jennifer B. Robinson. April 2002. This report provides the findings of focus groups conducted with participants in six American drug courts.  
How Accurate are Arrestees in Reporting Their Criminal Justice Histories?: Concordance and Accuracy of Self-Reports Compared to Official Records , National Institute of Justice, February 2002. This analysis focuses upon the validity of arrestee self-reports of drug use and contacts with the criminal justice system. 
I top
Illicit Drug Use Among Detained Arrestees: The International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program, National Institute of Justice, Bruce Taylor, August 2001. This paper provides an overview of the International Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program. 
Impact of September 11, 2001 Events on Substance Abuse and Mental Health in the New York Area, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2003. This report examines the potential effects of the September 11 events on substance use and substance abuse treatment, mental health problems and treatment, and religiosity in the New York area.  
Impact of the Opportunity to Succeed (OPTS) Aftercare Program for Substance-Abusing Felons: Comprehensive Final Report, National Institute of Justice, S. Rossman, S. Sridharan, C. Gouvis, J. Buck, and E. Morley. March 2000. This report provides information on an evaluation of the Opportunity to Succeed program that was designed to reduce relapse and recidivism by providing aftercare services to offenders who have drug offense histories. 
Implementing the "Integrating Continuum of Care" Model for Severly Addicted Addicts: The Key Maine Experience, National Institute of Justice, George DeLeon and Josephine Hawke. April 2001. This report summarizes findings from a process evaluation of the Key Maine Therapeutic Community.  
The Importance of Family Dinners, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2003. This report examines the relationship of family dinners to specific characteristics that increase or diminish the likelihood that a teen will smoke, drink or use illegal drugs.  Summary
Increasing Our Understanding of the Recovery Process Through Drug Court Narratives, Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, Elaine Wolf and Corey Colyer, March 2002. This report provides an overview of research findings from an evaluation of the the Syracuse Community Treatment Court.  
Increasing Our Understanding of the Recovery Process Through Drug Court Narratives, Technical Report, National Institute of Justice, C. Colyer and E. Wolf, March 2002. This report describes narrative data from observations of the Syracuse Community Treatment Court (SCTC) sessions and interviews with SCTC clients and treatment professionals.  
Influence of Alcohol and Drugs on Women's Utilization of the Police for Domestic Violence, National Institute of Justice, I. Hutchison, January 2000. The purpose of this project was to determine if calling the police for incidents of domestic abuse is influenced by substance use of either the abusers or victims. 
Influence of Labor Market and Educational Experiences on Drug Use and Violence Against Inner City Puerto Rican Adolescents (Summary), National Institute of Justice, Orlando Rodriguez, August 2001. This paper explores the influence of parental socioeconomic status and educational and labor market experiences on violence and substance use among Puerto Rican adolescents living in a marginal area of New York City. 
Informal Social Control of Crime in High Drug Use Neighborhood: Final Project Report, National Institute of Justice, B. Warner, C. Leukefeld, and P. Kraman. June 2003. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of culture in a community-level model of informal social control, specifically including neighborhoods known to be associated with high levels of drug activity. 
Inhalant Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2004. This report provides information on the effects of inhalants, the scope of inhalant use, and the medical consequences of inhalant abuse.  
Inhalant/Solvent Use in the Caribbean Region, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2002. This fact sheet provides information about inhalant use in the Caribbean Region. 
Inhalants Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Jennifer Lloyd, February 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of inhalant abuse, effects, treatment, legislation, and street terms. 
Inhalants Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on inhalants with links to source materials. 
Inhalants Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This brochure provides information on the dangers of Inhalants.  
Inhalants: Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information on inhalant abuse and treatment options for inhalant users.  
Initiation of Marijuana Use: Trends, Patterns and Implications, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report contains an analysis of the initiation of marijuana use and presents in-depth analyses of the consequences of early use.  
Institutionalizing Drug Courts: A Focus Group Meeting Report, Bureau of Justice Assistance, March 2002. This report outlines the principal themes and ideas that emerged from a focus group meeting on institutionalizing drug courts.  
Intensive Treatment Program Lane County, Oregon: Evaluation Report; Preliminary Findings, National Institute of Justice, S. Lovitt, April 2002. This report summarizes findings related to the persons referred, assessed, admitted, and discharged from treatment from the The Intensive Treatment Program, an in-jail drug treatment program in Oregon.  
Interrelationship Between the Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs: Summary Overview for Drug Court Practitioners, Bureau of Justice Assistance, John N. Marr, August 1999. The purpose of this report is to address the underlying physiological, sociological and psychological foundation for prohibiting persons addicted to controlled substances from using alcohol.  
An Inventory of State Prevention Activities Funded Under the 20 Percent Prevention Set-Aside of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, October 1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 1999. A detailed compilation of State prevention activities funded by the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant. 
Investing in Drug Abuse Treatment: A Discussion Paper for Policy Makers, United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, 2003. This report examines the characteristics of drug treatment patients, treatment effectiveness, how a treatment system might be constructed, and compares drug treatment with the treatments for other chronic medical illnesses.  
Investing in Our Nation's Youth: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Phase II (Final Report), Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 1999. Presents findings from the evaluation of Phase II of the Media Campaign sponsored by ONDCP. 
J top
Jackson County, Missouri, COMmunity-Backed Anti-Drug Tax (COMBAT) Evaluation - Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Seeherman, D. Hunt, and J. Heliotis, et al. May 2000. This report is a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation and impact of the Jackson County, Missouri program called COMmunity Backed Anti-Drug Tax (COMBAT). 
Jimsonweed Fast Facts , National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This fact sheet provides information on Jimsonweed, which is abused for the hallucinogenic effects it produces.  
Juvenile and Family Drug Courts: An Overview, Bureau of Justice Assistance, November 1996. Juvenile and family drug courts provide immediate intervention in the lives of children and parents using drugs or exposed to drug addiction through family members.  
Juvenile Drug Court Movement, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, C. Cooper, J. Brophy, and M. Roberts. March 1997. This fact sheet provides an overview of juvenile drug courts. 
Juvenile Drug Court Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, May 2001. This bulletin shares the perspectives of practitioners and policymakers who have helped to establish juvenile drug courts. 
Juvenile Drug Courts: Strategies in Practice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This publication describes the framework for planning, implementing, and operating a juvenile drug court. 
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VII, Number 3 (Parenting Issue), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, K. Kumpfer, M.Jezycki, and R. Alvarado, December 2000. Provides information on the role of parents in preventing drug use and delinquency among their children. 
Juvenile Justice Journal, Volume VII, Number 2 (American Indian Issue), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, C. Andrews, R. Sanchez-Way, and S. Johnson, December 2000. Provides information on preventing drug and alcohol use, depression, and gang involvement among American Indian youth and their families. 
Juvenile Suicide in Confinement: A National Survey, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, L. Hayes, February 2004. This report provides information on the scope and distribution of suicides by youth confined in juvenile facilities and includes information on substance abuse as a risk factor. 
Juveniles and Drugs Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, M. Spiess, June 2003. This fact sheet summarizes information on youth drug use, drugs and school, consequences of use, juvenile drug-related crime, and juvenile admissions to treatment. 
Juveniles and Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on youth drug use, treatment, and consequences of use with links to source materials.  
Juventud Latina-Hable con Sus Hijos Sobre las Drogas y Sus Peligros, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2001. Latino Youth: Speak to Your Children About Drugs and Their Dangers. 
K top
Keeping Children Drug Free: Using Family-Centered Approaches, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 1998. Based on the recommendations of a panel of experts who reviewed research on the family's role in youth drug prevention. 
Keeping Your Kids Drug-Free: A How-To Guide for Parents and Caregivers, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2001. The How To Guide is a drug prevention brochure that provides parents and caregivers with real-life tips on how to keep kids drug free.  
Keeping Youth Drug Free, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 2002. Gives parents and other guardians information on drugs of abuse, why kids use drugs, and how to prevent youth drug use. 
Ketamine Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This brochure provides information on Ketamine, which is an anesthetic that is abused for its hallucinogenic properties.  
Khat Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This fact sheet provides information on the stimulant khat, a flowering shrub native to northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.  
L top
La Bodega de la Familia: Reaching Out to the Forgotten Victims of Substance Abuse, Bureau of Justice Assistance, April 1998. An overview of a drug crisis center in New York that includes the addicts family in the drug treatment process. 
La Comunidad Terapeutica, National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 2003. The Spanish language version of Therapeutic Communities, which presents background information about therapeutic communities, highlights the benefits, discusses the components, and provides additional information about therapeutic communities.  
