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Organization of OJP OJP Organizational Chart U.S. Department of Justice [selected] U.S. Department of Justice - Attorney General [selected] U.S. Department of Justice - Deputy Attorney General [selected] U.S. Department of Justice - Associate Attorney General [selected] Office of Justice Programs - Office of the Assistant Attorney General [selected] Bureau of Justice Assistance [selected] Bureau of Justice Statistics [selected] National Institute of Justice [selected] Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention {selected] Office for Victims of Crime [selected] Office of Police Corps and Law Enforcement Education [selected] Community Capacity Development Office [selected] American Indian and Alaskan Native Desk [selected] Office of Weed and Seed [selected] Office for Civil Rights [selected] Office of the General Counsel [selected] Office of Communications [selected] Chief Information Officer [selected] Office of Management and Administration [selected] Equal Employment Opportunity Office [selected] D  PDF
  *To be implemented combining Office of Administration, Office of Budget and Management Service and Office of Comptroller.


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