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The Science Directorate at NASA's Marshall Center generates new scientific knowledge for the Nation and for NASA. Its goals include answering basic questions like "What's out there?", "Are we alone?", "How does the Earth work as a system?", and "What is the role of gravity in physical and biological processes?"

The Directorate conducts science research with state-of-the-art resources, such as the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, ground-based telescopes, Earth-observing satellites, and the International Space Station. It also helps develop and construct these resources and peforms experimental and theoretical research for NASA. That research also helps Marshall do work for NASA focused on improving the quality of life in society.

These assignments for NASA also include leading and participating in research that involves partnerships with schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and industries.

Gathering new scientific knowledge is important to Marshall . But so is sharing that knowledge. That's why Marshall makes it a priority to share what it learns with the taxpayers, students, the general public and other scientists.

Marshall invites you to explore further and learn more about its research.