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    Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) Databases  More
Using funds provided through the Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops
             (TASC) Program, CropLife America and AgriChem Data Services worked with the 
             Horticultural and Tropical Products Division to develop databases that would
             aid U.S. growers and exporters in the identification of MRL tolerances for
             Specialty crops they wish to export.

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Commodity Analysis:
- Tropical Products Circular - September 2004

- Situation and Outlook for Citrus 2003/04 (September 2004)

- Situation and Outlook for Orange Juice 2003/04 (September 2004)  
- World Dried Plum Situation & Outlook (August 2004)
- World Raisin Situation & Outlook (August 2004)
- World Asparagus Situation & Outlook - July 2004
- Mexico and Sugar: Historical Perspective (July 2004)

General and Country Presentations:
- An Economic Overview of Horticultural Products in the US
- US Horticultural Exports to Asia

- World Fresh Fruit Market

- NAFTA Continues to Boost U.S. Horticultural Exports

FAS Quarterly Reference Guide To World Horticultural Trade:
- Quarterly Guide Minidisks are now available, contact H&TP for your disk, see instructions for using Minidisks
- 2004 Charts Edition
- 2004 Trade Data Edition  
FAS Quarterly Reference Guide to World Horticultural Trade: Trade Issues Edition
- World Production, Supply and Distribution of Key Products

- USDA Grants Assistance to Lychee Fruit Producers in Florida Under Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
- The World Trade Organization & The U.S. Proposal for Global Agricultural Trade Reform  More
- WTO Tariff Schedules According to Country and/or Chapter!  More

  Archived Opportunities:  2003    2004
- US Dominican & Central American Free Trade Agreement: Vegetables
- US Dominican & Central American Free Trade Agreement: Fruit & Nuts

- US Agricultural Exports Expected To Reach A Record $62 Billion in FY 2004
Methyl Bromide; Official Quarantine Uses
- Public Meeting Announced to Address Codex Meeting on Proposed Fruits and Vegetables
- USDA Awards 10 Million Under 2004 Emerging Markets Program
- Advisors Named to Key Agricultural Trade Committees (APAC/ATACs)
- Grants For Agricultural Marketing Projects Announced  
- Status of FY2005 Appropriations Bill

- USDA Trade Adjustment Assistance Program Requests to begin in August

- Emerging Markets Program, June 22, 2004 Proposed Rule; .PDF (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- USDA Announces Funds to Promote U.S. Food and Agricultural Products Overseas, Press Release for MAP, FMD, and QSP
- NASDA Calls for Funding of Specialty Crops Block Grant Program
- U.S. & Australia  Free Trade Agreement, Commodity Fact Sheets
- Federal Register Notices Now Available:  TASC 
- FAS 2003/04 Trade Show and Marketing Events Calendar


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* H&TP News Updated Weekly

October 29, 2004
Codex Alimentarius Talks Reach Compromise Agreement on Definition of Reconstituted Orange Juice

October 22, 2004

Codex Alimentarius Talks Reach Compromise Agreement on Definition of Reconstituted Orange Juice

