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Leadership Library Books: G-H

Getting It Done

Getting It Done - How to lead when you're NOT in charge
Learn collaboration with others through lateral leadership. Learn how to get things done by organizing and sharpening personal skills, understanding your goals of how to get things done with others, and increase your knowledge of participatory leadership. (Southbound)
Roger Fisher and Alan Sharp with John Richardson, Copyright 1998; Harper Business

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Not Rated SRH
Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving and Receiving Feedback - Building Constructive Communication
This newly revised edition is packed with valuable insights and suggestions for giving and receiving feedback. A new chapter of this practical handbook provides guidelines for giving positive feedback effectively. Also, you'll discover the secrets to giving meaningful yet motivating criticism, as well as how to receive critical feedback in a positive and professional manner. Includes exercises, tips and a four-step guide to giving specific feedback that produces results in both your business and personal life.
Patti Hathaway, Copyright 1998; Crisp Publications

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Not Rated SRH
Goals and Goal Setting

Goals and Goal Setting - Achieving Measured Objectives
When you set goals for yourself that are realistic and reachable-you'll attain them. This reader-involving book teaches the fundamental process for effective goal setting, both organizational and personal. Exercises and activities help you put dreams and aspirations into concrete actions, leading you through all aspects of goal setting, managing and achieving.
Larrie A. Rouillard, Copyright 1998; Crisp Publications

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Not Rated SRH
Guide to Affirmative Action

Guide to Affirmative Action - A Primer for Supervisors and Managers
Read and learn what an acceptable Affirmative Action Plan must include, how to determine areas of underutilization of women and minorities, how to look for inequities in pay, promotions, training and opportunities, and how to stay alert for signs of discrimination.
Pamela J. Conrad and Robert B. Maddux, Copyright 1996; Crisp Publications

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Not Rated SRH

Handbook of Leadership Development
The Center for Creative Leadership is the world's largest institution devoted to leadership research and education. In this handbook over a dozen talented professionals join forces to outline the Center's philosophy and strategies. They present six proven methods of leadership development and illustrate how those methods have been successfully used in the real world. They give organizations a systemic approach and a means for evaluating the impact of their initiatives. And they pragmatically address such urgent topics as leadership growth for women and people of color, cross-cultural leadership development, and the development of global leaders.
Cynthia D. McCauley, Russ S. Moxley, Ellen Van Velsor, Copyright 1998; Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers

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Not Rated SRH
Horses Never Lie

Horses Never Lie - The Heart of Passive Leadership
This book, based on training horses, defines the difference between alpha and passive leaders. Learn the qualities that make a passive leader.
Mark Rashid, Copyright 2000; Johnson Books

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Not Rated SRH
How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life

How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life
A famous expert reveals his professional secrets. Learn how to build your willpower, how to make time for pleasure and profit, and how to work smarter, not harder. A practical nononsense guide to managing your personal and business time.
Alan Lakein, Copyright 1973; Signet

Rating Location
Not Rated SRH
How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People

How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People
Written by a recognized expert in the field of human relations, this practical book explains clearly the basic principles behind human behavior so that readers can work with human nature--not against it--in all aspects of their lives. Whether you're trying to make a sale, garner a raise from your boss, or foster good will with a neighbor, Les Giblin describes how to interact for positive results that work in your favor. Learn time-tested techniques and strategies for making a good first impression, improving listening and speaking skills, influencing others, managing people successfully, and much more.
Les Giblin, Copyright 1999; Barnes & Noble Books

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Not Rated SRH
How to Think Like a CEO

How to Think Like a CEO - The 22 Vital Traits You Need to Be the Person at the Top
Understanding the CEO and know how they think is a critical step to learning how to succeed. Learn what to look for and what to avoid in the process of improving yourself. (Softbound)
D. A. Benton, Copyright 1996; first trade printing May 1999; Warner Books

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Not Rated SRH
Human Capability

Human Capability - A Study of Individual Potential and its Application
Jaques and Cason conducted a three year study in which they discovered that individuals mature in capability within predictable patterns, a maturation process that continues throughout life. When an individual is heavily engrossed in work, he/she processes information in four ways which recur in a series of higher orders of information complexity. This hierarchy of mental processing methods corresponds with levels of individual capability and is congruent with levels of work complexity, explaining, at last, the very nature of managerial systems.
Jaques & Cason, Copyright 1994, Cason Hall & Co

Rating Location
Not Rated SRH

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