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  • The Office for Domestic Preparedness now accepts applications only electronically through the Grant Management System (GMS) located on the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) website. Instructions regarding electronic submissions through GMS are provided on the OJP website at

  • OJP Anti-Terrorism Funding Sources Several OJP components provide funding to state and local jurisdictions to prepare and respond to domestic terrorism. BJA has compiled a listing of available resources in the areas of operations and support, equipment, planning, training, technical assistance, and survivors' benefits.
  • ODP Domestic Preparedness Equipment Support Program (Guidelines and Application Kit in Text or PDF) provides funding to the nation's 50 states, territories, and the District of Columbia to purchase personal protective, chemical, biological, and radiological detection, decontamination, and communications equipment.

    This funding is distributed directly to the states for use by the states and by local jurisdictions within the states. Local jurisdictions wishing to receive funds should work with their individual state emergency planning agency. Funds within states are distributed based upon state wide plans developed by each state. For state contact information go to

    This equipment will enable these jurisdictions to enhance their emergency response capabilities in the areas of fire, emergency medical, hazardous materials response services, and law enforcement. States will be encouraged to provide the majority of the grant funds received to local units of government. Funds may also be used to support broader domestic preparedness activities, such as regional hazardous materials teams or other state operations in which the state, as a first response agency, will assist local units of government.

  • In order to qualify for OSLDPS assistance, the states, territories, and the District of Columbia are required to develop a Needs Assessment and a Three-Year Statewide Domestic Preparedness Strategy to plan the allocation of OJP and other resources. A Web-based data collection tool has been created to allow states and local jurisdictions to submit their assessment data and statewide strategic plans on-line. To assist in this effort the following publications are available:

    For Equipment

    • Domestic Preparedness Equipment Program Assessment and Strategy Development Tool Kit (Available in Text or PDF)
    • Guidance for the Development of a Three-Year Statewide Domestic Preparedness Strategy (Available in Text or PDF)
    • State Strategic Plan Development Conference (Available in Text or PDF).

    For further information about ODP Grants, contact:

    Frank Lepage
    Chief, Grants Management Branch
    Office for Domestic Preparedness
    Telephone: 202/305-9887
    Fax: 202/616-2922

  • BJA's Byrne Formula Grant Program (FY 2000 Fact sheet in Text or PDF) funds can be used to support counterterrorism initiatives.
  • BJA's Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program can be used to procure law enforcement equipment and to support multi-jurisdictional task forces.
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