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The CIA Culture

The CIA offers an academic environment with real world implications. Step onto the campus at the George Bush Center for Intelligence and you can feel the energy and intensity of our work, see the collaboration and coordination and meet the talented people whose passion is focused entirely on our mission to gather and supply intelligence.

The Agency promotes an environment where employees are valued for their individual contributions toward our mission. Personal goals, interests and strengths play largely in how careers take shape. Many of our employees have been here for years and plan to stay. They see this as a place where new opportunities are always available for challenging, rewarding work.

Propelling our people forward in their work are core values. These same values have been embraced since our formation. Yet they continue to serve us well and define not only who we are, but also how we work for the nation.

We are each responsible for maintaining the highest ethical standards in our work and life. We believe in honoring our promises and treating everyone with respect.

We recognize that our strength lies in our people. We are each gifted, yet together, the sum is greater than the whole.

Total Participation
We depend on the personal commitment and effort of every individual on our team. We expect everyone will do their best work, every day.

Empowered by the need to get the job done, we value innovation, even risk taking.

Our mission hasn't changed, yet the world we live in has. Success depends on being able to make adjustments and meet our current needs.

We must take responsibility for our actions and decisions. This is part of integrity as a group and as individuals.

Continuous Improvement
Our mission demands that we always strive for more, in all that we do.

The Agency is its own community, in part because of our academic inclinations, but also because of the work we do and the nature of our mission. Within our walls, there's an entire world dedicated solely to our employees. There's a food court, fitness facilities, formal gardens and walking paths, a company store, recreational and activity clubs, as well as artwork and displays from around the world. There's a museum, a library, and, of course, our many offices and facilities. This community is also a family, employing people from nearly all fields of study, united in their work and their service to the country.

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