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What's New

  • The Safety Vehicle Using Adaptive Interface Technology (SAVE-IT) sub site is now available in the projects section.

  • The Electronic Flight Bags section has been updated with:
    (added 11/17/03)
    • Final Version 2 of EFB human factors considerations document (September 2003)

      Chandra, D., Yeh, M., Riley, V., & Mangold, S.J. (2003). Human factors considerations in the design and evaluation of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs), Version 2. DOT-VNTSC-FAA-03-07. USDOT Volpe Center: Cambridge, MA.
      View Document (PDF, 3.4 MB)

    • Updated links to EFB vendor websites

  • The following conference proceeding is now available in the Publications section and the Electronic Flight Bags sections.
    (added 08/15/03)

    Chandra, Divya C. (in press). A tool for structured evaluation of electronic flight bag usability. To appear in Proceedings of the 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference. 12-16 October 2003, Indianapolis, IN.
    View Document

  • The following report is now available in the Publications section.
    (added 07/22/03)

    Wreathall, J., Roth, E., Bley, D., and Multer, J. Human Reliability Analysis in Support of Risk Assessment for Positive Train Control. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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  • The Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) is available in the Projects section. (added 01/09/03)

  • The Meet Our Staff section has been updated. (added 01/09/03)

  • The following report is now available in the Publications section.
    (added 01/09/03)

    Robert E. Ford, Stephen H. Richards, John C. Hungerford (1998). Evaluation of Retroreflective Markings To Increase Rail Car Conspicuity - Safety of Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings. Report No. DOT-VNTSC-RR897-PM-98-22. Cambridge, MA.: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Projects Administration, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.
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  • The following report is now available in the Publications section.
    (added 01/03/03)

    Multer, J. and Rapoza, A. (1998). Field Evaluation of a Wayside Horn at a Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing. Report No DOT/FRA/ORD-98/04. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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  • The following reports are now available in the Publications section.
    (added 01/02/03)

    Multer, J., Conti, J., and Sheridan, T. (2001) Recognition of Rail Car Retroreflective Marking Patterns for Improving Nighttime Conspicuity. DOT/FRA/ORD-00/07. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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    Multer, J., Rudich, R., and Yearwood, K. (1998). Human Factors Guidelines for Locomotive Cabs. Report No DOT/FRA/ORD-98/03. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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  • The following reports are now available in the Publications section.
    (added 12/18/02)

    Askey, S., Sheridan, T. Human Factors Phase II: Design and Evaluation of Decision Aids for Control of High-Speed Trains: Experiments and Model Safety of High-Speed Ground Transportation Systems. DOT/FRA/ORD-96-09. December, 1996.
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    Pollard, J. K., Katz-Rhoads, L., Mengert, P., DiSario, R., Sussman, E.D. Passenger Acceptance of Alignments with Frequent Curves in Maglev or Other Very-High-Speed Ground Systems. Final Report No. DOT-VNTSC-FRA-96-xx. April, 1996.
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    SOFA Working Group. (1999). Switching Operations Fatality Analysis: Findings and Recommendations of the SOFA Working Group.
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  • The following reports are now available in the Publications section.
    (added 12/11/02)

    Roth, E. M., Malsch, N., and Multer, J.(2001). Understanding How Railroad Dispatchers Manage and Control Trains: Results of a Cognitive Task Analysis. Report No DOT/FRA/ORD-01/02. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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    Carroll, A., Multer, J. McGuire, R. and Markos, S. Safety of Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings: Use of Auxiliary External Alerting Devices to Improve Locomotive Conspicuity. Report No. DOT/FRA/ORD-95/ 1995. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration.
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To view past items, please visit the What's New Archive

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