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The Department of Commerce Law Library

library photo with link to Virtual LibraryThe Commerce Department Law Library houses a collection of approximately 100,000 volumes. Much of the collection is composed of historic, legislative materials including a nearly complete serial set of Congressional reports, hearings, Congressional Record, and the Federal Register dating back to its first publication as well as an extensive legislative history collection. The Law Library collects current legal material to support the work of the Office of the General Counsel in the areas of interest to the Commerce Department, including international trade, environmental issues and intellectual property. The Law Library provides reference and interlibrary loan service for legal materials to all Commerce staff.


Online Resources at the Law Libraries
The Law Library also offers many online resources to Commerce staff through its webpage. In addition to the online catalog, several online “fee for service” databases can be searched from the library’s webpage. No password is required for access from within the headquarters building.

Interior of Law LibraryThe Law Library is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Law Library’s catalog is available to the public on the web.






Office Contact:
Jane Sessa
Main Library - Room 7046
202/482-5511 Voice

Law Library - Room 1894
202/482-1154 Voice
202/482-0221 Fax
Herbert C. Hoover Building
14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20230

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