For more, see H&TP News Archive

Oct 28 2004 | Algeria | Annual   
Highlight: Liberalization of the Algerian food Processing sector provides U.S. suppliers opportunity to sell agricultural products to the growing Algerian economy. In some cases processors seek direct contact with U.S. suppliers. A growing number of supermarkets can provide outlets for imported high value products.
AG4004 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 28 2004 | Australia
 | Annual 
Highlight: Dried vine fruit production is forecast to increase in 2005/06, assuming average weather conditions. Dried vine fruit exports in 2005/06 are forecast to increase, while imports are expected to decline, reflecting the favorable 2005/06 production forecast.
AS4034 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 28 2004 | Brazil
 | Mercosul and Andean Group Agreement 
Highlight: Mercosul and the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) signed an agreement for an integration of the two blocks, after 10 years of negotiations. The agreement will create the 5th largest economic trade block in the world with 360 million consumers, and a GDP around US$ 950 billion. BR4627 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 28 2004 | Ecuador
 | Annual Report 
Highlight: U.S. consumer-oriented exports to Ecuador have experienced significant changes since 2000, when the Ecuadorian economy was dollarized. In 2003 U.S. exports increased by 48%, due mainly to the rapid development of supermarkets and food service operations. However, the U.S. has lost market share from 16% in 2000 to 11% in 2003, mainly to Peru and Chile, whose exports to Ecuador in the same period have grown by 548% and 124% respectively. It is expected that the U.S.-Andean Free Trade Agreement will improve the competitiveness of U.S. consumer products in this market.
EC4010 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 28 2004 | Japan
 | Annual 
Highlight: Japan's strawberry production, estimated at 205,000 metric tons in 2003, is slowing down due to labor shortage in some regions. Domestic strawberries are mostly sold in the winter and spring, but Hokkaido farmers start harvesting their strawberries in the summer for sale to Japan's confectionary industry. The United States exported 3,900 metric tons of fresh strawberries to Japan in 2003, down 3.8 percent from the previous year. These were valued at $30.34 million (CIF). The California Strawberry Commission's "summer strawberry" campaign very successfully promoted California strawberries in Japan's retail and food service sectors. China is the leader in sales of frozen strawberries to Japan with a 58 percent market share. The United States exported 7,697 metric tons of frozen strawberries to Japan in 2003, down 7.2 percent from the previous year.
JA4077 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 28 2004 | Kenya
 | Annual 
Highlight: Establishment of personal relationships is key in successfully marketing agricultural products in Kenya. Once trust is established, a productive working relationship can be expected. KE4013 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Australia
 | Annual 
Highlight: Canning peach production is forecast to rise sharply in CY 2005, conditioned on an expected return to more normal weather conditions. Canning pear production is also forecast to rise in 2005, albeit at a more conservative rate. Canned fruit exports are also forecast to rise sharply in CY 2005, in-line with the higher expected production, while imports are forecast to decline. AS4033 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Austria
 | What's New in Central Europe 
Highlight: This newsletter provides an update on upcoming market promotions and an overview of recent market trends, trade policy issues, and commodity analyses for the countries of Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. AU4030 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Brazil
 | Annual 
Highlight: This report provides information on procedures related to importing food products in Brazil and also brings to light some characteristics of the major importers and their purchasing criteria. BR4016 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Burma, Union of
 | Floods in Burma and Their Impact 
Highlight: Flooding caused by heavy rains and cyclones in July and August generated havoc in many areas along some rivers in Burma. The Meteorology and Hydrology Department reported that the flood level hit the record high in 30 years. In addition to widespread damages on houses and infrastructure system in the country, the disaster reportedly wiped out 200,000 acres of cropland. Many believe that it was too late to replant the paddy in these affected areas as the monsoon rain was over in September. As a result, Burmese paddy production is forecast to drop significantly in MY 2004/05.
BM4028 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Canada
 | This Week in Canadian Agriculture, Issue 36 
Highlight: * Canadian Industry Reaction to U.S. Dumping Duty on Live Hogs * Minister Mitchell Visits Asian Countries in Effort to Re-Open Beef Markets * Canadian Frozen French Fry Exports at Record Levels * Ontario Corn Producers May Find Themselves in an Unenviable Position * Prairie Harvest Considered Over * Tseshaht First Nation Signs Forestry Agreement * Ontario Bans Junk Food in Elementary School Vending Machines * Ontario Sushi Chefs and Aficionados Happy Again. CA4077 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | EU-25
 | EU Subsidies for the Restructuring and Conversion of Vineyards 
Highlight: The European Commission recently adopted two decisions on the restructuring and conversion of vineyards. The first decision makes an indicative financial distribution of EUR 450 million for MY 2004/2005. The second decision sets the definitive allocation for MY 2003/2004 at EUR 443 million.
E34076 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Germany
 | Road Map to the German Market 
