An Extra Boost
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An Extra Boost

An Extra Boost

Transportation focuses on the application and provision of propulsion and operations capability in space.

Upper stages to propel spacecraft for exploration and satellites for communication to both near Earth and deep space trajectories are a major Transportation activity. Past upper stages have provided an extra boost for spacecraft to map the planet Venus, to explore the planet Jupiter, to sail out of the ecliptic to map the polar regions of the Sun, to explore the planet Mars and to provide complete space based communication coverage for the Shuttle. Future missions to be supported by upper stages will map the outer planets and explore the universe.

Operations support is the other major Transportation activity. Operations includes the Interim Control Module (ICM) and the X-38 Deorbit Propulsion Module (DPM) to be used with the International Space Station as well as the Automated Rendezvous and Capture activity which will have many applications. The ICM will provide the International Space Station an extra boost for orbital adjustment and station keeping while the X-38 Deorbit Propulsion Module (DPM) is the flight demonstrator for a propulsion subsystem that is to provide an extra boost for in-space crew transfer and emergency crew return capability. The Automated Rendezvous and Capture demonstrator is the forerunner of systems that will provide the in space capability to autonomously deliver, mate and operate.

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