Law Enforcement Referral of At-Risk Youth: The SHIELD Program, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Phelan A. Wyrick, November 2000. Utilizes contacts made by police to identify youth at risk of involvement in violent behavior, substance abuse, and gang activity. 
Lawyers and Substance Abuse Prevention: Your Guide for Action, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2001. A guide to assist lawyers prevent substance abuse in their communities.  
Lessons Learned in Drug Abuse Prevention: A Global Review , United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, 2002. This report provides suggestions for more effective practice in the field of drug abuse prevention based on the lessons learned from practical experience of others. 
Life of a Cell: Managerial Practice and Strategy in Colombian Cocaine Distribution in the United States , National Institute of Justice, J. Fuentes, January 1998. This report examines cell structuring, worker recruitment, establishment of customer lines, price-setting, enforcement of customer agreements, and organizational and behavioral responses to law enforcement pressures. 
Linkage of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Services, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, April 2002. This report provides an overview of a study of programs offering domestic violence and substance abuse services and how often and in what ways these two program types provide the complementary service. 
Linkage of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Services, Research in Brief, Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, April 2002. This report summarizes the results of surveys of national samples of domestic violence and substance abuse programs to determine how often, and in what ways, the programs provided the complementary service. 
Looking at a Decade of Drug Courts, Bureau of Justice Assistance, 1998. This report provides summary information on adult, juvenile and family drug court programs throughout the United States. 
Looking at Crime From the Street Level, National Institute of Justice, Sudhir Venkatesh, Richard Curtis, and Charles H. Ramsey, November 1999. Conference presentations on drug-related crime research.  Summary
LSD Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This fact sheet provides general information on LSD.  
M top
Manual Para la Comunidad Hispano/Latina. Organizando la Comunidad Hispano/Latina Para la Prevención de Alcohol, Tabaco, y Drogas Ilícitas, Department of Health and Human Services, 1999. Este manual contiene guías e instrumentos que servirán de ayuda a los grupos comunitarios en su organización para confrontar el grave problema de la juventud hispano/latina; el consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilícitas. 
Marijuana Abuse Research Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, October 2002. This report provides information on marijuana use, effects, treatment, and more.  
Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Janet E. Joy, Stanley J. Watson, Jr., and John A. Benson, Jr., 1999. Provides a review of the scientific evidence assessing potential health benefits and risks of marijuana and its constituent cannabinoids. 
Marijuana Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, February 2004. This Fact Sheet provides information about marijuana use, effects, availability, enforcement (arrests, seizures), treatment, and other issues such as medical marijuana. 
Marijuana Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on marijuana with links to source materials.  
Marijuana Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. This brochure provides a brief overview of marijuana.  
Marijuana Use Among Students at Institutions of Higher Education, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, February 2002. This fact sheet provides information on marijuana use by college students.  
Marijuana: Facts for Teens, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 1998. Provides information for teens on the dangers of marijuana use. 
Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 1998. A guide for parents to talk to their children about the dangers of marijuana. 
MDMA (Ecstasy) Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, M. Spiess, February 2004. This fact sheet provides a summary of data related to the club drug ecstasy. It includes information on ecstasy use, health effects, and related enforcement initiatives.  
MDMA Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, March 2003. This brochure provides a brief overview of the club drug MDMA, also known as ecstasy.  
Media Literacy for Drug Prevention, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2001. This guide for middle school educators uses newspaper articles as a springboard to teach students to recognize media influences that can affect their decisions about substance use. 
The Media Tool Kit for Anti-Drug Action, Office of National Drug Control Policy, August 2000. The Toolkit acts as a guide for community groups wishing to participate in the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.   Summary
Medical Problems of Inmates, 1997, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Laura M. Maruschak and Allen J. Beck, Ph.D., January 2001. Presents data on inmates reporting a medical problem who also reported having a history of drug abuse.  Summary
Medicamentos de Prescripcion: Abuso y Adiccion, National Institute on Drug Abuse, August 2001. Spanish version of Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction. 
La Metanfetamina Abuse y Adiccion (Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction), National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 1998. Spanish version of Methamphetamine: Abuse and Addiction. 
Meth Matters: Report on Methamphetamine Users in Five Western Cities, National Institute of Justice, Susan Pennell, Joe Ellett, Cynthia Rienick, and Jackie Grimes, April 1999. Uses the ADAM program to document and compare methamphetamine use and its consequences among arrestees in five Western cities.  Summary
Methadone Fact Sheet, Drug Policy Information Clearinghouse, Erin Steiner Broekhuysen, April 2000. An overview of issues dealing with methdone treatment. 
Methamphetamine Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on methamphetamine with links to source materials.  
Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force: Final Report, Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Institute of Justice, January 2000. Presents the findings of a collaborative effort by Federal and non-Federal experts in law enforcement, prevention, education, and treatment on methamphetamine.  Summary
The Methamphetamine Menace, National Conference of State Legislatures, B. Harrison and D. Sanchez, January 2004. This fact sheet highlights the problems associated with methamphetamine and discusses how some States are responding.  
Methamphetamine: Abuse and Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 1998. An overview of methamphetamine use, effects, and treatment. 
Methamphetamine: An Update on an Emerging Problem, National Institute of Justice, NIJ Journal, October 2000. Provides an overview of the Methamphetamine Interagency Task Force. 
Methamphetamine: Community Drug Alert Bulletin, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1998. Provides succinct information on methamphetamine and gives resources for more information. 
Mexico Country Profile, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug and crime problems in Mexico and policies to combat them.  
Minorities and Drugs Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on minority drug use and related information with links to source materials.  
Model State Drug Court Legislation: Model Drug Offender Accountability and Treatment Act, National Drug Court Institute, May 2004. This publication functions as a model for policy-makers, state legislators, and drug court professionals who wish to enact or enhance statewide drug court legislation. 
Mohican Youth Center: RSAT Process Evaluation, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, B. Fulton, E. Latessa, and J. Pealer. July 2001. This report presents the results of a process evaluation of the Mohican Youth Center, a substance abuse treatment facility for drug-involved youth operated by the Ohio Department of Youth Services.  
MonDay Community Correctional Institution: RSAT Process Evaluation, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, B. Fulton, E. Latessa, and J. Pealer. July 2001. This report presents the results of a process evaluation of the MonDay Community Correctional Institution, located in Ohio.  
Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2003, National Institute on Drug Abuse, J. Bachman, J. Schulenberg, L. Johnston, P. O'Malley, June 2004. First results from the Monitoring the Future study’s 2003 nationwide survey of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students are given in this report. 
Monitoring the Marijuana Upsurge With DUF/ADAM Arrestees, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, A. Golub and B. Johnson, July 2001. This report examines the dynamics of trends in marijuana use detected at 23 locations across the nation served by the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program from 1987 through 1998. 
Mortality Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2002. This report provides data on drug-related deaths in various metropolitan areas throughout the United States. 
Mortality Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2003. This report tracks deaths that are drug-induced (one or more of the drugs directly caused the death) or drug-related (drug abuse was a contributing factor in the death).  
Mortality Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This publication presents information on deaths related to drug abuse based on data collected through the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) for calendar year 2002.  Summary
My Anti-Drug Mural Guidebook: Five Steps to Planning an Anti-Drug Community Mural, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2002. This guide provides the tools to develop a "My Anti-Drug" mural in your community. It contains basic instructions on how to lead youth through activities that build self-respect, responsibility, and teamwork and support healthy, positive, and drug-free lifestyles.  
N top
Narcotics: Damage to the Environment, Central Intelligence Agency, December 2000. Provides information about the effects that some drugs have on the environment and discusses such issues as deforestation and chemical dumping. 
National and State Estimates of the Drug Abuse Treatment Gap: 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report presents information on the population in the Nation who need but did not receive treatment for an illicit drug use problem.  
National Assembly: Drugs, Alcohol Abuse, and the Criminal Offender, Conference Proceedings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, July 2000. Proceeding from the 1999 National Assembly conference on the related issues of substance abuse and criminal activity.  
National Drug Control Strategy, 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. Provides an overview of Federal efforts to prevent drug use, treat America's users, and disrupt the drug market. 
National Drug Control Strategy, 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of Federal efforts to prevent drug use, treat users, and disrupt the drug market.  
National Drug Control Strategy, 2003 Data Supplement, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of the drug-related data used in the implementation and measurement of the effectiveness of federal, state, and local drug control programs. 
National Drug Control Strategy, 2003 Overview, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2003. This fact sheet provides an overview of the President's 2003 drug control strategy. 