Highlight: Germany, with its 82.5 million people, has the world's 4th largest economy after the U.S., Japan and China and is the leading market for food and beverages in the European Union. The fastest growing component of Germany's agricultural imports from the United States is consumer-oriented products. Consumer-oriented products comprise 45 percent of German agricultural imports from the United States. In 2002, Germany's imports of U.S. consumer-oriented products amounted to $597 million, slightly more than the $537 million imported in 2001. The increase occurred mainly in fish and fish products.
GM4041 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Japan
 | Foreign Laboratory Approval Program for Japan 
Highlight: The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) approves foreign laboratories for performing chemical analysis of food and food-related to be exported to Japan. Under the program, food and food-related products imported into Japan are exempted from certain analytical tests such as those for pesticide residues, food additives and packaging materials if valid test results are certified by an MHLW-approved laboratory in exporting countries.
JA4079 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Japan
 | Japanese Lettuce Price Soars 
Highlight: Lettuce prices have increased dramatically in the Japanese market due to a significant reduction in domestic production. A series of typhoons hit Japan in mid October and drowned many lettuce fields, reducing their shipments by half. The price of lettuce in Japan is expected to be very high, prompting increased imports. However, since Japanese inspectors at the port are very strict, shipping lettuce to Japan is a risky venture. The inspectors fumigate if they find any pest, which virtually destroys the lettuce.
JA4080 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Kenya
 | Annual 
Highlight: Establishment of personal relationships is key in successfully marketing agricultural products in Kenya. Once trust is established, a productive working relationship can be expected. KE4013 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 27 2004 | Portugal
 | Annual 
Highlight: Trade Leads Annual report for Portugal
PO4021 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 26 2004 | Greece
 | New Greek Minister of Agriculture Discusses Seed Testing 
Highlight: This report offers U.S. companies interested in exporting food and agricultural products to Italy an overview of the country's economic situation, market structure, and export requirements, including best product export opportunities.
GR4029 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 26 2004 | India
 | Weekly Highlights & Hot Bites, #41 
Highlight: *Grain Shortage May Trip Food-For-Work Scheme*, *Government for Higher Cotton Procurement at the Support Price*, *Aflatoxin-Resistant GM Peanut Being Developed*, *No Wheat or Rice Exports from Central Pool Unitl June 2005*, *Taskforce to Submit Biotech Policy Report Within 3 Months*, *Government May Not Raise Import Duty on Cotton*, *Traders Oppose FDI in Retail*, *Recent Reports Submitted by FAS/New Delhi*, *We Are On The Net*.
IN4117 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 26 2004 | Italy
 | Annual 
Highlight: This report offers U.S. companies interested in exporting food and agricultural products to Italy an overview of the country's economic situation, market structure, and export requirements, including best product export opportunities.
IT4029 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 26 2004 | Russian Federation
 | $11.3 Billion Food and Agriculture Import Market 
Highlight: Exporters wishing to introduce their products can find willing buyers, but promotion and commitment are needed. European competition is strong and entrenched. France will spend $1 million on wine promotions alone. Consumer surveys and importers suggest that Russia wants more U.S. products as quality and product diversity become more important. U.S. exporters are encouraged to discuss with State Departments of Agriculture, U.S. State and Regional Trade Groups, and the Foreign Agricultural Service, the promotional support available. RS4322 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 25 2004 | China, Peoples Republic of
 | Mainland China Exporter Guide 
Highlight: In 2003, China Customs reported imports of over $19.6 billion of agricultural and fisheries products (not including forest products). U.S. Customs reports agricultural and fisheries exports of roughly $5.19 billion to China. As incomes continue to rise, imports are also likely to continue. Processed and RTE foods continue to gain ground as wealthy urban consumers seek new ways to save time. Beef and poultry suffered severe setbacks due to BSE and AI related trade barriers.
CH4824 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 25 2004 | Croatia
 | Annual 
Highlight: Croatia imports a significant portion of its food consumption. The prospect of EU accession, the growth in tourism, and continued economic reform could make Croatia a significant long-term importer of some U.S. food products, including seafood, wine, pet food and consumer food products. Croatian imports of consumer food items have almost tripled from $267 million in 1993 to $748 million in 2003. Croatian consumers are anti-biotech, and U.S. meat products may not be exported to Croatia at present.
HR4019 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 25 2004 | France
 | Annual 
Highlight: France is a major producer and exporter of planting seeds. However, France has a trade deficit in planting seeds with the United States. The leading product exported by the U.S. to France is corn for sowing. The French planting seed industry, which favors biotechnology, has been affected in 2004 by both French and European factors: first, the destruction of many test plots by opponents to biotechnology; second, a large number of regional governments officially discouraged biotech planting; and the EU Commission delayed the Regulation process to set thresholds for the adventitious presence of biotech in planting seeds. FR4051 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 25 2004 | India
 | Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order Amendment 
