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  • Consultation with resource managers on any new or developing project requiring the collection of data. Considering GIS applications in the planning process will save time and resources, and will ultimately benefit the park.
  • Digital data base development including digitizing, scanning, and aerial photo interpretation.
  • Technical support in projects that require GIS analysis, remote sensing, GPS, and digital imaging technologies.
  • GIS analysis and reports for habitat suitability, land use, historic use, trails, land acquisition, cultural sites, wetlands analysis, and viewshed analysis to name only a few.
  • Technical support for parks operating GIS hardware and software.
  • Map products
  • Regional distribution of software.
  • Data acquisition and organized interagency high priority requests for USGS data development.
  • Metadata management assistance.
  • Contract for most GIS services we do not provide in-house.
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September 01, 2004