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United States Patent and Trademark Office

row of filed patentsWelcome to the USPTO's Office of General Counsel. The OGC is headed by James Toupin, General Counsel, who is responsible for overall management of the division and acts as the Under Secretary and Director’s principal legal advisor in assuring the provision of legal advice and representation for the agency.

For information concerning the services provided by this office, please call 703-308-2000 or visit our Website. Additional contact information can be accessed at our Website contact page.

Strategic Plan for the Office of General Counsel of the United States Patent and Trademark Office - The USPTO will lead the way in creating a quality-focused, highly productive, responsive organization supporting a market-driven intellectual property system for the 21st Century. Read more...

Freedom of Information Reading Room - Go to our FOIA Reading Room

Census Bureau PlaqueOffice Description
The Office of General Counsel (OGC), which has approximately 250 employees, consists of five organizations that are concerned with legal review of agency decisions, defense of agency decisions in court and administrative tribunals, internal agency legal advice, and regulation of persons practicing before the USPTO. These five organizations are the Office of the Solicitor, the Office of General Law, the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI), the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), and the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED).




Office Contact:
James Toupin
703/308-2000 voice
703/305-5907 fax
U.S. Patent & Trademark
USPTO Contact Center (UCC)
Crystal Plaza 3, Room 2C02
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

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