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  • Jails in Indian Country, 2001 (BJS) (May 2002) [pdf]

  • GAO Report to Congressional Requesters: Better DOJ Data Collection and Evaluation Efforts Needed to Measure Impact of Drug Court Programs (GAO-02-434) (April 18, 2002)

  • Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (U.S. State Dept., March 2002)

  • The American Indian and Alaska Native Population 2000: Census 2000 Brief (February 2002)

  • FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ( June 2001, Volume 70, No. 6)

  • Capital Punishment 2000 (BJS) (December 2001)

  • Challenges Facing American Indian Youth: On the Front Lines With Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (OJJDP) (December 2000)
  • OJJDP Tribal Youth Program (OJJDP) (December 2000)
  • Cultural Practices in American Indian Prevention Programs (OJJDP) (December 2000)
  • Understanding and Responding to Youth Gangs in Indian Country (OJJDP) (December 2000)
  • Enlarging the Healing Circle: Ensuring Justice for American Indian Children (December 2000)
  • Forging a New Path: A Guide to Starting Boys & Girls Clubs in Indian Country ( December 2000)
  • Prevention Through Empowerment in a Native American Community (December 2000)
  • Research Report, Policing on American Indian Reservations (NIJ) (July 2001) [pdf]
  • The Changing Federal Role in Indian Country (NIJ Journal April 2001) [pdf]
  • Jails in Indian Country, 2000 (BJS) (July 2001) [pdf]
  • OJJDP's Program of Research for Tribal Youth (2001) [pdf]
  • Special Report: Violent Victimization and Race, 1993-98 (BJS) (March 2001) [pdf]
  • Policing In Indian Country, (January 2001) [pdf]
  • Promising Practices and Strategies to Reduce Alcohol and Substance Abuse Among American Indians and Alaska Natives (August 2000) [pdf]
  • Jails in Indian Country, 1998 and 1999 [pdf]
  • American Indians and Crime (1999) [pdf]
  • Hate Crimes Reported in NIBRS, 1997-99 (BJS) [pdf]
  • Final Report to the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Interior, Report of the Executive Committee for Indian Country Law Enforcement Improvements (October 1997)

Last Updated Mar 10, 2004