National Drug Control Strategy, 2003: FY 2004 Budget Summary, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of the Federal drug control budget.   Summary
National Drug Control Strategy, 2004, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This report outlines a balanced, three-priority strategy to combat drug use in America and highlights budget aspects of each component.   Summary
National Drug Control Strategy, 2004 Fact Sheet, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This fact sheet provides an overview of the priorities, programs, and budget of the National Drug Control Strategy. 
National Drug Control Strategy, FY 2003 Budget Summary, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. Provides an overview of the FY 03 Federal drug control budget, including a section on the budget's restructuring.  
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2002. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.  
National Drug Control Strategy: Counterdrug Research and Development Blueprint Update 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2003. This report provides an overview of CTAC's research and development projects and the Technology Transfer Program.   Summary
National Drug Control Strategy: FY 2005 Budget Summary, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This report provides an overview of the Federal drug control budget.   Summary
National Evaluation of 14 Drug Courts, National Institute of Justice, A.Harrell, A. Morral, D. Longshore, E. Deschenes, et al. November 2001. This report presents findings from a national evaluation of 14 drug court programs that received funding by the Drug Courts Program Office in 1995 and 1996. 
National Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program From Onset to Midpoint - Executive Summary, National Institute of Justice, D. Lipton, F. Pearson, and H. Wexler. May 2000. This report highlights the results of surveys of RSAT programs in participating States, and lays out what the RSAT legislation has accomplished at the midpoint of its existence (December 31, 1998).  
National Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program From Onset to Midpoint - Final Report, National Institute of Justice, D. Lipton, F. Pearson, and H. Wexler. May 2000. This report presents results of an examination of the RSAT program’s progress at about the halfway point of the program’s existence. 
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed, National Institute of Justice, Gregory Mills and Terence Dunworth, July 1999. This report provides an overview of Operation Weed and Seed, a strategy to control violent crime, drug trafficking, and drug-related crime in targeted areas and to provide a safe environment for residents to live, work, and raise their families.   Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed Cross-Site Analysis, National Institute of Justice, Gary Cordner, Gregory Mills, Jack Greene, and Terence Dunworth. July 1999. This report provides an overview of the NIJ evaluation of the Weed and Seed program.   Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Akron Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This case study documents the activities implemented under the Weed and Seed program in Akron, Ohio and assesses the program’s impact at this site.  Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Florida, Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This report summarizes the Weed and Seed program's strategies and effects in Manatee and Sarasota county.   Summary
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National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Hartford Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This report provides an overview of Hartford's Weed and Seed program.   Summary
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National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Las Vegas Case Study, National Institute of Justice, August 1999. This case study documents the activities implemented under the Weed and Seed program in Las Vegas and assesses the program’s impact at this site.  Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Pittsburgh Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This case study documents the activities implemented under the Weed and Seed program in Pittsburgh and assesses the program’s impact at this site.  Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Salt Lake City Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This report summarizes the Weed and Seed program's strategies and effects in Salt Lake City, Utah.   Summary
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National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Seattle Case Study, National Institute of Justice, June 1999. This case study documents the activities implemented under the Weed and Seed program in Seattle and assesses the program’s impact at this site.  Summary
National Evaluation of Weed and Seed: Shreveport Case Study, National Institute of Justice, August 1999. This report summarizes the Weed and Seed program's strategies and effects in Shreveport, Louisiana.   Summary
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National Methamphetamine Drug Conference, Office of National Drug Control Policy, May 1997. The purpose of the conference was to gather information for refining the national methamphetamine strategy. 
National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, D. Cantor, D. Gottfredson, E. Czeh, G. Gottfredson, I. Hantman, and S. Crosse. April 2002. This report provides a description of the full range of activities schools undertake to reduce or prevent problem behavior - including delinquency, drug use, and violence. 
National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools, Summary, National Institute of Justice, D. Cantor, D. Gottfredson, E. Czeh, G. Gottfredson, I. Hantman, and S. Crosse. April 2002. This report provides a summary of activities schools undertake to reduce or prevent problem behavior - including drug use. 
The National Substance Abuse Treatment System: Facilities, Clients, Services, and Staffing, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2003. This report provides information on such organizational characteristics of the national substance abuse treatment system as facility size, staffing patterns, certification, services offered, and revenue sources by treatment type.  
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse IX: Teen Dating Practices and Sexual Activity, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, August 2004. This survey seeks to assess the relationship of a 12- to 17-year olds’ social world to that teen’s risk of smoking, drinking, and using illegal drugs.  Summary
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse VIII: Teens and Parents, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, August 2003. This report summarizes the findings of a survey of parents and youth on drug use.   Summary
National Survey of Parents and Youth Questionnaires for Waves 1 and 2, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2000. An overview of the questionnaires used to survey parents and youth as part of the evaluation of the Media Campaign. 
National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2000, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2002. This report contains data on substance abuse treatment facilities in the United States.  
National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2002. Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities,, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report presents results from the 2002 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), an annual survey of facilities providing substance abuse treatment. 
National Symposium on Alcohol Abuse and Crime: Recommendations to the Office of Justice Programs, Office of Justice Porgrams, April 1998. The purposes of the symposium was to convene recognized leaders in the field of alcohol abuse, provide a forum for discussion, and provide advice to OJP.  Summary
The National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1998. NTIES is a Congressionally-mandated study of the impact of drug and alcohol treatment on thousands of clients in hundreds of treatment units. 
The National Treatment System: Outpatient Methadone Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report provides national estimates for facilities that offer outpatient methadone treatment. It describes the relationship between methadone treatment practices and facility characteristics by examining facility size, ownership, amount of public revenue, urbanicity, level of facility affiliation, licensure, setting, services, and staffing composition.   Summary
The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Communications Strategy Statement, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. This document outlines the strategic basis for the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a multi-faceted primary prevention media campaign.  
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Summary, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 1997. An overview of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Fall 1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Fall 1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1999. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Fall 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2000. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Fall 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2002. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Fall/Winter 2001, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2001. The Update provides articles on initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.  
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Spring 1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Spring 1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1999. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Spring 2001, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2001. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.  
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Spring 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2002. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Summer 2002, Office of National Drug Control Policy, May 2002. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Summer/Fall 2001, Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 2001. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.  
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Winter 2001, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2001. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Winter 2003, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2002. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign Update Newsletter, Winter/Spring 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2000. The Update provides articles on the initiatives, products, and events related to ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
New Economic Thinking on Addiction and Legalization: Toward Sliding Price Elasticities of Demand for Addictive Substances and their Implications for Public Policy, The National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, R. Charles, July 2003. This report provides information on the economic factors of drug abuse.  
The New York State Adult Drug Court Evaluation: Policies, Participants and Impacts, Bureau of Justice Assistance, A. Bader , A. Cissner, D. Farole, et al, October 2003. This study documents the policies, participant characteristics, and performance of participants in eleven of New York's oldest and largest drug courts.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Use and the Risk of Suicide Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This fact sheet explores the link between youth drug use and risk of suicide.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Awareness of Workplace Substance Use Policies and Programs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2002. This report presents data on full–time workers aged 18 to 49 regarding their knowledge of substance use policies and resources at their workplace.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Beliefs Among Youths About Risks from Illicit Drug Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. An overview of data on the perceived risk of substance abuse among youths.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Drugged Driving , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet provides data on drugged driving including demographics and employment status.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Illicit Drug Use Among Hispanic Females, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2002. This fact sheet provides data on drug use among Hispanic females, including information on demographics, pregnancy, and geographic differences.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Injection Drug Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2003. This fact sheet provides information about injection drug users including risk behaviors and needle sources.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Parental Disapproval of Youths' Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This fact sheet provides information on the perceptions of parental disapproval related to adolescent substance use.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Pregnancy and Illicit Drug Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2001. An overview of data on the use of illicit drugs by pregnant women.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Serious Mental Illness Among Adults, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides information on the prevalence of mental illness, treatment, and drug abuse by those with mental illness.  Summary
The NHSDA Report: Substance Abuse or Dependence, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2002. This report provides information on drug dependence among the U.S. population, including demographic characteristics and drug types used.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Team Sports Participation and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2002. This report provides data on drug use and attitudes of youth that participate in sports.   Summary
The NHSDA Report: Youths' Choice of Consultant for Serious Problems as Related to Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, February 2003. This fact sheet provides information on who youths aged 12 to 17 identify as the persons they would talk to about a serious problem.  Summary
No Place to Hide: Substance Abuse in Mid Size Cities and Rural America, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, January 2000. Youth in rural areas of America are more likely to use drugs than those in large urban centers.  Summary
Noble Choices: RSAT Process Evaluation, Final Report, National Instiute of Justice, B. Fulton, E. Latessa, and J. Pealer. July 2001. This report provides information on a process evaluation of a therapeutic community called Noble Choices that operates within Noble Correctional Institution, a medium security prison in Ohio. 