Highlight: The Ministry of Agriculture recently posted on its website an amendment dated October 12, 2004, to its Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order 2003, effective immediately. This amendment is likely to have ramifications on imports of several tissue cultured plants, planting seeds, and pecan nuts from the U.S. This amendment has not been notified to the WTO.
IN4116 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 25 2004 | South Africa, Republic of
 | Annual 
Highlight: South Africa's 2004 raisins production is expected to increase by 5% from last year because of increased area harvested. Thompson seedless raisins are expected to increase because of more than enough moisture that darkens the sultana grape varieties. Exports to the U.S. are not expected to increase significantly because of a huge demand for dried fruit by the EU. About 90% of the total raisin crop is destined for exports.
SF4043 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 22 2004 | EU-25
 | European Council adopts Organic Action Plan 
Highlight: On October 18, 2004, the European Council unanimously adopted the new EU Action Plan for Organic Farming. The EU agriculture ministers requested the Commission to implement the program without delay.
E34075 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 22 2004 | France
 | Annual 
Highlight: France is the largest European producer of canned and frozen sweet corn, and has a positive trade balance for these products. U.S. products face strong price competition from Hungarian products on the French market, especially since EU enlargement to 25 member states. In MY 2003/04, shipments to France from Hungary more than tripled. In addition, U.S. exports of sweet corn to France have suffered from consumer/retailer mistrust of biotech food products and from the recent implementation of EU Regulations on traceability and labeling of biotech products. Several French importers have stopped buying U.S. sweet corn due to the demands of these new regulations.
FR4050 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 22 2004 | Saudi Arabia
 | Update 
Highlight: Saudi Arabia is a $5.3 billion import market for food and agricultural products, with the U.S. share accounting for 6 percent. While a substantial portion of U.S. exports to Saudi Arabia are bulk and intermediate products, U.S. exports of consumer-oriented food products to the Kingdom reached $121 million in CY 2003. With a young and growing population, Saudi Arabia is expected to continue to be a sizeable market for food products in the years to come. This report provides guidance to U.S. companies that are interested in exporting high value products to Saudi Arabia.
SA4013 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 22 2004 | Thailand
 | Annual 
Highlight: Canned sweet corn and frozen sweet corn production will likely increase further in MY 2004, following continued strong export potential. Also, Thai canned sweet corn exports are catching up to U.S. canned sweet corn exports. Meanwhile, canned baby corn production is forecast to continue to decline due to limited market potential, following strong competition from relatively cheaper products of major competitors, such as China.
TH4116 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | Argentina
 | Annual 
Highlight: Calendar Year (CY) 2005 peach production is forecast at 120,000 Metric Tons (MT) of which 70,000 MT will be processed. Exports are expected to increase due to high international prices and low domestic purchasing power. Despite the lifting of countervailing duties and the lowering of tariffs, imports will continue to fall due to the combined effect of high exchange rates and frozen salaries. Domestic consumption is forecast at the lowest level in the last three years.
AR4051 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | EU-25
 | EU Certification Guide 
Highlight: U.S. exporters of agricultural products need certificates to successfully ship products to European markets. This guide is intended to provide an overview of legally required health certificates. It also refers to private certification initiatives, which are mostly intended to guarantee quality.
E34074 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | Hong Kong
 | Exporter Guide 
Highlight: Hong Kong's economy has gradually walked out of the doldrums since mid-2003. A revived property market, improved employment and robust inbound tourism have stimulated the economy as a whole. As such, Hong Kong, being the 5th largest export market for U.S. consumer-oriented products, provides good prospects for U.S. exporters. During the first half year of 2004, both food retail sales and HRI businesses have improved compared to the same period last year (retail and HRI sales increased 2% and 12% respectively). In 2003, Hong Kong's food retail market was sized at $5.8 billion and HRI at 6.2 billion.
HK4022 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | Japan
 | Report 
Highlight: Japan invited foreign Embassies to comment on establishment of maximum residue limits for an insecticide, tolfenpyrad, and a fungicide, cyazofamid. The deadline for submitting these comments is October 29, 2004. This proposal will be open for comments again when it is submitted to the WTO.
JA4076 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | New Zealand
 | Annual 
Highlight: New Zealand's retail food sector offers U.S. exporters marketing opportunities for a broad spectrum of consumer-ready products. The United States is New Zealand's second largest supplier of processed foods. Total agricultural exports from the United States to New Zealand in calendar year 2003 totaled $157 million, two-thirds consisting of consumer-oriented products. U.S. exports to New Zealand emphasize fresh fruit, processed fruit & vegetables, pet food, snack foods and dairy products.
NZ4018 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

Oct 21 2004 | Spain
 | Annual 
Highlight: Spanish strawberry producers are opting for new varieties in an attempt to remain competitive with producers in the European Union and Northern Africa.
SP4024 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version

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Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004