U.S. Census Bureau

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A list of current Census business opportunities is listed below. For more information, click on the description of the contract. If you have any questions, please contact the contract specialist.

Business Opportunities
Solicitation No. Description Release Date Point of Contact
YA1323-04-RP-0001 Accurate Coordinate Datasets Collection updated 7/29/04 May 18, 2004 Phil Hodges
52-SOBC-4-00014 Acquisition of Telephone Number to Address Matching
for the American Community Survey (ACS)
updated 7/8/04
June 10, 2004 Donald L. Moses
Peter Sefton
52-SOBC-4-00018 Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Device for the 2006 Census Test updated 8/3/04 June 29, 2004 Donald L. Moses
TBA 2010 Decennial Response Integration System (DRIS) updated 10/21/04 2nd QTR FY05 Dijon Ferdinand
TBA Integrated Dissemination System for the U.S. Census Bureau updated 10/6/04 3rd QTR FY06 William Russell

  Market Research Projects

              new Field Data Collection Automation (FDCA) Market Research - Industry Day new
                          updated 10/8/04

  Request for Industry Comments

              new BlackBerry Handheld Device - Draft Statement of Need (SON) - comments due AUGUST 20, 2004 new

  Recently awarded contracts

Subcontracting Opportunites

Points of Contact for subcontracting opportunities on Census contracts

Opportunities for Small Businesses

Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU):

Small Business Administration (SBA):

SBA gif
Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA):

MBDA gif

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Acquisition Division

Last Revised: October 21, 2004

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