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Text and Video Retrieval

The NIST TREC Document Databases are distributed for the development and testing of information retrieval systems and related natural language processing research. NIST Digital Video 1 is a public-domain collection of digital video created to encourage more researchers to support the scientific comparison of solutions of digital video search, retrieval, and display.

The codes in the list below have the following meanings:

PC PC product, most available for purchase, some are free
Online Free online system
DG Inclusion in the NIST Data Gateway - a portal providing access to many NIST scientific and technical databases. It is searchable by keyword, property, or substance name.
Product contains data that have undergone rigorous critical evaluation by experienced researchers who recommend best values.

NIST TREC Document Database: Disk 4, PC, DG
NIST TREC Document Database; Disk 5, PC, DG
NIST Digital Video Disk 1, PC, DG

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:43:19
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