Non-Medical Marijuana II: Rite Of Passage Or Russian Roulette?, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, April 2004. This report provides information on marijuana use and its consequences.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Adults with Co-Occurring Serious Mental Illness & a Substance Use Disorder, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This fact sheet provides data on the prevalence and treatment rates of co-occurring serious mental illness and substance abuse.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Graduated Driver Licensing and Drinking Among Young Drivers, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2004. This report examines the associations among binge drinking, heavy drinking, and DUI for drivers aged 15 to 17 by the restrictiveness of State GDL laws.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Participation in Youth Activities and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2004. This fact sheet explores the link between participation in youth activities and a lower risk of substance use among youths.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Pregnancy and Substance Use, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This report examines illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use among pregnant and nonpregnant women aged 15 to 44.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Reasons for Not Receiving Substance Abuse Treatment , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, November 2003. In this report, estimates of treatment need, treatment, perceived unmet treatment need and reasons for not receiving treatment are presented separately for illicit drugs and for alcohol.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: Religious Beliefs and Substance Use Among Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, January 2004. This fact sheet provides data on religiosity as a protective factor for substance use among youths.  Summary
The NSDUH Report: Risk & Protective Factors for Substance Use among American Indian or Alaska Native Youths, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report looks at risk and protective factors for substance use among youth aged 12 to 17 comparing American Indian or Alaska Native youths with youths among all other racial/ethnic groups combined.   Summary
The NSDUH Report: State Estimates of Persons Needing But Not Receiving Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June 2004. This report provides an overview of data related to treatment needs in the States.   Summary
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Office of Justice Programs Drug Courts Program Office Fact Sheet, Drug Courts Program Office, August 1995. An overview of the background and funding initiatives for the Drug Courts Program Office. 
Ohio RSAT Process Evaluation, Summary Report, National Institute of Justice, July 2001. This report represents the culmination of a process evaluation of three residential substance abuse treatment programs (RSAT) in Ohio. 
OJJDP News @ a Glance, Volume III, Number 2 (March/April 2004), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, March 2004. OJJDP’s bimonthly newsletter presents notices of agency activities, recent publications, funding opportunities, and upcoming events. This issue includes a special feature on OJJDP’s efforts to combat youth substance abuse. 
OJJDP’s Tribal Youth Initiatives, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, K. McKinney, May 2003. This bulletin describes the efforts of OJJDP to assist tribal communities in addressing risk factors for delinquency, including drug abuse.  
Operation Drug TEST Evaluation, National Institute of Justice, A. Harrell, D. Longshore, F. Taxman, J. Byrne, S. Turner, and T. Fain. June 2001.This report provides information on an evaluation of Operation Drug TEST (ODT), a pretrial intervention featuring drug testing; sanctions for drug use; and treatment, as needed, for defendants under pretrial supervision. 
The Other Way Program Evaluation, Summary, National Institute of Justice, A. Patterson, C. Richards, R. Cadoret, and Sarah Barten. July 2000. This report provides an overview of a process evaluation of the The Other Way (TOW) drug treatment program. 
Outcome Evaluation of a Residential Substance Abuse Program: Barnstable House of Corrections, National Institute of Justice, April 2003. This report is the second half of an evaluation of the residential substance abuse program at the Barnstable House of Corrections. 
Outcome Evaluation of the Forever Free Substance Abuse Treatment Program: One-Year Post-Release Outcomes, National Institute of Justice, M. Prendergast, April 2003. This report highlights the background, design and methods, and findings relating to the outcome evaluation of the Forever Free Program located at the California Institution for Women in Frontera. 
Outcome Evaluation of the New Mexico Corrections Department Genesis Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners, Final Summary Report, National Institute of Justice, P. Guerin, December 2003. This report provides information on research that explored the effectiveness of the in-prison therapeutic community at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility. 
Outcome Evaluation of the South Carolina Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners, National Institute of Justice, J. Miller and B. Koons-Witt, April 2003. The primary objective of this evaluation was to determine whether South Carolina's Correctional Recovery Academy is an effective treatment option for male youthful offenders with chemical dependency problems. 
Outcome Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission's Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, W. Kelly, August 2001. This study provides a systematic evaluation of the longer-term impacts of the drug treatment programs employed by the Texas Youth Commission. 
Outcome Evaluation of the Wisconsin Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program: The Mental Illness-Chemical Abuse (MICA) Program at Oshkosh Correctional Institution 1998-2000, National Institute of Justice, January 2001. This report provides information on a two-year outcome evaluation of Wisconsin’s Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners project. 
Overview and Illustrative Examples of the Research Agenda for the Therapeutic Community Continuum of Treatment for Offenders in Delaware, National Institute of Justice, C. Saum, J. Inciardi, and S. Martin. May 2000. This report provides an overview of research conducted on Delaware's therapeutic community continuum of treatment for offenders.  
Overview of Findings from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report provides a concise summary of the main results from the 2002 NSDUH. 
OxyContin Facts & Figures, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on the illicitly abused prescription painkiller OxyContin with links to source materials.  
OxyContin Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This fact sheet provides information on OxyContin, a trade name for a painkiller available in the United States only by prescription. 
OxyContin: Prescription Drug Abuse, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, April 2001. An overview of information on OxyContin abuse and treatment.  
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Painting the Current Picture: A National Report Card on Drug Courts and Other Problem Solving Court Programs in the United States, National Drug Court Institute, C. Huddleston, D. Boone, and K. Freeman-Wilson. May 2004. This report represents, data, results, and outcomes compiled from numerous sources providing the current state of drug court research as well as results from the National Survey on Problem Solving Courts. 
Parenting Is Prevention-Resource Guide 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1998. This guide presents resources drug prevention resources for participants in the Parenting is Prevention training. 
Parenting Is Prevention-Training of Trainers Workshop 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1998. A curriculum for training instructors to present the Parenting is Prevention program. 
Parenting Skills: 21 Tips and Ideas to Help You Make a Difference, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1999. A guide to help parents prevent drug use by their children. 
Parents Matter: Tips for Raising Teenagers, Office of National Drug Control Policy, May 2000. Provides parents with tips on how to stay close to their teenagers and prevent underage drinking, drug use, and violence. 
A Parents' Guide to Preventing Inhalant Abuse, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1999. A guide to educate parents about the dangers of inhalant abuse. 
Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, 2002, The Partnership for a Drug-Free America, 2003. PATS is an annual study that tracks the elaborate and complex attitudes consumers have about illegal drugs.  
Past and Future Directions of the D.A.R.E. Program, National Institute of Justice, Christopher L. Ringwalt, Jody M. Greene, Susan T. Ennett, and Ronaldo Iachan, September 1994. An evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of DARE.  Summary
Pathways to Prevention: A Prevention Guide for Youth Leaders in Faith Communities, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2003. This interfaith activity guide provides faith leaders with an array of drug prevention activities for children, pre-teens and adolescents, as well as for parents and other adults in faith communities. 
Patterns of Drug Use Amongst Police Detainees, Australian Institute of Criminology, December 2000. An overview of the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia (DUMA) project in Australia that routinely monitors the use of illicit drugs by people detained by police. 
Patterns of Mental Health Service Utilization and Substance Use Among Adults, 2000 and 2001, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, March 2004. This report presents estimates of the prevalence of mental health treatment among adults and describes the types of treatment received and the characteristics of persons receiving treatment.  
PCP Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, May 2003. This brochure provides a brief overview of PCP and its effects.  
A Plan for Estimating the Number of "Hardcore" Drug Users in the United States: Preliminary Findings, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Ronald Simeone, William Rhodes, Dana Hunt, and Linda Truitt, April 1997. Findinds of a study that interviewed hard core drug users in various settings, including treatment and booking facilities. 
Preparing for the Drug Free Years, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, July 1999. A class that is taught to parents on how to keep their children drug free, curriculum topics include risk factors and conflict management. 
Prescription Drugs Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This fact sheet provides information on the prescription drugs that are commonly abused in the United States.  
Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2001. Provides information about commonly abused prescription drugs, their effects, detection, and treatment. 
Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators and Community Leaders (Second Edition), National Institute on Drug Abuse, October 2003. Provides research-based information to further effective drug abuse prevention programs.  Summary
The Price of Illicit Drugs: 1981 through the Second Quarter of 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2001. This report presents trends in the price per pure gram and the purity of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and the price of marijuana unadjusted for THC content.  
Principios de Tratamientos para la Drogadiccion: una Guia Basada en Investigaciones, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2001. Spanish version of Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide.  
