PTDLP > Basic Materials and Services

Materials and Services Available at PTDLs

General Description

To be designated as a Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL), a library must meet specific requirements and agree to fulfill certain obligations as outlined in the brochure Notes on Becoming a Patent and Trademark Depository Library. Each PTDL is required to acquire and make freely available to the public a minimum 20-year backfile of U.S. patents. It must protect the integrity of the collection, maintain classification system documents and related publications, and assist the public in efficient use of the collection, and retain all depository items until disposal is arranged through the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program (PTDLP).

The intellectual property collections of some libraries significantly exceed the core requirements. A significant number have complete backfiles of all U.S. patents since 1790. To inquire about collections at your nearest PTDL, consult the List of Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries.

Printed or Microform Materials

All PTDLs maintain a core collection, which includes at least a 20-year backfile of U.S. patents. Other materials available include:

  • Currently issuing U.S. patents -Available on microfilm
  • General Information Concerning Patents - Provides information in non-technical language concerning the application for and granting of patents and answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the patent application process

Electronic Databases

Basic patent and trademark electronic search products are provided to all PTDLs by the USPTO. Many PTDLs also subscribe to the on-line Automated Patent System (WEST). Partnership PTDLs in Sunnyvale, California, Detroit, Michigan, and College Station, Texas, offer both text and image retrieval of patents and trademarks as currently provided to examiners at USPTO.   Note: The databases available from the USPTO's web site outlined below may not be available for general access at all PTDLs.

  • Trademark Search System (X-Search) - Trademark text and image searching is available at PTDL Partnership sites in Sunnyvale, California, Detroit, Michigan, and College Station, Texas.
  • USPTO Web Patent Database - Full text of all US patents issued since January 1, 1976, and full-page images of each page of every US patent issued since 1790.

PTDLP Publications

Miscellaneous Publications and Helpful Documents

Disclaimer: PTDLs are neither required nor encouraged to conduct patent and trademark searches for their patrons as that activity may be interpreted as rendering a judgment or opinion. PTDLs are required to instruct patrons in the use of the search tools available at the PTDLs for patrons conducting their own patent and trademark searches.

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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