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Office of The Chief Counsel
for International Commerce


OCC-IC is your direct link to papers, memoranda, speeches, and other materials on international trade and investment law with a focus on export issues.

Office Description

The Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce (OCC-IC) is responsible for legal matters related to the promotion of U.S. trade and investment and the competitiveness of domestic firms abroad. OCC-IC provides legal advice to the Under Secretary for International Trade Administration (ITA) and the following components of ITA: U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service, Trade Development, and Market Access and Compliance.


Office Contact:
Eleanor R. Lewis
202/482-0937 Voice
202/482-4076 Fax
Office of The Chief Counsel for

International Commerce
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave. NW
Room 5624
Washington, D.C. 20230

Visit OCC-IC's Web Page:
arrow rightOCC-IC Homepage
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Quick Links:
arrow rightInternational Trade Administration (ITA)
arrow rightTrade Information   Center
arrow rightTrade Compliance   Center
arrow rightOffice of Export Trading Company Affairs (OETCA)

arrow rightTransparency and
  Anti-Bribery Initiatives

arrow rightIntn'l Trade and   Investment
arrow rightIntn'l Transactions
arrow rightIraq


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