Principios para la Prevención del VIH en las Poblaciones de Usuarios de Drogas: Una guía basada en la investigación, National Institute on Drug Abuse, July 2003. The Spanish version of Principles of HIV Prevention in Drug-Using Populations. This guide summarize the principles that characterize effective HIV/AIDS prevention in drug-using populations. 
Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide, National Institute on Drug Abuse, October 1999. Outlines proven effective components of successful drug addiction treatment programs. Includes answers to frequently asked questions. 
Principles of HIV Prevention in Drug-Using Populations: A Research-Based Guide, National Institute on Drug Abuse, March 2002. This guide summarize the principles that characterize effective HIV/AIDS prevention in drug-using populations.  
Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2002, Bureau of Justice Statistics, J. Karberg and P. Harrison. April 2003. This report provides for each State and the Federal system, the number of inmates and the overall incarceration rate per 100,000 residents.   Summary
Prison-Based Treatment Assessment (PTA): Final Activity Report, National Institute of Justice, D. Simpson, K. Knight, and M. Hiller. November 1999. This report summarizes findings from an evaluation of the treatment process and outcomes associated with the In-Prison Therapeutic Community facility located in Kyle, Texas. 
Prisoners' Drug Use and Treatment: Seven Research Studies, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, June 2003. This report brings together seven studies concerned with prisoners’ drug use and treatment, in England and Wales. 
Pro Bono Match Program and Guidelines: National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2001. The pro bono Match component of the campaign is a public/private venture in which media outlets agreeing to a paid advertising "buy" are required by law to provide a matching public service contribution. 
Process Analysis of GDC RSAT Program, Draft Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Audrey Moffett, August 2001. This document reports the findings of a process evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program operating within the Georgia Department of Corrections. 
Process Assessment of Correctional Treatment (PACT), Final Project Report, National Institute of Justice, D. Simpson, K. Knight, M. Hiller, and S. Rao. September 2000. This report provides an extensive summary of the data collection procedures used during the PACT project. 
Process Assessment of Correctional Treatment (PACT), Summary Report, National Institute of Justice, D. Simpson, K. Knight, M. Hiller, and S. Rao. September 2000. This report provides a description of baseline and during treatment assessments that were used with probationers in a “real-world” treatment setting as part of the PACT project.  
Process Evaluation Assessing the Gender Appropriateness of the KEY/CREST Program, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, April 2002. This report provides an overview of findings from a process evaluation to assess the gender appropriateness of a Therapeutic Community (TC) model used at the Baylor Women’s Correctional Institute and the I CREST North and South TC treatment programs. 
Process Evaluation of a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners: The W.J. Maxey Boys Training School, National Institute of Justice, Maureen Okasinski and William Birdsall. March 2000. This report summarizes the findings from the evaluation of a Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program intended to reduce substance abuse and recidivism among youth placed at Maxey Boys Training School in Michigan. 
Process Evaluation of Summit House: A Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program of the New Hampshire Department of Corrections , National Institute of Justice, S. McMurphy and W. Butynski, et al. February 2002. This report provides an overview of a process evaluation of the Summit House Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program within the New Hampshire Department of Corrections. 
Process Evaluation of the Crossroad to Freedom House and Peer I Therapeutic Communities, National Institute of Justice, M. O’Keefe and K. Klebe. May 2001. The purpose of this study was to conduct a process evaluation of the Crossroads to Freedom House and the Peer I transitional Therapeutic Community programs. 
Process Evaluation of the Forever Free Substance Abuse Treatment Program, National Institute of Justice, D. Baldwin, J. Wellisch, and M. Prendergast. June 2000. This report provides the findings of a process evaluation of Forever Free, an intensive residential and community treatment program for women inmates with substance abuse problems.  
Process Evaluation of the Genesis Program at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility, National Institute of Justice, M. Wyatt, P. Guerin, and R. Hyde. December 1999. This report is a process evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) program at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility (SNMCF) in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 
Process Evaluation of the Michigan Department of Corrections' Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program, National Institute of Justice, James Austin, Kelly Johnson, and Wendy Naro. March 2000. This report examines a process evaluation of the Michigan Department of Corrections' Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program.  
Process Evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program at the Minnesota Department of Corrections-Red Wing Facility, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, T. Campbell, May 2001. This report highlights the findings of a process evaluation of the Minnesota Correctional Facility at Red Wing Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program.  
Process Evaluation of the Rhode Island Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT): The Operations of a Minimum-Security Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Craig Love, August 2001. This document provides a summary of a process evaluation of the Rhode Island Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program.  
Process Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission's Chemical Dependency Treatment Program - Final Report, National Institute of Justice, William Kelly, May 2000. This report provides a systematic and empirical process evaluation of factors associated with successful program progress in TYC’s Chemical Dependency Treatment Program.  
Process Evaluation of The Therapeutic Community Initiative at the Illinois Department of Corrections' Illinois Youth Center-St. Charles, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, February 2001. This report provide the findings from an evaluation of an RSAT-funded program located at the Illinois Department of Corrections’ youth center in St. Charles, Illinois. 
Process Evaluation of the Wisconsin Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for Female Prisoners: The Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) Program, National Institute of Justice, D. Moberg and K. Ban Stelle. July 2000. This process evaluation report covers the development and initial implementation of the Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) program. 
Process Evaluation of Tier 4 Connecticut: Department of Correction Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, S. Pease, R. Tafrate, and S. Cox. January 2001. This process evaluation attempts to identify those programmatic factors which contribute to inmate success and failure so that recommendations can be made toward strengthening the RSAT programs. 
Program Evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Residential Therapeutic Community for Women Offenders in Washington State, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, C. Mosher and D. Phillips. November 2002. This research report describes the purpose, methods, results, and implications of an evaluation of the Pine Lodge Pre-Release Therapeutic Community for Women Offenders in Washington State. 
Promising Practices and Strategies to Reduce Alcohol and Substance Abuse Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, Office of Justice Programs, August 2000. The report highlight effective solutions developed within the tribal community that combine western and traditional approaches. 
Promising Strategies to Reduce Substance Abuse, Office of Justice Programs, September 2000. Describes drug prevention, treatment, and law enforcement programs that have been adopted successfully by communities around the country. 
Proteja a sus hijos de las drogas: Una guía para los padres, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2003. The booklet, which incorporates culturally-appropriate information and resources, includes facts about drugs and specific ideas, tips, conversation starters, and examples of the skills parents can use to prevent teen drug use.  
Psilocybin Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This brochure provides information on Psilocybin, a hallucinogenic substance obtained from certain types of mushrooms. 
Public Domain Drug Court Software: Functions and Utility, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This document presents a largely nontechnical description of four public domain drug court MISs and surveys a range of information useful for supporting drug court activities. 
Pulse Check: Drug Markets and Chronic Users in 25 of America's Largest Cities, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2004. This report provides timely information on drug abuse and drug markets as reported by local researchers, treatment providers, and law enforcement officials.  Summary
Pulse Check: National Trends in Drug Abuse, June-December 1997 (Special Topic: Speedballing), Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, January-June 1998 (Special Topic: "Club" Drug Use), Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1998. An overview of local trends in drug abuse. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, July-December 2001 Reporting Period (Special Topic: The Impact of September 11), Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2002. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States and includes a special report on the impact of September 11th.  
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, Mid-Year 2000 (Special Topic: "Ecstasy" and Other Club Drugs), Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2001. Provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States. 
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, November 2001 (Special Topic: Synthetic Opioids), Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2001. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States, includes a special report on synthetic opiates.  
Pulse Check: Trends in Drug Abuse, November 2002 (Special Topic: A Look at Local Drug Markets), Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 2002. This report provides information on the availability, use, and trafficking of various drugs in multiple cities across the United States, it also includes a special report on local drug markets. 
R top
Raising Awareness and Educating the Public, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, December 1999. Explains what a public awareness and education project is; how they prevent crime; how to start one; and how to evaluate the program. 
The Rebirth of Rehabilitation: Promise and Perils of Drug Courts, National Institute of Justice, Richard S. Gebelein, May 2000. Provides an overview of the history, successes, and possible pitfalls of drug courts.  Summary
Recidivism Rates for Drug Court Graduates: Nationally Based Estimates, National Institute of Justice, A. Bhati, J. Roman, and W. Townsend. July 2003. This report presents a general estimate of recidivism among a nationally representative sample of drug court graduates. 
Recreational Use of Ritalin on College Campuses, Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, D. Kapner, July 2003. This fact sheet describes Ritalin use on college campuses, outlines possible effects of its abuse, and recommends policies for institutions of higher education.  
