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Materials Properties

The NIST Materials Data Program provides evaluated data on phase equilibria, structure and characterization, and performance properties.

Several materials performance property databases are now available, including the online NIST Ceramics WebBook which provides numeric data for physical and structural characteristics, mechanical and thermal properties, and properties of advanced ceramic materials.

The codes in the list below have the following meanings:

PC PC product, most available for purchase, some are free
Online Free online system
DG Inclusion in the NIST Data Gateway - a portal providing access to many NIST scientific and technical databases. It is searchable by keyword, property, or substance name.
Product contains data that have undergone rigorous critical evaluation by experienced researchers who recommend best values.

NIST FASTData Fire Test Database, PC, DG*
NIST Database on Reinforcement Permeability Values, Online, DG*
Phase Equilibria Diagrams Database, PC, DG*
NIST Ceramics WebBook, Online, DG*
NIST Heat Transmission Properties of Insulating and Building Materials, Online, DG

NIST Oxide Glasses Collection, Online
NIST Property Data Summaries for Fracture Toughness, Online
High Temperature Superconducting Materials Database, Online, DG*
Lead-Free Solder Database, Online
Synthetic Polymer Mass Spectrometry Project, Online

Phase Diagrams and Computational Thermodynamics, Online
NIST Property Data Summaries for Advanced Materials, Online, DG*
NIST Structural Ceramics Database, Online, DG*
Polymer Maldi MS Methods Database online, DG *

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Tuesday, 06-Jan-04 14:54:45
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