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Office of The Chief Counsel for
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration

The Office of the Chief Counsel for NITA has five attorneys, including the Chief Counsel, one paralegal and two support staff. The Office will periodically have a legal intern during the academic year and/or the summer. You may use our quick link for more information about our client, NTIA, as well as our office.

Office Description
The Office of the Chief Counsel (OCC/NTIA) within the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is headed by the Chief Counsel of NTIA who has full responsibility for the development and administration of the NTIA legal program. OCC/NTIA provides legal advice and general counseling to the Administrator, Deputy Administrator and all components of NTIA with regard to the powers, duties, and responsibilities of NTIA and its relationship with other government departments and agencies (particularly the Federal Communications Commission), Congress, business, industry, and private organizations, and the development and administration of NTIA policies and programs. OCC/NTIA prepares and reviews legislative proposals and statements concerning pending legislation or oversight to be made before committees of Congress, and prepares or reviews regulatory proposals and comments before regulatory agencies. OCC/NTIA also carries out additional policy development functions with significant legal orientation in coordination with other components of NTIA as the Administrator directs. These activities are carried out subject to the overall authority of the Department's General Counsel.

Office Contact:
Kathy Smith
202/482-1816 Voice
202/501-8013 Fax

National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW
Room 4713
Washington, D.C. 20230

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