Reducing Crime and Drug Dealing by Improving Place Management: A Randomized Experiment, National Institute of Justice, John E. Eck and Julie Wartell, January 1999. This report provides an overview of research on the effectiveness of the Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) program.   Summary
Reducing Offender Drug Use Through Prison-Based Treatment, NIJ Journal, National Institute of Justice, July 2000. An overview of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Formula Grant Program.  
Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse Fact Sheet, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2004. This fact sheet provides an overview of efforts to prevent and stop the illegal sale, diversion, and abuse of prescription drugs. 
Report of a Process Evaluation of the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program: Final Report, National Institute of Justice, Donald Linhorst, March 2000. This report provides final results of a process evaluation of Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program (OCCDTP) in Missouri.  
Report of the Drug Control Research, Data, and Evaluation Committee, January 1999, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 1999. This report provides an overview of the activities of the DCRDE Committee and includes an inventory of Federal drug-related sources.  
Report on Teen Cigarette Smoking and Marijuana Use, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2003. This report provides data on the connection between teens who smoke cigarettes and marijuana use.   Summary
Reportes de Investigación - Abuso de la Marihuana, National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 2002. Provides information on marijuana abuse, effects, and treatment in Spanish.  
Research Report - Therapeutic Community, National Institute on Drug Abuse, August 2002. Presents background information about therapeutic communities, highlights the benefits, discusses the components, and provides additional information about therapeutic communities. 
Research Report: MDMA (Ecstasy) Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse, April 2004. This report provides information on MDMA abuse, history, and effects. 
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) for State Prisoners Formula Grant: Compendium of Program Implementation and Accomplishments, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, March 2001. This report provides a summary of an evaluation of the RSAT Program.  
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) in Jail: Comparison of Six Sites in Virginia, National Institute of Justice, F. Taxman, June 2000. This process evaluation examined the implementation of the RSAT program in multiple Virginia jails by observing the therapeutic community program, conducting interviews with staff, and tracking client progress.  
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) in Prison: Evaluation of the Maryland RSAT Program , National Institute of Justice, F. Taxman, R. Silverman, and J. Bouffard. September 2000. This process evaluation examined the implementation of the Maryland RSAT program by observing the therapeutic community program, conducting interviews with staff, and tracking client progress.  
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners (RSAT) Partnership Process Evaluation, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, March 2001. This report provides an overview of an evaluation of a RSAT therapeutic community operating in Idaho.  
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners: Breaking the Drug-Crime Cycle Among Parole Violators, National Institute of Justice, M. Stohr, C. Hemmens, D. Baune, J. Dayley, M. Gornik, K. Kjaer, and C. Noon. May 2003. This report provides an overview of an evaluation of the South Idaho Correctional Institution's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT)program.   Summary
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners: Implementation Lessons Learned, National Insitute of Justice, L. Harrison and S. Martin. April 2003. This report provides an overview of an evaluation of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program for State prisoners.   Summary
Responding to Alcohol and Other Drug Problems in Child Welfare: Weaving Together Practice and Policy , Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1998. This guidebook sets forth a policy framework that can assist child welfare agencies in responding to these overlapping problems of substance abuse and child welfare. 
Results from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Summary of National Findings , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, August 2002. This report provides an accurate and comprehensive one-year snapshot of the problem of drug abuse in America.   Summary
Results from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2003. This report presents findings of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, formerly the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. 
Retrospective Evaluation of Two Pioneering Drug Courts: Phase I Findings From Clark County, Nevada, and Multnomah County, Oregon, National Institute of Justice, J. Goldkamp, M. White, and J. Robinson. April 2000. This interim report presents findings from the first phase of the evaluation of two of the nation's pioneering drug courts in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Portland, Oregon.  
Review of Specialized Family Drug Courts: Key Issues Handling Child Abuse and Neglect Cases, National Institute of Justice. Adele Harrell and Alice Goodman. November 1999. This report examines how FDCs relate to general trends in child welfare reform, lessons from drug courts, and rising interest in therapeutic jurisprudence. 
Rise of Hallucinogen Use, National Institute of Justice, Dana Hunt, October 1997. This report provides an overview of data from various sources on hallucinogen use in the United States. 
Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Drug Use: Findings from the 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Julie Lane, Dean Gerstein, Lynn Huang, and Douglas Wright, February 2001. Report shows that peer use and peer attitudes are two of the strongest predictors of marijuana use among all young people. 
Rohypnol Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, August 2003. This brochure provide information on Rohypnol, a trade name for the drug flunitrazepam, that is a central nervous system depressant.  
Role of Local Government in Community Safety, Bureau of Justice Assistance, April 2001. The programs examined in this monograph illustrate a framework for using community-local government partnerships to reduce drugs and crime.  
Russian Federation Country Profile, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. This document provides a general overview of the various aspects of the drug situation, their interrelations, the Russian Government drug control policy and institutional system to respond to the problem. 
S top
School and Community Interventions To Prevent Serious and Violent Offending, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, October 1999. An overview of prevention programs used in schools. 
Science-Based Prevention Programs and Principles 2002: Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs for Every Community, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2002. This report provides information about model programs; research findings; knowledge dissemination; and issues, progress, and future directions of science-based prevention programming. 
Screening & Assessing Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Among Youth in the Juvenile Justice System: A Resource Guide for Practitioners, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, April 2004. This resource guide is designed to serve as a practical tool for clinicians and practitioners working with youth with mental health disorders in contact with the juvenile justice system. 
Screening and Referral for Substance Abuse Treatment in the Criminal Justice System, National Institute of Justice, K. Knight, D. Simpson, and M. Hiller. January 2003. This report provides information on screening instruments that can be used by correctional institutions to determine the severity of a offenders drug problem.  
Self-Efficacy, Drug Treatment and Relapse: A Sample of Federal Prisoners, Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2000. This study tested the hypothesis that the drug treatment program was successful in increasing drug-taking self-efficacy and that this had the effect of reducing post-release drug use.  
Serie de Reportes, La Heroina: Abuso y Adiccion, National Institute on Drug Abuse, January 2003. The Spanish language version of Heroin: Abuse and Addiction.  
Services Research Outcome Study (SROS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 1998. A study of treatment outcomes that confirms that both drug abuse and criminal behavior are reduced following drug abuse treatment. 
Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Scott Menard, February 2002. This bulletin explores how being a victim of crime during adolescence affects the likelihood of certain negative outcomes in adulthood, including criminal activity, drug use, and mental health problems. 
Sniffer - L'Abus de Substances Inhalées--Bulletin Informatif, National Drug Intelligence Center, September 2002. Ce bulletin parle de l'abus de substances inhalées dans les États-Unis. 
So Help Me God: Substance Abuse, Religion, and Spirituality, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, November 2001. This study found that religion or spirituality has potential for lowering the risk of substance abuse among teens and adults.  Summary
The Social Impact of Drug Abuse, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, March 1995. This report examines the social and economic impact of drug abuse from a broad international perspective.  
South Africa Country Profile on Drugs and Crime, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This report presents a picture of South Africa’s current drug and crime situation, as well as the related problems of terrorism and corruption, and the countermeasures being undertaken to oppose them. 
Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, Drug Enforcement Administration, November 2002. This booklet provides factual assertions that presents an accurate picture of America’s experience with drug use and what might happen if a more permissive policy on drug abuse is adopted. 
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume I. Findings, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, September 2003. This report provides State level data on measures of substance use, dependence, and receipt of treatment. 
State Estimates of Substance Use from the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, D. Wright, August 2004. This report presents State estimates for 20 measures of substance use or mental health problems based on the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). 
State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, D. Shinar, J. Walsh, and R. Jones. August 2003. This review covers a broad range of research, including the detection and measurement of drugs in drivers, experimental research on the effect of drugs on the performance driving-related tasks, drug prevalence in various populations of drivers, drug-crash risk, and countermeasures for drug-impaired driving.  Summary
Staying in Treatment: How Much Difference is There From Prison to Prison? Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2001. The purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about treatment retention within a prison-based setting. 
Staying in Treatment: How Much Difference is There From Prison to Prison?, Bureau of Prisons, B. Pelissier, M. Motivans, S. Camp, 2001. This is the first study which examines the effects of individual and program level characteristics on treatment attrition within a prison-based setting. 
Step Up: A Guide for Teens, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. An informative brochure empowers teens to step up and help a friend or sibling who uses drugs or drinks by providing tips, signs and symptoms to look for, and suggestions on how to broach the difficult conversation with a friend.  
Steroid Abuse By Law Enforcement Personnel, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide helps police officers understand why anabolic steroids are being abused, and how they can educate law enforcement personnel and others about the dangers of these drugs.  
