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Over the past two years funds allocated to the NPS metadata training program enabled us to train 72 NPS staff as well as 21 staff members of other agencies (federal, state, and local), private business and universities. We are available to assist you with Metadata training, development assistance, and compliance.

Training Sessions

The Southwest Colorado Metadata Initiative metadata training dates and locations:

  • Denver, Colorado - May 2002
  • Las Cruces, New Mexico - April 2002
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico - March 2002
  • Laramie, Wyoming - August 2001

These are two-day workshops, from 8:00am - 5:00pm each day. The workshop will cover the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata and the NBII Draft Metadata Standard. The instructors represent the USGS Center for Biological Informatics and the National Park Service Intermountain Support Office. Participants will utilize a metadata creation tool to create metadata for an existing project.

The workshop is offered as part of the FGDC "Don't Duck Metadata" Program by the Southwest Colorado Metadata Initiative and is funded in part by an FGDC Grant. Course is free.

There is no registration fee for these workshops. Training materials will be provided.

All Travel Expenses Are The Responsibility Of The Traveler's Office.

To Reserve A Registration For A Workshop Contact:

Contact Nancy Shock at 303-987-6653

A confirmation email will have directions to the location of the training, local hotel information, and suggested information to bring with you. Space is limited to 20 participants per class, so please respond ASAP to be assured your seat.

If you have not already filled out a metadata training questionnaire, please take a few minutes to do so and return it to Theresa Ely. This will help us plan training workshops for your particular agency or office.

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September 01, 2004