Steroid Abuse By School Age Children, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide helps parents and educators understand why steroids are being misused, and how they can provide counseling and implement procedures to educate youth about the dangers of these drugs.  
Steroid Abuse in Today's Society, Drug Enforcement Administration, March 2004. This guide will help you understand why steroids are being abused, and how you can educate athletes and others about the dangers of these drugs.  
Steroids Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. This online resource provides comprehensive data on steroids with links to source materials. 
Straight Facts about Drugs and Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 1999. Information on specific drugs, identifying if someone has a drug problem, and how to get help. 
Strategizer: Marijuana - Debunking the Myths , Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 2003. This report provides accurate information about the harmful effects of marijuana, misperceptions, and prevention strategies.  
Stress & Substance Abuse: Community Drug Alert Bulletin, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2002. The Alert is part of NIDA's effort to ensure that clinicians, researchers, and members of the public have the most reliable and timely information available on stress and drug abuse.  
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Source Book 1998, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 1998. A compilation of data on substance abuse and mental health. 
Substance Abuse and the Criminal Justice System: Summit of Stakeholders, Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 1999. This report provides the proceedings of the Stakeholders summit that brought together experts from various private and public organizations.  
Substance Abuse and Treatment of Adults on Probation 1995, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola and Thomas P. Bonczar, March 1998. Data from a survey of adult probationers concerning their use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the treatment they received.  Summary
Substance Abuse and Treatment of State and Federal Prisoners, 1997, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola, December 1998. Presents data from a survey of inmates concerning their use of alcohol and illegal drugs and the treatment they received.  Summary
Substance Abuse Treatment in Adult and Juvenile Correctional Facilities, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2000. A survey of correctional facilities providing on-site substance abuse treatment. 
Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Report to Congress, Federal Bureau of Prisons, January 1999. The report describes drug treatment opportunities for inmates in the Bureau, and data on the number of inmates in drug programs. 
Substance Abuse: The Nation’s Number One Health Problem, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Nels Ericson. May 2001. Describes a report published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that tracks trends in adult and youth smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use over the past three decades.  
Substance Dependence, Abuse and Treatment: Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, July 2002. This report presents information on national estimates of the extent of substance dependence, abuse, and treatment.  
Substance Misuse Treatment Needs of Minority Prisoner Groups: Women, Young Offenders, and Ethnic Minorities, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, 2003. This report summarizes a study that assessed the treatment needs of women, male young offenders, and ethnic minorities in England. 
Substance Use in Popular Movies and Music, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 1999. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in the most popular movie rentals and songs of 1996 and 1997. 
Substance Use in Popular Music Videos, Office of National Drug Control Policy, June 2002. This study examines the frequency and nature of portrayals of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in music videos - a medium that appeals primarily to teenagers and young adults.  
Substance Use in Popular Prime-Time Television, January 2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, January 2000. This study examines the frequency and nature of substance use in top-rated TV shows. 
Summary of Adult Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, November 2003. Provides data on adult drug courts that have been implemented or are being planned. 
Summary of Drug Court Activity by State and County, Drug Court Clearinghouse and Technical Assistance Project, September 2004. Provides the number of drug courts that have been operating for over 2 years, recently been implemented, and those that are being planned. 
Summary of Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, October 2001. This report presents information on rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.  
Summary of Key Findings of a Process Evaluation of the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program, National Institute of Justice, Donald Linhorst, March 2000. This report summaries the key findings from the process evaluation of the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program (OCCDTP).  
Supporting the Drug Court Process: What You Need To Know for Effective Decisionmaking and Program Evaluation, Bureau of Justice Assistance, February 2003. This report was written to help those who are planning, implementing, or operating adult drug courts to understand the critical importance of the availability of a wide range of timely, accurate, and complete information. 
Suspect Your Teen Is Using Drugs or Drinking? A Brief Guide to Action For Parents, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. This guide covers the challenges parents face, signs and symptoms to look for if they suspect their teen is using illicit drugs, suggestions for starting a discussion and what parents can do and say to keep their children drug free. 
T top
Testing the Anti-Drug Message in 12 American Cities, Office of National Drug Control Policy, March 1999. Teen survey responses indicate that television was a common source of information about the risks of drugs. 
Testing the Anti-Drug Message in 12 American Cities, National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Phase 1 (Report No. 1), Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 1998. This report documents the short-term results reported 3 months after implementation of Phase I of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. 
The DASIS Report: Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse Treatment: 2002, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. This report examines the pregnant treatment admissions between the ages of 15 and 44 in comparison to nonpregnant female admissions in the same age range.   Summary
Therapeutic Communities in Correctional Settings: The Prison Based TC Standards Development Project, Final Report of Phase II, Office of National Drug Control Policy, November 1999. An overview of standards required to set up a therapeutic community in a prison. 
Therapeutic Communities in Prisons and Work Release: Effective Modalities for Drug-Involved Offenders, National Institute of Justice, H. Surratt, J. Inciardi, and S. Martin. May 2000. This report provides an overview of two offender drug treatment programs in Delaware.  
Tips for Parents: The Truth About Club Drugs, Office of Justice Programs, 2001. This brochure describes club drugs, their effects and gives important tips and resources about how to identify, prevent and treat drug abuse.  
Tips for Teens: The Truth About AIDS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001. This brochure provides facts on HIV/AIDS. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Alcohol, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. Contains facts about the dangers of alcohol abuse. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Club Drugs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This brochure provides facts about ecstasy, GHB, Ketamine, and Rohypnol. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Cocaine, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This brochure provides facts about cocaine. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Hallucinogens, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001. This brochure provides facts on hallucinogens like LSD or PCP. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Inhalants, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This brochure provides facts about inhalants. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This brochure provides facts about marijuana. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Methamphetamine, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001. This brochure provides facts on methamphetamine. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Steroids, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2001. This brochure provides facts on steroids. 
Tips for Teens: The Truth About Tobacco, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This brochure provides facts about tobacco. 
A Toolkit for Hispanic/Latino Community Groups, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2000. This guidebook helps Hispanic/Latino community groups prevent alcohol and drug use among Hispanic/Latino youth. 
TOW Evaluation Project Final Report, Summary, National Institute of Justice, C. Richards, R. Cadoret, and S. Barton. September 2001. The data presented in this report focus on a sample of 351 inmates who participated in the The Other Way (TOW) drug treatment program. 
Toward a Drugs and Crime Research Agenda for the 21st Century, National Institute of Justice, September 2003. This report provides an overview of the 2001 Drugs and Crime Research Forum.   Summary
Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities, Bureau of Justice Assistance, November 1995. A program designed to break the addiction-crime cycle of drug-involved offenders by linking legal sanctions with drug treatment programs. 
Treatment Entry and Retention: Findings from the TRIAD Study, Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2001. This fact sheet provides a summary of the Treating Inmates Addicted to Drugs (TRIAD) study with a focus on treatment retention. 
Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1992-2001: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2003. The report provides information on the demographic and substance abuse characteristics of the 1.7 million annual admissions to treatment for abuse of alcohol and drugs in facilities that report to individual State administrative data systems. 
Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1992-2002: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, September 2004. The report provides information on the demographic and substance abuse characteristics of the 1.9 million annual admissions to treatment for abuse of alcohol and drugs in facilities that report to individual State administrative data systems. 
Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Highlights 2002: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, May 2004. This report provides information on the demographic and substance abuse characteristics of the 1.9 million annual admissions to treatment for abuse of alcohol and drugs in facilities that report to individual State administrative data systems. 
Treatment Episodes Data Sets (TEDS) 1992-2000: National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, December 2002. Provides information on the demographic and substance abuse characteristics of treatment admissions. 
Treatment of Incarcerated Women With Substance Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Executive Summary , National Institute of Justice, Caron Zlotnick, February 2002. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the initial efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of “Seeking Safety” treatment in a sample of incarcerated women with comorbid PTSD and substance abuse. 
Treatment of Incarcerated Women With Substance Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Final Report , National Institute of Justice, C. Zlotnick, February 2002. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the initial efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of “SeekingSafety” treatment in a sample of incarcerated women with comorbid PTSD and SUD. 
Treatment Services in Adult Drug Courts: Report on the 1999 National Drug Court Treatment Survey, Bureau of Justice Assistance, May 2001. Describes treatment services currently used by adult drug courts and identifies significant issues faced by adult drug courts in obtaining and delivering treatment services.  
Treatment Services in Adult Drug Courts: Report on the 1999 National Drug Court Treatment Survey, Executive Summary, Bureau of Justice Assistance, May 2001. Describes treatment services currently used by adult drug courts and identifies significant issues faced by adult drug courts in obtaining and delivering treatment services.  
Trends in Substance Abuse and Treatment Needs Among Inmates, Final Reports , National Institute of Justice, August 2002. This report provides an overview of available data on substance abuse and treatment needs among inmates.  
TRIAD Drug Treatment Evaluation Project, Final Report of Three-Year Outcomes, Federal Bureau of Prisons, September 2000. The Federal Bureau of Prisons undertook an evaluation of its residential drug abuse treatment program by assessing the post-release outcomes of inmates who had been released from BOP custody.  
Triple C Fast Facts, National Drug Intelligence Center, November 2003. This brochure provides information on Triple C, a slang term for the over-the-counter medication Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold, which contains dextromethorphan, or DXM.  
U top
Understanding the Nexus: Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Among the Arrestee Population in Albuquerque, National Institute of Justice, S. Woerle, P. Guerin, and M. Smith. January 2002. The focus of this study was to determine the difference between arrestees who have battered an intimate partner and those who did not, and what role drug use may have played in the abuse. 
Uniform Facility Data Set (UFDS): 1999, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, April 2001. The report provides data on the location, characteristics, and use of alcohol and drug abuse treatment facilities and services throughout the U.S. 
United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, Update Newsletter, June 2000, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, June 2000. Includes articles about Bolivia, Afghanistan, and illict drug crop monitoring.  
Use and Evaluation of Hair Analysis, Urinalysis, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry in a Juvenile Diversion Program in New Orleans, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, T. Mieczkowski, R. Mumm, and H. Connick. February 2002. This report describes the basis of the juvenile diversion process, the integration of the three drug testing technologies into the program, and the results of the application of these technologies. 
Using Peer to Peer Strategies in Drug Prevention, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. This publication is the result of a hands-on theme meeting on Peer to Peer techniques for drug abuse prevention. 
Using Performance for Substance Abuse Prevention, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. The aim of this guide is to create a framework of basic principles, requirements and skills needed to use performance (dancing, singing, writing, etc.) as an effective tool for drug abuse prevention. 
Using Sport for Drug Abuse Prevention, 2002, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2002. This guide examines how sport can be best used to support youth substance abuse prevention, and to identify and describe good practices. 
Using the Internet for Drug Abuse Prevention, 2003, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2003. The main aim of this guide is to clear the confusion and lessen the intimidation that can exist for organizations and groups taking their first steps towards creating a net based prevention initiative. 
V top
Veterans in Prison or Jail, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Christopher J. Mumola, January 2001. This bulletin provides data concerning inmates' prior military service and includes drug-related information.   Summary
Violent Victimization as a Risk Factor for Violent Offending Among Juveniles, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, R. Ruback and J. Shaffer. January 2003. This bulletin analyzes the relationships between violent victimization and violent offending among juveniles, including risk factors such as drug and alcohol use.  
Volatile Substance Abuse, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prvention, January 1997. This report provides information on "glue sniffing", inhalant abuse, solvent abuse or volatile substance abuse (VSA). 
W top
Wake Up to the Risks of Marijuana: A Guide for Parents, Office of National Drug Control Policy, September 2002. This brochure provides parents with information on the risks of marijuana use among youth.  
We Deliver: The Gentrification of Drug Markets on Manhattan's Lower East Side, Final Report, National Institute of Justice, B. Spunt, R. Curtis, and T. Wendel. December 2002. This study documents and analyzes changes in the social and technical organization of drug markets on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.  
Weed & Seed Best Practices: Evaluation-based Series, Volume 1, Office of Weed and Seed, May 2003. The articles contained within this report focus on four Weed and Seed neighborhoods. This report was created to share programs and practices that have been successful in reducing crime, violence, juvenile delinquency, and increasing neighborhood vitality and economic strength. 
Weed & Seed Best Practices: Evaluation-based Series, Volume 2, Office of Weed and Seed, 2004. This report was created to share programs and practices that have been successful in reducing drugs, crime, violence, juvenile delinquency, and increasing neighborhood vitality and economic strength. 
Weed and Seed DEFY Program Management Guide, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, January 2001. A program that reduces risk and strengthens protective factors which research has directly linked to adolescent alcohol and drug abuse, school failure, delinquency and violence. 
Weed and Seed Implementation Manual, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, 2001. This manual is intended to provide an easy-to-read guide for communities attempting to implement a Weed and Seed strategy. 
Weed and Seed Strategy, Executive Office of Weed and Seed, 2001. This report provides an overview of the Weed and Seed program.  
What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1995, Office of National Drug Control Policy, William Rhodes, Ph.D., Stacia Langenbahn, Ryan Kling, and Paul Scheiman, September 1997. Focuses on the amount and retail sales value of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other illegal drugs Americans consume. 
What America's Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 1988-1998, Office of National Drug Control Policy, William Rhodes, Mary Layne, Patrick Johnston, and Lynne Hozik, December 2000. Provides estimates of cocaine, heroin and marijuana consumption from 1988 through 1998. 
What Americans Need to Know About Marijuana: Important Facts About Our Nation’s Most Misunderstood Illegal Drug , Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2003. This document provides critical information on the myths and misperceptions surrounding the most widely used illicit drug in America.  Summary
What Americas Users Spend on Illegal Drugs 1988-2000, Office of National Drug Control Policy, December 2001. This report provides estimates of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana expenditures and consumption for 1988 through 1999 and projects estimates for 2000.  
What is Your Attitude: Female and Male Drug Users Executive Summary, Bureau of Prisons, 2003. This report uses data from the Treating Inmates Addicted to Drugs (TRIAD) study to discuss the gender specific treatment needs of prisoners who use drugs. 
What You Need to Know About Drug Testing in Schools, Office of National Drug Control Policy, July 2002. This guide is designed to assist educators, parents, and community leaders in determining whether student drug testing is appropriate for their schools.  
What You Need to Know About Starting a Student Drug-Testing Program, Office of National Drug Control Policy, October 2004. This booklet reviews the steps you need to take before implementing a student drug testing program, offers guidance on how to find funding for the program, and includes a discussion of how some schools select students for testing and what types of tests they use.  Summary
What's Your Anti-Drug Supplement, Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2000. This special supplement contains creative anti-drug submissions that were generated through national youth-serving and educational organizations. 
When Family Problems Reach the Workplace: Employers Pay the Cost, Office of National Drug Control Policy, July 2001. Drug prevention brochure to help employers assist working parents. 
When It's Not Your Kid, How Do You Deal With Drug Use and Drinking?, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2004. This brochure, developed for adult influencers, includes tips on what non-parental figures can do to help a teen in need and how to talk to parents and caregivers about their teen's problem. 
When Prisoners Return to the Community: Political, Economic, and Social Consequences, National Institute of Justice, Joan Petersilia, November 2000. An overview of the difficulties related to the reentry of released prisoners into society, including offender drug use and treatment.  Summary
Winning At Any Cost: Doping in Olympic Sports, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, September 2000. This report provides information on the use of performance-enhancing substances by Olympic athletes and recommends a series of steps to eliminate doping in the Olympics.   Summary
Women and Drugs Facts & Figures , Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2004. Comprehensive data on female drug use and related information with links to source materials. 
World Drug Report 2000, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, 2000. Details the extent of the world drug problem and the recent progress achieved in combating it. 
Wyoming Methamphetamine Treatment Initiative, National Institute of Justice, April 2002. This report provides an overview of Wyoming's methamphetamine treatment initiative.  
Wyoming's Methamphetamine Initiative: The Power of Informed Process, Bureau of Justice Assistance, David Singh, May 2001. Wyoming's response to the methamphetamine crisis marks a shift in priorities from enforcement to treatment. 
Y top
Yaba Fast Facts , National Drug Intelligence Center, June 2003. This brochure provides information on Yaba, a combination of methamphetamine and caffeine.  
Youth Drug Use and the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2001. Information on recent youth drug use trends and the relationship between trend data and the Media Campaign. 
Youth Preventing Drug Abuse, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, December 1998. This bulletin provides an overview of drug prevention practices and resources so that youth may start their own program.  
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance - United States, 2003, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2004. This report summarizes results from a 2003 national school-based survey and trends during 1991–2003 in selected risk behaviors.  Summary
Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications, National Institute of Justice, B. Saunders, D. Smith, and D. Kilpatrick. April 2003. This report provides a summary of a national survey of adolescents that examined the prevalence of youth victimization and subsequent effects on mental health, substance use, and delinquent behavior problems.  Summary
Youth Violence, Guns and Illicit Drug Markets, National Institute of Justice, Alfred Blumstein, June 1996. An overview of research on the connection between drugs and youth violence.   Summary

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